Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Fungsi Reformasi Pendidikan - SMAN 6 Madiun

With a commitment to utilize the function of educational services will contribute to improving the quality of quality education

Service function is an attempt to build a resource that can encourage (encourage), motivate and raise awareness (awarness) will be their potential and strive to develop it.
Service function performed as a resource to gradually increase the willingness of the community in the education environment to be more independent in accordance with the choice, and if the potential is probably much higher than that of its potential, because they are required to develop a concept of directed and guided according to kamampuan absorbance.
The development of the concept of empowerment education services function shows that in the process of empowerment in the education sector will show a significant relationship that educational development is multidimensional and many varied educational goals in improving the quality of education. Efforts to achieve a goal to be related to the other. Experts and practitioners in the development of education will be a lot to understand, that improve the quality of education alone is not enough without effort equalization optimal service. Instead, the education ministry still needed, because without education services will occur setback.
In the reform of the education service function in improving the quality of education there are three objectives, namely: 1.Pengelolaan that must be executed in a balanced and integrated, 2. Government Sector (public), 3. Private sector (private) and community. Public sector play a greater role in efforts to create an environment of educational services to improve the quality of education that is conducive through the development of policy guidance, control and regulation of quality education in the society and nation. Private sector more involved in elements of production, revenue and create jobs. The public sector play a greater role in matters related to social interactions / relationships with the community more harmonious education facilities, as well as directly concerning the interests of citizens, among others, security, consumer protection, environmental welfare in improving the quality of education.
Education is part of the national education system, policy development and the development of education and culture is focused on four (4) main indicators in accordance with the policy of the Ministry of Education, among others: -. The implementation of educational opportunities, -Adanya improving the quality of education, -. The existence Efficiency and effectiveness of education management, -. The existence of the relevance of education. Given the fact that there is in the world of education the goal of improving the quality of education through teacher placement only to teach, in fact would bring enormous consequences. because sometimes because they feel apathetic towards the surrounding environment. Even feel not being yourself and eventually do not develop. As a result, the education world as if Stagnant. The students who have an average academic achievement nothing stood out. Those who do well, mostly following additional activities outside by following private tutoring. So half a day at school was not much to give meaning to the learners. And sometimes also a teacher in the teaching and learning activities outside (private lessons) is able to provide performance memadahi (giving stance certain moves and tricks in solving problems, in order to be accepted at the College). Why takala in teaching and learning activities in school a teacher not give results as expected achievement to improve the quality of education. And as a teacher figure only gives a description or explain are not accompanied by the phenomenon of phenomena around him. The teacher finally had enough when the main task is completed. They are reluctant to undertake additional creations in terms of teaching, because they think it is not worth much. Simply come early in the morning, waiting for arrival of teaching hours while drinking tea in the staff room, and quickly hurry home after teaching. As a personal experience, the author encourages students look despite diligent reading, turns the teachers too lazy to go to the library, students are asked to create / conduct research, but the teacher never / do not know how and research procedures. When there is a laboratory school, a teacher just showed all done just to prove what was written in the Student Worksheet (LKS) only. There is no initiative to develop, no new trial, all just aiming to prove that what is in the book is true. Such conditions can not be allowed, the World Education will not go forward, if the teacher is still static mentality. Because it all had to be repaired. The relationship between the Department and the teacher is a functional relationship, not structural. Therefore Office can not arbitrarily persecution against teachers. Although teachers are civil servants (PNS) but he has a role that is very different from most civil servants - other civil servants. Teachers will determine the future of the nation, teachers are responsible for education, the teacher in charge of developing democracy, teachers act provides science and social responsibility and openness
While the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) mengidendtifikasikan there are some characteristics of a good governance system (the characteristics of good system of govermance) which can be as direction and concept as cited by the Institute of State Administration, (200: 7) as follows:
A.     Participation: Every citizen has a voice in decision-making, either directly or through an intermediary unstitusi legitimacy that represent their interests. This participation is built on freedom of association and speak and participate constructively.
B.     Rule of law: The legal framework should be fair and implemented indiscriminately, especially human rights law.
C.     Transparency. Transparency is built on the basis of the free flow of information. Processes, institutions and information are directly amenable to those who need the information must be understood and monitored.
D.     Responsiveness. Institutions and processes, should try to serve all "stakeholders"
E.      Consensus Orientation. Intermediary institutions into the wider interest both in terms of policies and procedures.
F.      Equity. All citizens, both men and women, have the opportunity to improve the quality of education to achieve prosperity.
G.     Effectiveness and afficiancy. Processes and institutions result in accordance with what has been outlined by using the resources available to you
Accountability. Involving decision-makers, the private sector and the public (civil sociaty) is responsible to the public and institutions stakeholders.akuntabilitas depends on the organization and the nature of the decisions made, whether the decision is internal or external to the interests of the organization.
