Sabtu, 25 April 2015

Describe aspects of geography-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Competency Standard: Understand the concepts, approaches, principles and aspects of geography

Basic Competencies:1.1 Explain the concept of geography1.2 Explaining the geographic approach1.3 Explain the principles of geography1.4 Describe aspects of geography
Learning Outcomes: Learning is applied within the framework of the concept of geography, geography approach, the principle of geographical and descriptive aspect of geography.
1.1 Concepts GeographyIn the 1st century geographical term for the first time introduced by Erastothenes states geography geographica comes from the word meaning writing or depiction of the earth, on the view of the end of the geographers (geographer) agreed that Erastothenes as the foundation stone of knowledge of geography.In the 2nd century Claudius Ptolomaeus say that geography is a presentation via a map of the portion and the entire surface of the earth, which means talking about the geography is more concerned with maps to provide information about the surface of the earth in general, the further codification of Claudius Ptolomaeus map named "Atlas Ptolomaeus" ,Geography increasingly rapid development towards the end of the 16th century, developing a determinist physical flow with the popular figure a geographer Ellsworth Huntington USA is the view that humans as a passive figure so that his life was influenced by the surrounding nature. In the same relative time also appeared in French schools posibilis geografnya famous figure of "Paul Vidal de la Blache," is the famous sumbanganya 're Gen de vie "which views man as being active, which can be cultivated nature to support life.
Here are some definitions that will be complementary and thus is expected to reveal the essence of the problem or the principal study geography.1. Preston E James found "Geography can be expressed as the mother of all mother of all sciences" because many fields of science always start from the state of the earth to switch on her studies, respectively.2. Ullman (1954) in his book entitled "Geography a Spatial Interaction" suggests that geography is the interaction between space3. Maurice Le Lannou (1959) in his book entitled La Geographie Humaine argued that the object of study of geography adaloah human groups and their organizations in the face of the earth.4. Paul Claval (1976) argues that 'Geography always wanted to describe symptoms in terms of spatial relations symptoms.5. Bintarto (1977) figure geography of Indonesia stated that geography is a science which is image, explaining the properties of the Earth, analyzing natural phenomena and population, as well as studying the distinctive pattern of life and trying to find a function earth elements in space and time.6. An other definition is the result of a workshop seminar in Semarang on 19 April 1988 stated that geography is the study of the similarities and differences with the geosphere phenomenon viewpoint in the context of regional and spatial kelingkungan.
What is meant by the geosphere symptoms are natural phenomena associated with the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmospherea. The lithosphere is the earth's crust, including the groundb. Hydrosphere ie inland waters and marine watersc. Namely atmospheric air surrounding the earth
If we look at some definitions / understanding of the geography and history of development, it appeared that the notion of geography has always been progressing, but between the views of these experts seem nothing in common point of view, which kajianya as follows:a. the earth as a place to liveb. the interaction between humans and their environmentc. dimensional space and historical dimensiond. approach, spatial (spatial), ecology (kelingkungan) and regional (territorial)Figure: 1.1 Land Use
Source: Resource Workshop PPPG Geo in Malang in 2006.
In discussing the geography of the region can be defined as broad or narrow a portion of the earth's surface. One region to another have similarities and differences. The study from the standpoint of regional geography will provide clarity on the interactions (mutual relationship) and interdependence (interdependence) between man and nature in the environment.Similarities and differences in the geosphere symptoms studied with a view to regional and spatial context, which is the space where human life. Inside the room there is a relationship of interdependence between humans and the natural environment. Thus it can be seen the extent of the interaction between man and his environment and the level of their lives.
Understanding Test:1. Of the several definitions that have been described, you try to formulate a definition of geography in your opinion.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Sebaiknya Your definition includes the following aspects:- Spatial (spatial) - Regional (regional)- Ecology (kelingkungan) - Temporal (time)2. Try to formulate the ideology and the ideology of possible physical determinism and embodied in his interactions in real conditions in your neighborhood as well as the ideology which is more influential?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.2 Approach Geography
1.2.1 The scope of geography

Geography studies include natural or physical symptoms and symptoms of human (social). Symptoms of physical / natural (physical geography) to study aspects of the physical aspects, such as rocks, minerals, earth relief, weather and climate, water plants and animals, while the geography of social / human (human geography) was studying aspects of social aspects, political, economic and cultural ,Studies and analysis of geography includes the analysis of human and natural phenomenon that includes deployment, interrelation and interaction in space. On the basis of geography can answer the following questions about the phenomenon of geography (4 W 1 H):a. What (what): to answer / know the symptoms of what happened (physical phenomenon or social phenomena)b. Where (where): to find out where these natural phenomena occur (spaces where natural and social phenomenon occurs)c. When (when): to find out when these natural phenomena occur (time of occurrence of an event of natural and social)d. Why (why): to find out why these natural phenomena occur (shows the relation, interrelation, interaction, integration can not be separated from each other)e. How (how): to know how to cope with such natural phenomena (can indicate the quantity and quality of symptoms and interrelation or interaction).Study of geography is very broad space but can be classified into three main points are as follows:a. Location (place): note the spread and human relations at the Earth's surface as well as the use of the earth's surface.b. Spatial relations: anatar studied human relationships with the natural environment, conservation efforts and changes in the form of the earth.c. Regional characteristic feature: Learning region framework region (local area) that is specific or fundamental hallmark.

