Kamis, 02 April 2015

Environment as an element that provides-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Environment as an element that provides a number of stimuli require attention and need to be created in such a way that provides the objects according to the needs and development of children.

In planning programs appropriate child development, adult or educators should do the following points:1. Provide the following activities are varied and rich equipment that can be selected by the child.2. To offer the children to choose whether they want to participate in a small group or conducting its own (individual)3. Assist and guide the children who do not or have not been able to take advantage of the ease and pleasure of their own choice of activities in the activity session the child's choice.4. Provide opportunities for children to take the initiative and do hands-on activities of their own choosing.Educators need to create and provide a learning environment that supports and facilitates sensory contact with the child's learning environment so that every aspect of a child's development can thrive best. This is done to optimize perkembagan early childhood, particularly children aged three to four years.Environmental factors influence a very large to distinguish the quality of early childhood programs in the institution. Therefore, teachers need to be more careful in planning and organizing classrooms and equipment. Planning and organization of the classroom as well and be careful will provide many benefits, including:1. Make easy work of teachers,2. The days of the child to be more fun,3. Children can complete the task in a more productive and challenged,4. Children will continue to get around from one activity to another without getting bored,5. Atmospheric more learning activities can be anticipated, brilliant, inspiring, amazing, challenging and mesmerizing.The room needs to be prepared, among other things for the baby room and room for small children complete with crockery. The room was prepared with reference to the guidelines of the National Association of Education for the Young Children (NAEYC) in his Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP).There are some guidelines that can be followed relating to the equipment in the room, including:1. Consider Introduce tools and materials,2. Give the children time to Determine Before you take her own group to share,3. Encourage the children to understand that each type of object has a place,4. Help the children to plan what they want to do,5. Leaving the room is open to children,6. General guidelines when evaluating facilities for early childhood, including the shape of the room, how to muffle the sound, the color of the walls, floor, heating or air conditioning, light and ventilation, water and sink, storage space, chairs and tables and shelves. In addition, security is very important factor to be considered in arranging the room for early childhood.Arrangement of the room to facilitate early childhood will also affect the security and the successful implementation of creative activities using equipment to consider several factors, including the age and developmental level of the children, control, flexibility, traffic flow and private space.

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