Minggu, 19 April 2015

action research in high school-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Action research (action research) aims to develop skills - new skills or new approaches and ways to solve problems with direct application in the workplace or elsewhere.

Action research is an assessment of the scope of the problem is not too large that it relates to the behavior of a particular person or group of people in a particular place, accompanied by a careful study to a particular treatment and assess the extent to which the impact of the treatment on the behavior being studied . The assessment was carried out in order to alter, repair, and or improve the quality of that behavior, or eliminate the negative aspects of the behavior that is being analyzed. Research act of an assessment of the practical problems that are situational and contextual, which aimed to determine the appropriate action within the framework of solving the problems encountered or fix something, and generally conducted collaboratively between researchers and subjects studied, through self-assessment procedure.Because action research is a form of study or inquiry through self-reflection undertaken by the participants of educational activities (such as teachers, students and or principals) in social situations, including education to improve the rationality and truth and validity. Therefore, the most suitable approach in action research is a naturalistic approach.Naturalistic approach is a research approach in answering the question, requiring in-depth and comprehensive understanding in the context of the time and situation.Naturalistic approach sees reality as a plural dimension, intact and the unity and open - ended. Therefore, it is impossible compiled a detailed study design and fixed beforehand. The study design evolved during the study.According Sugiyono (1997), naturalistic study process is cyclical, not linear as in quantitative research. Therefore cyclical, the research carried out repeatedly - again. The number of repetition period depends on the depth and the desired accuracy, which ultimately will be more focused research on the actual problem occurred in the object / subject of research.Researchers and interacting object studied, the research process is done from the outside and from the inside with many involving judgment. In doing so, researchers also functions as a research tool which certainly can not disengage completely and the element of subjectivity. In other words, in this study there was no standard research tool that has been prepared beforehand. Naturalistic approach is often also referred to as a qualitative approach, as said by Guba & Wolf bahw qualitative research is often called naturalistic because researchers interested in investigating the events - as events occur naturally. Data collected by people - people who behave in a reasonable, talking, traveling, seeing and so on.A description of the research results are tentative interpretation in the context of a particular time or situation. Truth more research is supported through a trust (trustworhiness) based on the confirmation of the results by party - parties are investigated.B. Attendance ResearchersThe presence of researchers in the field to act as a participant observer, which is classified as active participation means participation or presence in the setting of researchers participating in the activities at the same situation as the observer (observer). This is possible because the class action research researcher than as an observer as well as the Principal directly involved in the learning process in the classroom.The presence of researchers as well as research subjects is determined since the class is used as the setting of the study, which began on January 3, 2015 until February 20, 2015. Data collection was performed twice in one week, according to the schedule Geography lessons are on Mondays and Wednesdays.C. Location ResearchLocation of the study was in high school 6 Madiun, Madiun. Classes are used as background research is a Class X-4 (four) by the number of 38 students, which consisted of 16 male students - male and 22 female students. Subjects were used as the object of research is the subject of Geography Class X-4 SD with the subject Dicipline and Drinking Medicines.D. Sources of DataThe data collected in this study is that the data in accordance with the focus of research, namely the influence of geography subjects of inquiry learning to increase student achievement Class X-4 High School 6 Madiun, Madiun. The type of data in this study can be divided into two primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained in the form of verbal or verbal utterance of the students and teachers of Class X-4 High School 6 Madiun, while secondary data such as documents of students, such as a list of values, report cards and so on.The main data source of this research is the result of a test of the students of Class X-4 schools and other data sources, such as: classroom teachers and others - others.E. Data Collection ProceduresTo get the data - the data that is needed, this study uses the following manner: (1) library research, namely data collection through the library, and (2) field research, which is seeking data from a study (fieldwork). In the data collection used the following procedure:1. InterviewThe interview is a question and answer orally with a view to publication. In this data collection was obtained by conducting interviews direct, open and unstructured, to classroom teachers who teach Grade X-4.2. QuestionnaireThe questionnaire is an investigation into a matter that is generally a lot of public interest (the crowd) by way of listening, a list of questions submitted in writing to a number of subjects to get answers or calendar (response) is fully written.Composed a list of questions posed to the students of Class X-4 High School 6 Madiun Madiun which follows the inquiry learning. Questionnaires were used already provided answers that respondents just choose the answer according to his / her interests on.3. DocumentsDocument means a record - important note written evidence of an incident with this document engineering data required are:a. Data on the circumstances and the number of students of Class X-4 High School 6 Madiun, Madiun, which follow the strategy of inquiry learning. This data can be obtained from classroom teachers who teach in Class X-4.b. Data on student documents Class X-4 High School 6 Madiun Madiun on inquiry learning in the field of Geography. This value can be obtained from documents daily test results in the second semester of the school year 2014/2015.F. Research Plan1. Step - step studyThe steps - steps taken by research in this study are:a. Observation study siteThis stage is the stage of field orientation with the goal of getting to know all the elements of the physical environment and the natural surroundings. According Nasution (1988) is an observation is the basis of all science for in the field, researchers are trying to interact with the subject actively, because observation is selective activity of an active process. Intended to determine the state of the object of study before researchers conducted the study in accordance with the existing reality.b. Location researchThis phase ensures that the SMA 6 Madiun Madiun used as background research with a consideration of available resources studied enough.c. Initial data collectionInitial data collection for the study conducted by researchers focusing problem by conducting direct observation. It is intended, in order to obtain valid and reliable data in accordance with the conditions of the research object. By direct observation, the researchers will obtain court records that can be accounted for. Moleong (1995) mentions that the notes field is the heart of qualitative research. Furthermore Moleong (1995) says that the qualitative research of human position as a major instrument in data collection. The presence of researchers in the field is preferred, because the data collection should be done in a real situation. Further research was conducted with the following cycle:1) In the early stages (pre-cycle), the students are given a few questions (pre-knowledge) associated with geography lessons appropriate to the subject Dicipline and Drinking Medicines Class X-4 semester.2) In the first cycle, the teacher presents a geography lesson with the subject Dicipline and Drinking Medicines without applying the method of inquiry. At the end of the evaluation of teaching and learning is given. Test results are analyzed. In this cycle to determine student achievement at first - first.3) In the second cycle, the teacher presents a geography lesson about Dicipline and Drinking Medicines by applying the method of inquiry, continues an evaluation and analysis of student achievement. In this cycle to see if there is an increase in student achievement, compared with the previous cycle. After the students were given a questionnaire reflection of students associated with the implementation END OF LEARNING inquiry method.4) In the third cycle, the teacher held daily tests consisting of a material reflection geometry and symmetry. The results were analyzed. In this cycle is a cycle of stabilization of the result of teachers implement inquiry learning, is expected to take a conclusion about the impact of the implementation of the method of inquiry on student achievement.