Picture: 1.2 Life Camel Desert.
Source: Resource Workshop PPPG Geo in Malang in 2006.
In terms of geography approach has a different perspective with other sciences. In solving the problem of geography has three (3) approaches which spatial approach, the approach kelingkungan and complex approach to the region.1. The approach used to determine the spatial distribution of the use of existing space and how the provision of space to be used for a variety of purposes launched. Through this approach a geographer will examine in depth about the existence of a space which becomes the object of his studies.2. Approach kelingkungan used by geography to determine the relationship and linkages between elements that are in a particular environment, both among living things and between living beings and the natural environment. Study the interactions between living organisms and the environment is called ecology. Therefore kelingkungan approach is also called ecological approach3. Approach complex region is a combination of spatial and kelingkungan approach. Interaction between regions will grow because in essence an area that has distinct elements with other regions. Regional differences occur because of differences in anara different elements with each other (spatial analysis). Because of the differences in the interaction between the regions with one another to meet the elements is lacking in every area. An example is the potential difference between the potential of some regions such as food, fruit potential, potential mine, the potential of vegetable etc.

1.2.2 Branch Geography and Science Support Branch GeographyA. Branches of Geography
Geography can be classified into three (3) branches that include:1. Physical Geography (Physical Geography), studied the physical symptoms surface of the Earth, including land, water, air, with all the process.2. Geography Regional (Regional Geography), is a science that describes the human relationship with the environment in a region. Regional geography studying various human spread of the region tertentubaik local, regional and continent3. Human Geography (Human Geography): study the spatial aspects of the symptoms on the surface of the earth with humans as the main object. Included are aspects of population and human activities, namely economic activities, social, political and cultural.Human Geography (Human Geography) subdivided into several branches as follows:a. Geography Population (Population Geography), the object of his study is the spatial aspect of the population that includes deployment, density, sex ratio (the ratio of sexes) and comparison of man with a land area (population density)b. Economic Geography (Economic Geography), the object of his studies V is the spatial structure of human economic activities, including agriculture, industry, trade, transport and communication. Economic geography can be divided into industrial geography, agricultural geography, socio-economic geography, geography of trade, transport and communication geography.c. Political Geography (Political Geography), the object of his study is the spatial aspect of government or state which includes regional and international relations in the state administration or the earth's surface.d. Geography Settlements (Settlemen Geography), the object of her study of residential development in an area on the earth's surface, the shape of the pattern of settlement, geographical factors that influence the development and settlement patterns. Geography is closely se4kali relation to the history and economy of a regione. Social Geography (Social Geography), the object of his study is a typical characteristic of the population, social organization, cultural and social elements in a given space.
B. Supporting Geography Science, as science, geography need the help of other sciences such as:1. Astronomy is a science that was studying celestial objects outside the atmosphere2. Geology is a science that studies rock layers in the earth's crust, changes in deformation of the earth's surface, as well as the historical development of the earth and living creatures that ever lived both inside and on the surface of the earth.3. Geomorphology is the knowledge that was studying forms of the earth's surface that occur because of the strength of the forces at work within or above the earth's surface.4. Meteorology is a science that studies about the weather.5. Climatology is a science that studies the climate6. Geophysics is the science that studies the physical properties of the Earth, such as gravity and magnetic symptoms symptoms.7. Hydrology is the science that studies the groundwater, surface water and deep water / ocean.8. oceanography is the study of marine knowledge.9. Cartography is the science that studies mapping10. Demography is the study of demographic knowledge.11. Anthropology is the study of cultural knowledge12. Sociology is the study of civic knowledge13. Ecology is the science that studies the reciprocal relationship between the living and the environment.14. Biology is the science that studies living beings15. Economics is a science that studies of human endeavor effort to make ends meet.1.2.3 The object of study GeographyThe object of study of geography is the geosphere which includes the lithosphere (rock layers), hydrosphere (water layer), atmosphere (air layer), the biosphere (life) and antroposfer (humans and its relationship with the natural environment). Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere is an element of a physical element that dipelajrio earth in physical geography. Antroposfer especially human behavior in the face of the earth, studied in population geography, economic geography, social geography and political geography.
From the above illustration coverage of the object of study of geography is the object of formal and material objects.1. The formal object of geography is a way of looking at and thinking of the material object. For example, the region is an area on the earth's surface that have distinctive characteristics, therefore, in light of the regional geography and kelingkungan in a spatial context.Formal object of geography is also concerned with ways of solving the problem with the methods or approaches used in assessing a problem covers several aspects such as:a. Studied the spatial aspects of a region in terms of "value" a place of various interests, such as distance, location, affordability and so on.b. Kelingkungan aspect of studying somewhere in connection with a state somewhere and components in an area that consists of components that do not live life tan.c. The territorial aspectd. Aspects of time (temporal)

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