Kamis, 02 April 2015

Social welfare care-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

TPA (child care center) is a vehicle for social welfare care that serves as a surrogate family for a certain time for children whose parents are absent, can not afford, or do not have time to provide services to their needs. In addition, TPA is also referred to as a vehicle for education and child welfare development that serves as a surrogate family for a certain period of time when their parents are unable or do not have enough time.Stages of implementation of development activities at the landfill include: objectives, legal basis, objectives, grouping children, requirements, environmental, hygiene maintenance, licensing, safety, health, hygiene and nutrition as well as financing.Procedures for implementing development activities at the landfill, among others, include curriculum and evaluation. The process of development activities in the landfill needs to consider several elements consisting of materials, methods, media, evaluation, human resources (educators, managers, and caregiver or nurse), infrastructure, competency outcomes, development and site plan.

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