Kamis, 05 Februari 2015
expected STAD method - Adisa SMAN 6 Madiun
Middle School (SMA) As a means of supporting higher education of children, the improvement of the quality of education needs to get handling that really - sunguh, although it has a lot to do, but then who in reality is still in line with our expectations. This is caused by various factors that are related. One factor is the failure of the child is learning model or models are not enough teachers in teaching and learning in the classroom next to it not a few teachers who do not understand the subject matter taught now no fewer students feel tired and less attention to the lesson.
To solve such a problem learning need to make efforts, among others, by using STAD learning model is expected to motivate the students to add courage in order to improve the quality of learning is fun and can add to the spirit of learning of students in participating in class.
Geography lesson at a secondary school subjects are social, so if teachers are not good lure suitable teaching methods and in accordance with the state of the lesson the students also will not followed properly by the learners so that children at time of replications getting poor grades. Departing from the low results obtained child. This problem arises due to several reasons and the many obstacles encountered in carrying out their duties of teachers in the curriculum that are in demand and evaluation system implemented by the teacher did not consider differences in ability among students in learning and will emphasize in the next task based on observations in the field that the spirit of learning students in the field of study of geography is very low therefore the researchers tried using STAD intrigued students can follow the lessons well because kids think enjoined to participate in the group who will be asked to report the presentation as a result of their group discussions - each in front of the class the next will be in tangapi by a group with other students.
Similarly, research background above title as research material that will be carried on at school in SMAN 6 Madiun, Madiun. Hopefully there are effective and useful for students as well as add courage and will bring the child gets yan good value especially in the field of study Geography lesson.
Based on the background of the problems mentioned above, the problem can be formulated as follows:
1) The atmosphere is not conducive Learning
The low atmosphere that is conducive to low oelh caused teachers seek appropriate methods in melaksnakan classroom teaching and learning tasks so that not a few students are paying less attention to the subject matter in samapaikan by Mr. and Mrs. teacher so there is talk among friends, da that makes chaos there sleepy and so on. Higher up there are students who did not pay attention at all the lessons in the classroom.
To solve the problem of learning our researchers need to make another effort in the form of expected STAD method capable megoptimalkan student learning .in order to increase the overall quality of learning. This is in line with pandanagan Ardhana (1992). That problems in hapai educators in Indonesia today is not only terbatasnnya efforts make learning interesting, but also about how to motivate learning and work educated, because motovasi is variable between the bridge of teaching and academic achievement. In the world of educators difficult dibyangkan daapt feat achieved without adanay motivation. Debdikbud (1992) in the program of work to improve the quality of elementary educators had planned improvement of teaching and learning process to create a climate that makes children feel at home and interested in activities at school, one to increase motivation and learning that is conducive to learning can be done through a learning model of STAD in the development of this model has not been on the mark completely. Although banayak theory has incorporated this system as one of the basic elements to create a conducive learning atmosphere. But there is no theory that is ekspl0sif operational procedures will be credible form of learning. To the researchers tried through STAD will later be able to increase the attention of students in learning activities and students have the belief that I should be able to engage in activities that followed the satisfaction of the study will be undertaken.
2) The research team action, believing that this is the result of students who are less active in the learning process.
The cause of the students who were less active, according to my observation that the teaching and learning activities always: 1). Using lectures, notes, assignments. 2). Rooms: Ventilation less, no fan, 3). Less master meteri 4). Less able to master grade 5). Class location close to the highway.
Of weaknesses - weaknesses mentioned above, the researchers tried to apply the method of discussion with STAD method is applied to the SMA 6 Madiun Madiun Class XII-IS-2 Semester.
The purpose of classroom action research (PTK) the main thing is to increase the learner's and repairs undertaken by Master berkaiatan with improving the quality of education in schools.
In detail, these objectives are as follows:
(1). for Students
- By learning model STAD invites students who are less active can become active.
- With this learning model STAD creatively engage students in the learning process follows the well.
- By using this STAD learning model can add value to the student improve.
- With STAD learning model can increase joint cooperation semakain theme active since satisfied the same sense of responsibility.
(2). For Teachers.
- The teacher is expected to reduce the difficulties in teaching and learning in the classroom with the teacher only as monitoring the course of learning.
- Adding science teachers to improve the performance of educators in teaching and learning in the classroom.
- In accordance with the competency-based curriculum with learning model STAD then apply it once had. because students are active.