Strategic vision. Leaders and the public should have the perspective to improve service and quality, as well as the wide range of human development and far ahead along the progress of a society. Seeing the condition of an increasingly modern society, this has a profound influence on the social environment becomes less conducive school. All of this required an increase in both disciplines discipline students and teachers in teaching and learning activities as a form of service memadahi to create a school environment that is more conducive and can motivate students to learn. There is support for teachers, students, school committees, community and public education enough, the school may make rules and regulations are good and adequate. Rules are made and agreed that must be adhered to, especially the students and the school community, especially teachers and employees as well as the Principal
With increasing discipline, is expected to improve the effectiveness of teaching hours in accordance with a predetermined time and improve learning climate more conducive to achieve better learning outcomes so as to improve the quality of education as expected.
Furthermore, it can be said, that by providing good service is able to improve the quality of a good education, includes two important elements in the educational demands, namely Accountability and Transparency, which is then formulated into elements such as the following services:
  1. Accountability (Accountability) accountability of the board / organizer and services performed
  2. Transparency (Transparency), can be seen by many parties (stakeholders) on the formulation of government policy, organization or enterprise
  3. Openness (Openness), namely providing information openly to open free suggestion and open to criticism which is participation
  4. The rule of law (rule of law), that every government policy decisions, organizations or entities and others should be based on the law (legal regulations). There should be a guarantee of any policies adopted also in socio-economic transsaction
Systems and public policy that is based on and inspired values of humanity and civilization and modernization of the sublime and held with regard to values and principles of good governance, the governance systems and processes that can be expected to develop / realize in the Republic of Indonesia (Homeland). It is a mandate of the founding fathers of this country and nation are explicitly expressed in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution Amendment oriented service functions realization of educational quality is performed as a correction of the mistakes of the past, which generally stem from a lack of consistency in maintaining and upholding the principle of and the spirit that has been agreed, thus giving birth to an imbalance between the position and the role of education in society towards the provision of education which can renew life. The growing imbalance pedidikan position and role in the community, in part due to the political system so that the culture of political behavior are immersed in the life of a false democracy, which is marked by the death of the opposition, tabunya differences in income, social control is not running, the less meaningful implementation of legislative and oversight functions functional as well as the weakening of law enforcement. Others are caused by the culture and ethics of modern bureaucracy that has not been institutionalized with the imbalance of income and limited technical and managerial capabilities, so as not to allow the development of the service function in the implementation of quality education. All that led to the multi-dimensional crisis in Indonesia suffered until the early 21st century today, as a basis the long struggle in the face of enormous challenges faced by Indonesia in the era of globalization.
From the description above it can be concluded that the attempt to realize the service function in improving the quality of education can only be done if there is a balance (allaigment) roles policies include:
  1. Elements I (state / government) plays a role in running the government in the field of education by creating an environment conducive education and law.
  2. Elements II (private sector / private sector) contributes to creating jobs and income.
  3. Elements III (community / society) contributes to creating iteraksi social, economic and political.
For the improvement of the fate of the perpetrators of education actors need an association of institutional empowerment of each offender education (teacher) and prepare a complementary means that the task of teacher education, among others (syllabus, lesson plans, teaching methods, assessment systems, other targets to be achieved). In realizing the function for me-Reform of Education in improving the quality of education is necessary to:
  1. Capitalize and Empowerment of employees to anticipate government policy in improving the quality of human resources.
  2. Optimizing the utilization of infrastructure to achieve autonomy in the pursuit of accelerated globalization
  3. Capitalize waskat (supervision attached) through the government's commitment to optimize the service function in the face of globalization to pursue education quality ketertigalan
  4. Optimizing the performance of civil servants in the face of regional autonomy
  5. With a variety of educational backgrounds are varied PNS utilize government policy to improve the quality of human resources in order to develop science and technology.
  6. Empowering employees to realize the educational output in order to enter the labor market
To provide focus and strengthen the plan that is able to clarify the relationship between the mission objectives require critical success factors known as factor CSF (Criticall Success factore), which was developed through ideas that are alternatives, including:
  1. decision to create a solid organization through the government's commitment in the field of education
  2. Empowering employees to anticipate government policy in improving HR.
  3. Optimizing the performance of civil servants in the education department in the face of regional autonomy and support in mengahadp globalization globalization
  4. With a variety of educational backgrounds bervariativ civil servants who take advantage of the government's policy to improve the quality of human resources in order to develop IMTEK and IMTAQ
  5.  organizations Department of Education and Professional Organizations in packaging improvements of education in improving the quality of education to meet regional autonomy facing globalization
  6. Availability of quality human resources staff at the Department of Education to contribute to the effective
Of the study is expected to be created, the better development of the society. As well as an improvement which is an indication of "empowering" experienced by the community. So that the optimum services in the education sector, will undoubtedly be able to develop the quality of education that is realized through the performance in accordance with diskripnya.

