Government policy using a
competency-based curriculum (CBC) pursuant to Regulation No.. 25 of 2012 on the
authority of the government and the provincial authority as autonomous regions.
Especially in education and culture which states that the central government
including the establishment of standards of competence of learners and learners
as well as implementation guidelines, and standard definitions basic learning
materials in the form of Curriculum Education
Unit (SBC). This provision
authorizes the school to establish srandart competencies for all levels of
education. Standart education competencies consist of standard content,
processes, competence of graduates, staff, facilities and infrastructure,
management, financing and educational assessment should be improved in a
planned and regular. (National Education Act, No. 20 of 2003 article. 35)
Enforcement of laws and regulations relating to the implementation of
educational autonomy requires the efforts of the division of authority in
various areas of government. It carries implications for the organization of
education systems, including the development of curriculum implementation. In
the reform of the ultimate goal is the development of society (whether
institutional, and cultural processes) democracy one of the pillars to build
civil society. Within this context, the way the management of the education
sector needs to be done is based on the mastery of science and technology in
the development of learning. For these efforts in the reform era have 3
conditions and strategic efforts that need attention. 1. Reinforce the vision
and mission 2. Strengthening of life and sectors of the democratic institutions
in order to realize the educational community and elements of civil education
actors 3. Recovery of the learning system to achieve the learning conditions
that have durability, use and mastery of science and technology and high
competitiveness Education per se has existed throughout human civilization.
However civilization of a society in which occurs and lasts an educational
process, this indicates that education is in need by everyone. Understanding
education can be interpreted simply as a human effort to develop his
personality in accordance with the values that exist in a society and culture.
Education is a conscious
effort to prepare students through guidance, instruction, and training for
their role in the future. School education is a formal education, which means
that education held regularly and planning. Therefore, school education has
formal responsibility, both to institutional, scientific and functional.,
Therefore, schools should be able to function as: a). Place develop
intelligence mind and provide knowledge b). Social institution that specializes
in the field of education and c). The implementation of education and teaching
have always evolving nature appropriate to the circumstances. With the
possession of Law Number. 20 of 2003 on National Education system in lieu of
Law No.. 2 in 1989. The replacement of the legal basis of educational reform
mandated by the amendment of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
tahunh 1945 as a response to the development of national and state in the
context of social life in the era of globalization and information and
communication technology today. Law No.. 20 of 2003 on National Education
System provides the legal basis for building the National Education by applying
the principles of democracy, decentralization, autonomy, justice and uphold
human rights. Because of this all walks of life related to education, either
directly or indirectly, either as a drafter, policy making, implementing, and
people should have a good understanding of the purpose of education. This will
ensure success in the field of education. Knowledge and ability to think it can
not be separated, because the ability of thinking can not flourish without the
knowledge and procurement of technology, and the ability to think otherwise
would be able to improve and enrich the knowledge of when where knowledge and
technology are combined, which, of course, faith and piety underlying this the
development of science and technology according to what the expectations of
society in education. So with mature mastery in science and technology,
teachers and students have an obligation to be able to develop in accordance
with the basic premise. So that students can be encouraged to achieve this
goal, a teacher has a very important role. For teachers not only served as a
teacher but also educate. Teachers can develop the knowledge and power to think
by giving various kinds of knowledge, whether reading, concluded, solve, use,
operate, and utilize an existing problem, with work and finish according to the
learning level. So the higher the students' knowledge is growing also in the
learning activities, consequently kemamapuan to think that using the means of
science and technology is increasing. as well as between teachers and students
are able to operate the means of computers in the classroom and in the space
provided, a teacher is able to provide knowledge to the learners so that after
completing their education level can be effective and can menapakan levels are
in line with expectations. Then use the positive impact of technology in the
teaching process, so that a teacher does not clueless (Stuttering Technology),
computer facilities Although it is the smallest part of a technological
development, but the role of the support can accelerate and enhance the concept
of education reform in order to improve the efficiency of learning activities.
In other words, that the supporting role of technology is also coupled with the
presence of SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY (Tehnology Science) that will eventually give
birth to the originator, the originator and creator of the latest technology
and termukhir of the results of the development of science and technology.