(3). For School.
By using STAD learning model is expected to increase student performance is concerned.
- With the implementation of STAD learning model is expected to add to the creativity of teachers and students daalm learning process.
- With the adoption of a model of learning STAD students still lag.
- As input on alternatives that can be used by the teacher of Geography or other areas of study subjects.
(4). for Curriculum
- Learning STAD model is expected to increase student achievement in several areas of study subjects.
- Learning STAD model is expected to add to the way teachers to teach effectively.
- Learning STAD is expected to be developed further in accordance with the conditions of their school - each.
(5). For Khasanah Science
- After the study is expected to be used as materials to reduce deficiencies contained in the classroom that can also be used as a material to solve these difficulties.
D. Benefits Research
Of the objectives that have been formulated above, then the results of this study are expected to be useful include:
i. As input to equip teachers in the learning process method to improve student achievement in the eyes of Geography Field of Study
ii. For information materials for teachers to use teaching methods in improving student worksheet learning achievement in the eyes of Geography Field of Study
E. hypothesis
According Winarno Surakhmat referred hypothesis is as follows:
The hypothesis is the whole conclusion, but this conclusion is not final, still need to be verified. The hypothesis is a conjecture that is considered likely to be true is true when the processed data can be concluded that the hypothesis is true (1982: 68).
Thus it can be said hypothesis is an answer to a temporary or provisional estimates the problems studied. As in this study the hypothesis proposed is "If the STAD method applied in teaching, the Class XII student achievement-IS-2 Semester At SMAN 6 Madiun Madiun Academic Year 2008/2009 will increase.
1. Learning is a change in the personality who claimed to be a new pattern of reaction in the form of skills, attitudes, habits, intelligence or understanding something ". (in Ngalim Purwanto, 1990: 84)
2. Achievement is the ability of students as much as possible of the results achieved "(WJS Poerwodarminto, 1982: 108). According Suhartono, "Learning is a value that indicates a high yield in the study, which is achieved through the ability to do something at some point anyway
3. Learning STAD taught skills - specific skills in order to cooperate in the group, such as being a good listener, briefed a group with good friends, students are given an activity sheet with questions or tasks that are planned to be taught. During the working groups, task group members are achieving mastery (Slavin, 1995).
Aspects - aspects in kemukan in this Reader Review, namely (A). Understanding Learning, (B). Definition of Learning Achievement, (C) Definition of STAD, (D). STAD and (E) Relationship STAD method for learning achievement
A. Understanding Learning
1. Definition of Learning
As the cornerstone of decomposition about what it means to learn, it will first put forward some definitions:
Witherington in Educational Psycology book suggests, that:
"Learning is a change in the personality who claimed to be a new pattern of reaction in the form of skills, attitudes, habits, intelligence or understanding something". (in Ngalim Purwanto, 1990: 84)
According Wasty Soemanto (1990: 99)
"Learning is a process such that the generated or altered behavior through practice, training or experience".
Top of definition can be expressed in the presence of some important elements that characterize on learning, namely:
a) Learning is a change that occurs through training or experience. In the sense of change - change that is caused by the growth or development is not considered as a result of learning, such as changes - changes that happen to a baby.
b) behavior is undergoing changes due to learning related to various aspects of personality, both physically and psychologically, such as: changes in understanding, solving a problem or thinking, skills skills, habits or attitudes.
Learning the basic development process of human life. By studying human conduct individual quality changes, so the behavior evolved. All the activities and achievements of human life is nothing but the result of learning. We live and work according to what has been learned. Learning is not just experience. Learning is a process and not an outcome. Therefore lasted actively and interactively by using various forms of change to achieve a goal. Therefore, teachers must be able to provide a stimulus in order to guide the students for learning activities.
The learning process is different from the process of maturity. Maturity is a process such that the behavior is modified as a result and growth in the development of the structure and function - learning function. Thus not every change in behavior of the individual is the result of learning.
According to the psychological sense, learning is a process of change in behavior as a result of interaction with the environment, to meet the needs of life.