With the development of human civilization that can enable the development of human resources, which specifically contained in the Education Department seeks to improve the competence of the apparatus through the development and enhancement of Human Resources conducted through the new thinking that is directed towards the realization of the service function in improving the quality of education directed to the effort in order to achieve the objectives in the implementation of the increase in competitiveness that includes:
  1. Organizing Program expertise / skills
  2. Optimize and focus the results of field studies in the UAN 5.5 and 7.0 in the UAS. for teacher educators are able to achieve an average value over a predetermined to be awarded in the form of Reward
  3. Form a class. Special / seed which has an average nilali good for gembleng specifically in outside activities KBM
  4. Hold IB (Intensive Learning) in field of study in the UAN and accompanied UAN and UAS Test test for students of class.
  5. Completing means Learning Media
  6. Improve discipline in teaching activities
  7. Realize and disseminate the vision and mission of the school
  8. Team Work forming a compact, intelligent and dynamic
  9. Familiarize transparency in school management system
  10. Evaluating and continuous improvement of all elements of education
  11. Creating keteladan for educators in order to emulate their student
  12. in grade class held periodically
  13. Conducting educational consulting services for parents and students
  14. Optimizing Library services
  15. Giving awards for students who excel
  16. Improving the quality of education personnel through MGMPs, SEMINARS, COURSES, TRAINING and the like.
  17. Improve Welfare according to the ability of teachers and school employees
  18. Having the Internet network
  19. Procurement of the proposition sports / arts and other activities that interest students
  20. Procurement of Laboratory Science, Social Studies and Language
  21. The addition of R & D to look for the best solosi for improving the quality of education
  22. Establishing cooperation across agencies / institutions to seek appropriate educational format format.
  23. Conducting comparative study with the system leads to changes in the form of teaching
  24. Practitioners bring Competent
    z. Procurement LAN (Line Area Network) or known as One Area


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·         ……………….2001.Gerbang Majalah Pendidikan, Edisi 3 Th. 1
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·         Sinar Grafika, 2000 Undang – undang No. 22 Tahun 1999 Tentang Otonomi Daerah

Staf Pengajar SMA Negeri 6 Madiun
Praktisi Pendidikan, Pengkaji dan Penelaah Karya Tulis Ilmiah/ Makalah Nasional
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