Which, of course, a component of faith and taqwa (IMTAQ) was fundamental to the
formation of skilled Basic
Students who study also aims
to develop concepts and acquire skills, good physical skills amupun rokhaniah
skills. Physical skill is a skill that can be seen, observed, so that the
skills of a person's gestures can be seen. While skills Rokhani more difficult
because it is not always visible, or observed. Because skills are abstract
spiritual one. This skill comes to appreciation and creative thinking skills as
well as to complete and develop a problem or concept. Formation of attitudes of
students is determined by several aspects both by teachers, parents and the
community. A teacher can foster mental attitude, behavior and personal protege.
Therefore, a teacher must be able to motivate their students, in order to
develop a proactive attitude and cooperative attitude in the application of the
learning system. This is as it has been implemented by a teacher to students in
the compulsory master of science and technology. So that in the future and has
targeted that teachers are able to speak English teacher, which I certainly do
not rule out the possibility to learn other foreign languages. School Profile
future are all activities that exist in the work environment has been utilizing
technology / computer science and technology. For learning every day in every
classroom has a computer there, between teachers and students in completing the
learning material has been poured into the device so that teachers do not need
to write on the blackboard while explaining, but simply through kumputer the
entire learning activities already contained in it. Gurupun in creating lesson
plans and syllabi or sejenisnyapun not need to be in the handwriting as is usually
done by a teacher in each school year. But the mastery of the technology
(computers) can be contained in these facilities. So that in the event of
certain events when there is activity suvervisi. A teacher who does not make
satpel / renpel / syllabus or the like with a pretext not to carry it, is at
home and not get carried away or cupboard locks, in other words, the teacher
can not demonstrate to the officer suvervisi. So with the ability to master
science and technology activities related to learning activities that already
exist in the computer.
So a Leader (LEADEAR) or
Principal and superintendent of education can already see from the computer,
the teacher who has been working on and which ones have not. Even pengawasab
process that is in direct school does can mengetahuai way / method of learning
is being done by a teacher. Either through the Internet or any other means
which is able to accommodate the development of learning through competency
standard unit pelajarab eye as a reference that can be used and necessary to
monitor the development of the quality of education. Do not let the idea of
turning, when teachers and students no activity in support of education is
emphasized, it is suggested, and given training opportunities related technology
/ computer. However, when there is activity / learning / training in support of
education is precisely the teacher / pupil in the finish did not use technology
tools / Computer and must be written by hand. Eronis Happens Therefore to make
a contribution and role in the preparation of national standards in particular
should include: 1. Standard of competence of learners Which is a measure of the
minimum capabilities include the ability, knowledge, skills and attitudes to be
achieved, it is known, and proficient learner at every level of the material
being taught 2. Basic competence. An elaboration of standards kompetsensi
learners material scope is narrower than the standard competence of learners 4.
Topic Principal subject matter is the subject of a study material which adapat
form field teaching, group content, processes, skills, scientific context of a
subject 5. Indicators of Achievement An indicator of achievement of learning
outcomes in the form kompetnsi The specific base that can be used as benchmarks
to assess the achievement of learning outcomes. Competency standards can be
interpreted as a statement about knowledge., Skills, and attitudes that must be
mastered students and teachers at the expected level of mastery is achieved in
the study of a subject. (Center for Civics Education. 1997: 2) which includes;
a. Standard content (content Standart) and b. Standard performance (performance
Standard) to be controlled by a teacher in determining the tinggkat mastery of
the material in order: 1. perform a task or job, 2. organize so that the work
can be carried out, 3. to respond and react appropriately if there are
irregularities in the a design in the development of materials, 4. carry out
the task and work under certain circumstances in the development of mastery of
a set of technology and science. Which of course does not deviate from the
applicable curriculum. Curriculum development is done with reference to the
national standard of education for mwujudkan national education goals. Because
the curriculum that has been set is a set of plans and arrangements mengenahi
objectives, content, and teaching materials and methods used as guidance in the
implementation of learning activities to achieve specific educational goals
Where Curriculum with education within the framework of the Unitary State of
the Republic of Indonesia with regard: 1. Increasing Iman and Taqwa 2. Improved
noble character 3. Increased potential, intelligence, and interests of learners
4. The diversity of the area and environmental potential 5. The demands of
regional and national development 6. The demands of the world of work 7.
