Minggu, 26 April 2015

motivation-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

ome of the principles of motivation that can be used as a reference in teaching and learning activities

Minggu, 19 April 2015

communication and interaction - ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Teaching and learning activities use the medium of instruction is replaced by the term as a tool of view - hearing, teaching materials, communication point of view heard, education props of view, technology education, props, and media descriptors

interesting if students - ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Teaching media is a tool used by teachers when teaching to help clarify the subject matter presented to the students, and prevent the occurrence of verbal on students.

conducted in collaboration - ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

The design of this research is the design of action research. Action research is a small-scale intervention against real-world actions and careful examination of the effect

Characteristics Media Education ADISA - SMAN 6 MADIUN

Teaching and learning activities use the medium of instruction is replaced by the term as a tool of view - hearing, teaching materials, communication point of view heard, education

Introduction This method-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Introduction This method begins by making an agreement on the order of students in social studies, especially on the lessons

Design was used CAR-ADISA SMAN6 MADIUN

This study design was used Classroom Action Research (CAR). PTK chosen in this study because the author wants to improve the quality of learning in particular in terms of achievement motivation and learning outcomes of students

Method of "Mosaic-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Social Sciences (IPS) is subject to study social life based on the study material geography, economics, sociology, anthropology, and history

action research in high school-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Action research (action research) aims to develop skills - new skills or new approaches and ways to solve problems with direct application in the workplace or elsewhere.

essentially Learning-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Learning is essentially an activity that is expecting a change in behavior (behavioral change) in individuals with learning. Change in behavior occurs because the individual businesses.

Kamis, 02 April 2015

Principles, signs and settings based activity-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Principles, signs and settings based activity centers in KB and TPA

types, and the general principles of the approach-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Understanding the benefits, types, and the general principles of the approach centers

children playing in the center of activity-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Circle time activities in KB and Child Care
ircle time activities in KB and Child CareBefore the children playing in the center of activities, children memermlukan footing. This Pijuakan BCCT approach is usually performed in a circle time activities Things that need to be and can be done in a foundation are as follows:a. Reading books berkaiotan by theme or by invited speakers.b. Combining new vocabulary and demonstrate the concept that supports the acquisition of job skills (performance standards).c. Give an idea of ​​how to use the tools and materials that will be used during the play in the center of activity.d. discuss rules and expectations for the experience of playinge. Explaining the playing time seriesf. Managing children for success of social relationsg. Designing and implementing a transition sequence of playTo develop the activities of circle time in group play, a teacher first Determining development, concepts, themes and play activities to be performed by children.1. circle time activities are footing before playing the BCCT approach.2. circle time activities have procedures activity, so that these activities more effectively.3. In developing the circle time activities consist of several components, themes, concepts, age groups, the media and step activity.

anagement of circle time activities for early childhood development

Management of circle time activities for early childhood development

function provides early education-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

imilar ECD Unit (SPS), which organizes educational institutions in addition to kindergarten

Social welfare care-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

TPA (child care center) is a vehicle for social welfare care that serves as a surrogate family for a certain time for children whose parents are absent, can not afford, or do not have time to provide services to their needs. In addition, TPA is also referred to as a vehicle for education and child welfare development that serves as a surrogate family for a certain period of time when their parents are unable or do not have enough time.Stages of implementation of development activities at the landfill include: objectives, legal basis, objectives, grouping children, requirements, environmental, hygiene maintenance, licensing, safety, health, hygiene and nutrition as well as financing.Procedures for implementing development activities at the landfill, among others, include curriculum and evaluation. The process of development activities in the landfill needs to consider several elements consisting of materials, methods, media, evaluation, human resources (educators, managers, and caregiver or nurse), infrastructure, competency outcomes, development and site plan.

Programs and learning activities playgroup-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Programs and learning activities playgroups KB is a set of learning activities that are planned

important reasons to play outdoor-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

There are two important reasons to play outdoor intended for children of early age. First, many children's

model approach in organizing early childhood-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

At this time the center of a trend model approach in organizing early childhood, the following will discuss reasons for the use in early childhood

Environment as an element that provides-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Environment as an element that provides a number of stimuli require attention and need to be created in such a way that provides the objects according to the needs and development of children.

Education for all-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Education for all, including early childhood education has become a worldwide public attention.