Senin, 02 Februari 2015
Definisi PTK - Adisa SMAN 6 Madiun
A. Definition of Classroom Action Research
Action Research (Action Research) is an approach that is more reliable and necessary and in order to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, especially in improving the quality, relevance and efficiency of education management. This occurs because action research in many educational contexts examine interactions (learning - teaching) that occurs in the classroom at school - school.
Repair process of learning - teaching in the classroom and school management is seen as a center pedestal improving the quality of student learning outcomes and efficiency of education. As stated by Hammersley (1986), if we intend to understand the workings of the school and want to change or improve peranannyaa, it is very important to understand is what happens in the classroom. Most of the real form of educational activities in schools can be observed in the classroom.
While research actions (Action Research) has a broader scope, because not only examine and take action within the scope of the class, but may include one school can even several schools. Here is a cycle or groove in the classroom action research.
There are various opinions about the definition of action research, among others, according to Kurt Lewin (in Sukarnyana, 2000: 5) Action Research is a series of steps (a spiral of steps) which consists of four stages of planning, action, observation and reflection. While Kemmis and Mc. Taggart suggested action research is a form of collective self-inquiry undertaken by participants in social situations to improve the rationality and justice of social or educational practices that they do, and enhance their understanding of the practice and the situation in which the practice was implemented. From the definition above, there are two important principles in action research, namely:
1. The existence of the participation of actors in the implementation of the program (participatory) and
2. The goal to improve the way carry out a program of activities and enhance the quality of the results of an activity.
Based on these definitions, the definition of a Class Action Research (CAR) is a systematic study of classroom practice with the aim to improve and enhance the quality of teaching and student learning outcomes by performing certain actions. On the basis of the above definition of PTK are three characteristic PTK:
1. PTK implemented by teachers as educators and teachers, if there is a problem in the classroom, teachers are required to try to recreate the problem can be solved or reduced by taking action.
2. PTK implemented on the basis of the true problem - really faced by teachers.
3. PTK always be the actions taken by teachers to enhance the implementation of the learning process.
B. Importance of Classroom Action Research
The reason held PTK is:
1. By implementing TOD means teachers have applied reflective teaching (teaching reflectif), meaning that teachers consciously, in a planned and systematic reflection (reflection) of the learning activities that have been implemented and enhance the learning activities that have been carried out.
2. By implementing TOD, teachers can immediately think of a way to cope with her problems when implementing the learning process.
3. Implementation of the TOD allows teachers to conduct research on learning activity without having to leave the main activity as a teacher.
4. Implementation of PTK can bridge the gap between general theory specific, objective and practical.
C. Characteristics of Classroom Action Research
PTK characteristics that distinguish it from other studies are as follows:
1. TOD is a small-scale interventions carried out by teachers in an effort to enhance the implementation of the learning process.
2. PTK implemented in order to improve or enhance the quality of the learning process itself with the assumption that the better the quality of the learning process will better the learning outcomes achieved by students.
3. PTK implemented on the basis of the true problem - really faced by teachers in organizing learning activities in the classroom.
4. PTK done by teachers as practitioners or educators and teachers rather than as an expert researcher.
5. PTK implemented through a series of steps that are spiral (a spiral of steps), which is a cycle of activities starting from planning (planning), action (action), systematic observation of the implementation and results of action taken (observation), reflection (reflection), and then repeated with the next action plan, and so on.
D. Methodology PTK
PTK methodology refers to the procedures and taken in implementing PTK. The steps - general steps PTK are as follows:
1. Identify the problem
Identification of the problem concerns the
1) The problem to be solved.
2) The way in which to solve the problem, and
3) The reason of the importance of the implementation of the PTK. Problems arise when there is a gap between expectations and reality.
2. Analyze the problem
Problem analysis is performed to determine the dimensions of the problem that can be solved through the implementation of TOD and can find the right focus.
3. Formulating the research problem
Formulation of the problem is an attempt to express explicitly the question - any question that want to be answered through research. This activity is very important because with clearly determined the problem, the researcher will be able to uncover some of the main factors that allow researchers to seek and find alternative solutions and fundamental right.
4. Formulate hypotheses action
The hypothesis in this case is any reason to suspect or temporary answer to the problem to be solved in the form of a conclusion - the theoretical conclusions derived from the study of literature.
5. Establish the study design
PTK draft will depend on the purpose of the study, the nature of the problem that worked. Characteristic classes studied, and the model selected action. There are several models of PTK, but the similarity model of the design lies in the groove TOD implementation action taken.
Class Action Research Spiral (adaptation of Hopkins, 1993, p. 4)
a. Action Planning
Compiled by problems and hypotheses are tested empirically measures so that the changes are expected to identify aspects and results of the CBC at the same time reveal the factors supporting and inhibiting the implementation of the action.
b. implementation measures
PTK is based on theoretical and empirical considerations for the results obtained in the form of improved performance and results of the optimal program. Implementing PTK is the class teacher in question, but can also collaborate with other parties.
c. observation
Observations in PTK is in the form of data collection activities change process of learning performance.
d. reflection
Reflection (reflection) is an activity analysis - analysis, interpretation and explanation (explanation) of the information obtained from the implementation of the action.
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