2. Factors - factors that affect learning
In learning a lot of factors - factors that influence it. Of the many factors that affect learning, according Wasty Soemarno (1989) can be classified into three factors:
1) Factor - factor learning stimuli
The meaning of stimuli learned here is everything outside individuals that encourage individuals to hold a reaction or change in learning. Stimuli in this case includes the assignment of material, as well as the atmosphere of the external environment that must be received or learned by the students. Here are a few things related to the factor - factor learning stimuli.
a. The length of lessons
The length of teaching materials related to the materials. The longer the material, the longer is also the time required by students to learn. Material that is too long or too much can cause difficulties for students to learn. Difficulties that students are not alone - the eye because of the length of time to learn, but more related to the factor or factors saturation student weakness in the face or doing a lot of material.
b. Difficulty learning materials
Each - each lesson materials have different levels of difficulty. Level of difficulty learning materials affect the speed of learning. The more difficult the slower the learning materials studied. Materials that are difficult require more intensive learning activities, whereas the simple ingredients affect the intensity of one's learning.
c. Weighing learning materials
Learning requires capital experience gained from the previous study. It can be a capital experience language mastery, knowledge and principles. Capital experience that determines the significance of materials studied at the present time. Materials that means is that the material can be recognized. Materials which means allowing students to learn, because students can recognize. Materials without meaning difficult recognizable due to no attention to the students the material.
d. Severity of duty
Tell The severity of the task, it is closely related to the level of student ability. The same task the difficulty is different for each - each student. This is because the intellectual capacity as well as their experiences are not the same. Perhaps too, the severity of duty in connection with the age of the students. This means that the maturity of the individual come to be heavy or light indicator Over tasks for the student concerned. It can be proved that the task - a task that is too light or easy would reduce the challenge of learning, while the task - a task that is too heavy or difficult to create a deterrent for students to learn.
e. Atmosphere external environment
The ambiance of the external environment involves many aspects, among others: the weather, time, conditions, places, lighting and so on. Factors - these factors affect students' attitudes and interactions in learning activities, for students who are learning is interaction with the environment.
2) Factor - factor learning method
Factors learning methods in this regard - as follows:
a. Practice and practice activities
Practice can be given in the marathon (non stop) or distribution (with interludes breaks). Exercises are given in marathon can be tiring and boring, while guaranteeing the maintenance of distributed exercise stamina and excitement of learning. Hour lessons are less effective too long, the shorter the time distribution for more effective training exercises. Exercise takes a break being, the length depending on the task or skill that is learned or the length of time the implementation of all activities.
b. Recitation during learning
The combination of the length of the recitation (transfer of learning) is very useful to improve the reading skills and to memorize without notice reading. If after mastering a part may proceed to the next section. Recitation is very suitable to be applied in learning to read or memorize.
c. The introduction of learning outcomes
In the learning process, often neglect of the development of learning outcomes for the study. The results of the research of psychologists shows that the introduction of one of the results or progress of learning is important, because by knowing someone who has been achieved will be trying to improve learning outcomes later.
d. Guidance in learning
Guidance that too much is given by a teacher or other person tends to make students dependent.
Guidance can be given within the required limits students. The most important thing that is necessary to provide orking on individual skills. So he or she can perform a given task with little help from others.
3) factors - individual factors
Unless factor stimulation and learning methods, individual factors have a great effect on student learning. The factors that concerns the case - as follows:
a. maturity
Diapai individual maturity of the process of psychological growth. Maturity occurs as a result of quantitative changes in the structure coupled with quantitative changes in these structures. Maturity gives conditions on physiological functions including nervous system and the brain develops.
b. interest
"The interest is a fixed tendency to pay attention and holds several events that are of interest someone. Look continue - constantly accompanied by a sense of fun "(Slameto, 1988: 57).
Great interest influence on learning achievement, because if the material is not desirable student learning - the student will be lazy in learning. If there are students who are less interested in the study leave or it can be assured that he would have a greater interest in explaining things - things interesting.
c. talent
Talent is the ability to learn because it has the ability to be realized into real skills after studying and practicing (Slameto, 1988: 59).