Figure 3.1. Research Procedures2. Cycle ResearchThe amount of research cycle is 3 (three) cycles. The reason to use three cycles are every cycle has its own characteristics. Time spent in the cycle I, II and III are gradually interrelated and inter-cycle to support the acquisition of data. Stages - step is conducted to simultaneously reflect the action that has / have been done, then look for the point - the point of improvement efforts with various techniques and ways to achieve optimal results expected.On the subject of Dicipline and Drinking Medicines indeed there are difficulties for students of Class X-4 was first introduced. Here, the role of teachers is very important to find techniques and methods of teaching so that students easily understand, as well please geography subjects.G. Research InstrumentIn principle, in this study, researchers and classroom teachers who become the main instrument and tried to gather his own observations required (Nasution, 1992).The instrument used to examine is the assessment carried out in accordance with the standards set by the teacher. The shape of the test used is an objective description. Scoring done analytically, ie each step workmanship were scored. Also scoring is hierarchical, according to the steps about workmanship.Assessment criteria for each - each cycle research also functions as signs - signs of reflection, and indicators of student success rate. The criteria are defined as follows:1. Value 86-100 = A (excellent)2. Value 70-85 = B (good)3. Value 60-69 = C (enough)4. Value 50-59 = D (less)5. Value 0-49 = E (less so)H. Analysis of DataData analysis is the process of preparing, categorize the data, looking for patterns or themes, with a view to understanding its meaning (Nasution, 1988). According to Bogdan & Biklen (1992), data analysis is the process of systematically finding and arranging the interview transcripts, field notes and materials - Other materials that have been collected by researchers, to increase understanding of the researchers themselves on the material - material it all and to allow researchers report what were found to party - the other party. According to Bogdan & Biklen job includes working on the data analysis, arrange, divide into the unit - a unit that can be managed, synthesize, looking for a pattern, find what is important and what will researchers report.Analysis according to Patton (1980) is the process of arranging the order of the data, organize them into a pattern category and unit basic description. Data analysis is the process of detailing the formal effort to find a theme and formulate hypotheses in accordance with directions and suggestions on existing data. Miles and Hubermen (1984) said data analysis needs to be performed continuously during the study. Moleong (1995: 103) argues, "Data analysis is the process of organizing and sorting data into patterns, categories and descriptions unit basis, so as to find a theme as suggested by the data." The data analysis technique used in this study is a descriptive analysis. With the intent that the descriptive study was designed to obtain information about the status of the symptoms at the time of the research conducted. After the research data collected then, further data compiled systematically. With organized way, then worked on the data eventually revealed important issues in accordance with the appropriate topic to the problem.The process of data analysis in this study, with steps - steps as follows:1. From the collection of data in the field that began in May 2005 is considered sufficient then all the data is read again - again, later identified and grouped students who have completed and incomplete learning.2. The data are collected and processed by the method of data processing percentage using the formula:
With P = Percentage, F Frequency of answers alternative answers related to the problem stated, and N = total number of respondents.3. The level of mastery students are grouped as follows:90% - 100% = very good80% - 89% = good70% - 79% = sufficient<70% = less4. Each category of data obtained, further described in the research report summarized the findings of the study, then a summary dibahs by comparing the results with existing theories. Researchers also leave a comment - comments even advice - advice on the best attitude determination in the form of problem solving that can be used as a discourse / or directly carried out, if possible of the findings of the case - in the case of X-4 High School Class 6 Madiun, Madiun

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