Development of Science, Technology and the Arts 8. Religion 9. The dynamics of
global development 10. Unity and the value of national values
standard of competence
in the education unit also contained their
school's vision and mission of the School. While
the mission includes the vision that
includes a form formula duties, obligations, and
design measures that
made referrals to realize the vision. In other words, the mission is a form
of service to meet the demands showcased
in vision with a variety of indicators such as:
- Implement effective teaching and guidance, so that each student can develop optimally, according to its potential.
- Foster a spirit of excellence intensively to all people in schools
- Encourage and assist, each student to recognize his potential, so as to develop more optimal
- Fosters appreciation of professed religious teachings and culture of the nation,. So it becomes a source of wisdom in the act
- Applying participatory management by involving the whole school community and school committees.
As described
above, that vision is a form of activity which
has the advantage of supporting the
achievement of faith and piety which can be
formulated with the philosophy of
the sentence has
an indicator. :
- Superior in increased scores (gain score achievement - GSA)
- Excelled in various competitions of scientific works teens
- Excel in religious activities
- Excel excel in sports
- Excel excel in the arts
- Have a school environment that is comfortable and kondosif to learn.
- Gaining the trust of Socialyty
As part of the conditions for future
school needs pensosialisasi
national education system, as well as policies
on the development of the education sector
in the school environment
is focused on several strategies in accordance with the policy of the Department of Education, which may
be applied to the field of education
include the following. :
- Equality of educational opportunities
- Improving the quality of education
- Efficiency and effectiveness of education management
- Relevance of education
- Aplycated technology and science
Because education
is a picture of the desired
characteristics and has the
advantage, which is based on faith, piety and culture which
is reflected in the
principles of national education through gesture:
- oriented to the future, for a longer period of time
- Demonstrate confidence future much better, in accordance with the norms and expectations of society
- Reflecting the standard of excellence and future goals to be achieved
- Reflecting the strong impulse will grow inspiration, passion and commitment of the citizens.
- Able to be basic and foster change and development to the school for the better in the basis for the formulation of the mission and goals of the school.
In line with
a very tight competition, improving the
quality of education will be
more competitive and compete where the need
for increased human resources is
increasing in following technological
- There needs to be a concept that leads to quality improvement kepemdidikan qualified personnel and professional in carrying out its duties and functions through education and training both functional and structural maupin skills courses
- Keep in efforts to improve the quality of education as part of improving the quality of human resources.
- There is an effort to improve the quality of service in line with the implementation of regional autonomy, it must be improved organizational performance in accordance with the needs and demands of developments in technology and science
Government policy using a competency-based curriculum (CBC) pursuant to Regulation No.. 25 of 2000 on the authority of the government and the provincial authority as autonomous regions. Especially in education and culture which states that the central government including the establishment of standards of competence of learners and learners as well as implementation guidelines, and standard definitions basic learning materials in the form of Curriculum Education Unit (SBC)
Government policy using a competency-based curriculum (CBC) pursuant to Regulation No.. 25 of 2000 on the authority of the government and the provincial authority as autonomous regions. Especially in education and culture which states that the central government including the establishment of standards of competence of learners and learners as well as implementation guidelines, and standard definitions basic learning materials in the form of Curriculum Education Unit (SBC)
- For these efforts in the reform era have 3 conditions and strategic efforts that need attention.