Talent was also affect student achievement if teaching materials in accordance with the talents of students, results, lessons will be better because he'd be happy to the subject matter, then they will be more active, therefore it is important to know the talent of the students, and put students in the school in accordance with his talent.
d. readiness
Readiness was incurred and the students themselves and also associated with physical and mental readiness and students concerned. With already unprepared to accept the lesson, the lesson will be better results, it is different if not yet ready to accept the lesson. Achievement generated will be lower. Thus the readiness factors also affect student achievement.
e. Chronological age factor
Increase in age is always accompanied by a process of growth and development. The older children also increase the maturity of a variety of physiological functions. Older children stronger, more patient, more able to carry out tasks - tasks heavier, more capable of directing energy and attention in a longer time, more have motor coordination work habits and better memory and learning ability levels of students.
f. Factors sex differences
Until now there has been no evidence corroborating the existence of differences in skills, attitudes, interests, temperament, talent and patterns - patterns of behavior as a result of the difference between the sexes. For example in academic achievement, we can see a lot of girls who showed a better performance is not inferior to the achievement of boys - men. This shows that no significant difference between boys - men and women in terms of intelligence.
g. previous experience
Experience gained influence individual learning is concerned, especially in the case of transfer of learning.
h. Physical health condition
Students are learning requires a healthy condition. Students who are physically ill from the disease - specific diseases and weaknesses will not be able to learn effectively. Disability - physical disabilities also interfere with learning.
i. Spiritual health condition
Disruption to disability - mental disability on a person's very disturbing to learn the person concerned.
j. motivation
Motivation-related needs, motives and goals, greatly affect the activities and learning outcomes. Motivation is very important for the learning process as motivation moving organism, direct action and choose the perceived importance of learning goals for students.
B. Definition of Learning Achievement
To know the results of student achievement, the authors provide an understanding of learning. In general dictionary Geography by W.J.S. Poerwodarminto called that: "Performance is the ability of students as much as possible of the results achieved" (WJS Poerwodarminto, 1982: 108). According Suhartono, "Learning is a value that indicates a high yield in the study, which is achieved through the ability to do something at some point anyway."
From this it can be concluded that student achievement is realizing the value of learning outcomes that demonstrate the ability to work at a given time in an educational institution. So the understanding of the learning achievement in Upper and teaching events that lead to the goal, then to determine whether the teaching and learning activities will be successful or has reached the goal, what is needed is the value. Rate it necessary to know the results of our educational efforts toward students, the result is what we call student achievement.
C. Definition of STAD
Constructivist approach to teaching STAD extensively apply, On the basis of the theory that students can easily find and understand the concept - a concept that is difficult if they are able to discuss the concept - the concept with his friend (Slavin, 1995).
According to Thomson, et al (1995), STAD also adds the element - the element of social interaction in learning Geography. In the STAD students learn together in groups - small groups to help each other. Classes are arranged in groups of 4 or 5 students, with heterogeneous capabilities. Intent is a heterogeneous group composed of students of mixed ability, gender and ethnicity (Thomson, 1995). It is beneficial to train students to accept differences of opinion and to work with friends of diverse backgrounds. In STAD taught skills - specific skills in order to cooperate in the group, such as being a good listener, briefed a group with good friends, students are given an activity sheet with questions or tasks that are planned to be taught. During the working groups, task group members are achieving mastery (Slavin, 1995).
It should be emphasized to the students that they may not end the discussion before they are sure that all team members complete the entire task. Students are asked to explain the answer in the student worksheet (LKS). If a student has a question, a friend of the group was asked to explain, before asking the answer to the teacher. By the time the students are working in groups, teachers around among members of the group, giving praise and observe how the group works. STAD can make students menverbalisasi ideas and can encourage the emergence of reflection that leads to the concept - the concept of active (Thomson et al. 1995).
In time, the student is given an evaluation with sufficient time to complete the test are given. Arranged so that students do not cooperate during the follow evaluation, at this point they have to show what they learned as an individual.
a). Step - Lesson STAD
There are 6 main phases or steps in STAD (Arends, 1997: 113). Learning begins with the teacher delivering the learning objectives and student motivation to learn. This phase is followed by the students with the presentation of information, often in the form of text is not verbal. Furthermore, students are grouped into teams - team learning. This stage followed the guidance of the teacher when students collaborate to accomplish their tasks. The last phase of STAD that the presentation of the final results of the working group, and test what they have learned, as well as rewarding the effort - group and individual business. The sixth phase of STAD summarized in Table 1 below.
table 1
Step - Lesson STAD
Phase Steps taken Teacher
Phase 1:
Delivering the purpose and motivation of students
Teachers convey all learning objectives to be achieved in these subjects and motivate students to learn.
Phase 2:
presenting information
The teacher presents information to students with street demonstrations or through the reading material.
Phase 3:
Organize students into groups to learn
The teacher explains to students how to form study groups and help each group in order to make the transition efficiently.
Phase 4:
Group work and study guide
Teachers guide study groups when they do their work.