- Reinforce the vision and mission
- Strengthening of life and sectors of the democratic institutions in order to realize the educational community and elements of civil education actors
- Recovery of the learning system to achieve the learning conditions that have durability, use and mastery of science and technology and high competitiveness
Knowledge and
ability to think it can not be separated, because
the ability of thinking can not flourish without
the knowledge and procurement of technology, and the ability
to think otherwise would be able to improve
and enrich the knowledge
of when where knowledge and technology
are combined, which, of course, faith and piety underlying
this the development of science and technology according to what the expectations of society in education. So with mature mastery
in science and technology, teachers and students
have an obligation to be able to develop in
accordance with the basic premise. So that students
can be encouraged to achieve this goal, a teacher has a
very important role. For teachers not only served
as a teacher but
also educate. Teachers
can develop the knowledge
and power to
think by giving various kinds of
knowledge, whether reading, concluded, solve,
use, operate, and
utilize an existing
problem, with work
and finish according
to the learning level. So the higher the students'
knowledge is growing also in the learning activities, consequently kemamapuan to think that using the means of
science and technology is increasing. as well as between teachers and students are able
to operate the means of computers in the classroom and in the space provided,
a teacher is able to provide knowledge to the learners so that after
completing their education level can be effective
and can menapakan
levels are in
line with expectations. Then use
the positive impact of technology in the teaching process,
so that a teacher does not clueless (Stuttering Technology), computer facilities Although it is the
smallest part of a technological development, but the role of the support
can accelerate and
enhance the concept of education reform in
order to improve the efficiency of
learning activities. In other words, that the supporting role
of technology is also coupled with the
(Tehnology Science) that will eventually give birth to the originator, the originator and creator of the latest technology
and termukhir of
the results of the development of science and technology.
Which, of course, a component of faith and taqwa
(IMTAQ) was fundamental to the formation of skilled Basic. Students who
study also aims
to develop concepts and acquire skills,
good physical skills
amupun rokhaniah skills.
Physical skill is
a skill that can be seen, observed, so
that the skills of a person's gestures can
be seen. While skills Rokhani more difficult because
it is not always visible, or observed. Because
skills are abstract spiritual one. This skill
comes to appreciation and creative thinking
skills as well as to complete
and develop a
problem or concept..
Formation of attitudes of students
is determined by several aspects both by teachers,
parents and the
community. A teacher can foster
mental attitude, behavior
and personal protege.
Therefore, a teacher must be able to motivate their students, in order to develop a
proactive attitude and cooperative attitude in
the application of the learning system.
This is as it has been implemented by a
teacher to students in the
compulsory master of science and
technology. So that in the future
and has targeted
that teachers are
able to speak English teacher,
which I certainly do not rule out the possibility to learn other foreign languages.
School Profile future
are all activities that exist in the
work environment has been utilizing technology /
computer science and technology. For learning
every day in
every classroom has
a computer there, between teachers and
students in completing the learning material has been poured into the device
so that teachers do
not need to write on the blackboard while explaining, but
simply through kumputer the entire learning
activities already contained
in it. Gurupun in
creating lesson plans and syllabi or sejenisnyapun
not need to be in
the handwriting as is usually done by a
teacher in each school year.
But the mastery
of the technology (computers) can be contained in these facilities. So that in the event of certain events when there is
activity suvervisi. A teacher who does not
make satpel /
renpel / syllabus
or the like with
a pretext not to carry it, is at home and not get carried
away or cupboard locks, in other words, the
teacher can not demonstrate to
the officer suvervisi. So with
the ability to master science and
technology activities related to
learning activities that already exist in
the computer. So
a Leader (LEADEAR) or Principal and
superintendent of education can already
see from the computer, the teacher who has been working on and
which ones have not. Even pengawasab process that
is in direct school does can mengetahuai way
/ method of
learning is being done by a teacher. Either through
the Internet or any
other means which is able to accommodate the
development of learning through competency standard unit
pelajarab eye as
a reference that can be used and
necessary to monitor the development of the quality of education.
Do not let the idea of turning, when teachers and
students no activity
in support of education is emphasized,
it is suggested, and given training opportunities related technology / computer.
However, when there
is activity / learning / training
in support of education is precisely
the teacher / pupil in the finish did not
use technology tools / Computer and must be written by
hand. Eronis Happens
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Staf Pengajar SMA Negeri 6 Madiun
Praktisi Pendidikan,
Pengkaji dan Penelaah Karya Tulis Ilmiah/ Makalah Nasional
(Practitioner Education, Assessment and reviewers Scientific Paper / National
Perum Bumi Mas
Block. E / 22 Telp. ( 0351 ) 465713 Madiun
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