Phase 5:
Teachers evaluate learning outcomes of the material that has been learned or each group presented their work.
Phase 6:
Teachers looking for ways to appreciate both the effort and the learning outcomes of individuals and groups.
(Arends, 1997)
b). Skills - Learning skills in STAD
In STAD not only learn the material, but students also have to learn a special skill called STAD skills. STAD skill serves to smooth working relationship and duties. The role of the employment relationship can be established by dividing the task group members during activities.
Skills - STAD skills include the following (Lundgren, 1994).
1. Initial Level Skills
(a) Use Agreement
What is meant by using the agreement is to equate opinion useful to improve the work in the group.
(b) Appreciating the contribution
Appreciate means notice or know what can be said or done by others. This means that should always agree with other members, can be criticized given that shown against the idea and not the individual.
(c) Taking a turn and a variety of tasks
This notion implies that each member of the group is willing to replace and willing to carry out specific tasks within the group.
(d) Being in a group
The intent here is any regular member of the working group during the activity.
(e) Being in the task
This means that it was his duty to continue the task, so that activities can be completed in the time required.
(f) To encourage participation
Encourage participation means to encourage all members of the group to contribute to group assignment.
(g) Invite others
(h) Complete the tasks in time
(i) Respect for individual differences
2. Skills Intermediate
Intermediate level skills include showing appreciation and sympathy, expressing disagreement with acceptable manner, active listening, asking questions, making summaries, interpret, manage and organize, and reduce tension.
3. Skill Level Advanced
Advanced level skills include elaborate, check carefully, ask for the truth, set goals, and compromise.
D. Learning STAD
Learning environment for STAD characterized by processes and active role in determining what students should learn and how to learn it. Teachers establish a high-level structure in the formation of groups and define all procedures, but the students are given the freedom to control from time to time in the group. So that lessons with STAD want to be successful, a complete subject matter should be available in the teacher's room or in the library or in the media center. The success also want to keep the terms of the traditional error associated with the working group in the liver - liver manage student behavior.
1. Implementation of Openness STAD (Student Teams Achievemnet Divisions) in Geography Education
STAD system implementation can be expressed with one example of the application of the system of STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) by Slavin (1994) as follows:
a. teach
Time: 2 hours lesson
Basic idea: Provide subject matter
Material: In accordance with the purpose of learning in particular (TPK) subjects Geography Class XII-IS-2 Semester.
Each lesson begins with a presentation in STAD classes conducted by teachers, which covers the opening of the components, the development and implementation guidelines of learning materials.
b. Discussion Group
Time: 1 hour lesson
Basic idea: Provide subject matter
Material: According to the learning objectives in particular (TPK) subjects Geography Class XII-IS-2 Semester.
Group Formation: Before working group started, teachers form the group consisting of 4-6 students, on the basis of differences in achievement of high, medium, and the lack of sex differences.
During the performance of the study group, the task of each member of the group is to master the material provided in the lesson and help other members to master the subject matter. The students were given worksheets and answer sheets used for the task group. Only two copies of worksheets and answer sheets are given to each group, this will encourage these groups to work together, but if there are some students who would like to have a copy of itself, can be made more copies to give to them.
On the first day of group work in STAD, the teacher should explain to the students about what the group work. More specifically, before the start of the working group needs to be addressed following the rules of this group and can be written on a blackboard or bulletin board:
a. Students have the responsibility to ensure that members of his group have studied the material provided.
b. None were allowed to stop until all group members have mastered the material.
c. Tanyakanatau ask for help on all members of the group before asking the teacher
d. The group members can talk to each other in low voices.
c. test
Time: 2 hours lesson
Basic idea: Individual Tests
Material: Tests relating to material that has been discussed within the group that is the material of Geography Class XII-IS-2 Semester.
The teacher divides the tests and provide enough time for students to complete. Do not allow the students to work together in taking the test; at this stage the student must demonstrate what they have learned individually. If the command that enables students to separate their table. Be sure to assign a value to the test at the next meeting.
d. Group Award
Basic idea: Determining the value of the increase in individual and group values and rewards group
e. Determine niali Individuals and Groups
Having carried out the test, determined the value of the increase in individual and group and give awards to groups that have a high value. If possible, generally value group obtained in the period after the implementation of the test. This was to make the relationship between the results of the implementation of a good job with the award of the students, so that will increase their motivation to do their best.
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