Minggu, 19 April 2015
Introduction This method-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN
Introduction This method begins by making an agreement on the order of students in social studies, especially on the lessons
taught by the author:1) Giving students the freedom to choose where to sit as desired.2) Provide opportunities for students to enjoy the sweets at the time of execution Student Worksheet.3) Giving students the freedom to personally ask the teacher about anything that has not been understood.4) Provide opportunities for students to compete to obtain the best results.5) Provide opportunities for students to choose the right time to do the evaluation.The initial step is shown to provide a positive impact on the students' learning social studies. With this learning process of students feel more enjoy in learning and sense of freedom in learning. "It's good, huh?" Said some of the children in this class.Students, answering 40 questions on worksheets with searching and finding themselves in Books and Book Package Digest and media that made the teacher. Teachers also give the individual the opportunity to ask everything yet difahaminya. Some questions that can not be found in textbooks teacher described the classical answer. Medium other questions that are individually addressed individually anyway.Some things that are recorded in this first meeting, among others:a) When the learners are not evenly distributed.b) Less meticulous students in writing answers in accordance with available resources.Student achievement motivation began to emerge, because the students feel there is the ease of the task, because almost all about the answer can be found in books and media sources. Those with busy trying to seek and find their own answers LKS her.The following student activity data that shows students' motivation in the first cycle when students are working on worksheets:Table 2 Achievement Motivation at Work LKS Cycle INo Indicator NumberStudents Percent1 Dislike Throw Time 20 71%2 schedule has a very high 18 64%3 Working on time 21 75%4 Working as possible 21 75%5 Passionate Learning 21 75%On average 20.2 72%From the above data it can be concluded that in this cycle students' motivation has not met expectations (still below 75%).At a later stage the teacher invites students to discuss the results of worksheets by giving freedom to the students to write the answers on the board.Furthermore, the joint consideration of the answers that have been written on the board based on their textbooks.Students who answer incorrectly or less perfect to be perfect answer. This meant that the next activity is not experiencing errors. If not corrected, this error brought on follow-up activities.The following student activity data show student achievement motivation in the first cycle during the discussion of LKS.Table 3 Achievement Motivation at Work LKS Cycle INo Indicator NumberStudents Percent1 Dislike Throw Time 21 75%2 schedule has a very high 22 78%3 Working on time 22 78%4 Working as possible 22 78%5 Passionate Learning 22 78%On average 21.8 77.4%From these data it can be concluded that student achievement motivation is quite good, reaching an average of 77.4%.Of 39 correct answers categorized there are 2 answers that need to be enhanced in the form of kekurangsempurnaan writing.At the end of this stage, the teacher gives an assessment of their work. It is intended to further motivate the students that the more perfect and thorough answer will be awarded (value) better.Before the teacher gives a quiz, the teacher gives the student the opportunity to memorize the answers that have been held in LKS by way of question and answer group for 10 minutes. In this activity students look utilize the time to obtain the best result that can be entered into a participant quiz.The following student activity data that shows students' motivation in the first cycle during the group discussion:Tabe1 4 Achievement Motivation on Discussion Cycle INo Indicator NumberStudents Percent1 Dislike Throw Time 18 64%2 schedule has a very high 22 78%3 Working on time 28 100%4 Working as possible 18 64%5 Passionate Learning 24 86%On average 20 78.4%From the above data it can be concluded that the achievement motivation in participating in the discussion / question and answer is quite good, reaching an average of 78.4%.Quiz done quickly right, ie who first pressed the bell is entitled to answer the questions. The time given is 15 minutes. At the time of the quiz, the other students were given the task to listen carefully.Completed quiz held that the material is written replications of all the material that has been studied students (40 questions). The time available to work on the problems was 20 minutes.At the time of the evaluation work seen the motivation of students to excel at work as well as possible.Table 5 Achievement Motivation on Formative Evaluation Cycle INo Indicator NumberStudents Percent1 Dislike Throw Time 22 78%2 schedule has a very high 24 85%3 Working on time 22 78%4 Working as possible 22 78%5 Passionate Learning 22 78%On average 20.4 79.4%The above data clearly show that the students' motivation in this evaluation is quite good (average of more than 79.4%).At the end of the activity, the teacher and the student gives some conclusions activities and provide an assessment of the student's activity during the event as well as provide guidelines for further improvement activities. Teachers also requires that students learn the material that will be discussed at the next meeting (LKS No. 41-80).4.1.2 Student ResultsBased on the results of daily tests that have been carried out, showing that there has been no improvement of learning outcomes rather than meeting prior to the implementation of this study, although the increase is not significant.Some students are already showing excellent results, but still there are some students whose value is still low (less than 6.00). In detail can be seen in Table 6 below.Table 6 Results of Evaluation Learning Cycle INUMBER NAME Deuteronomy Daily / FormativeUrt Parent 1 2 3 Average1 2914 Maya Vilna Oktabrianty 652 2940 R. Anjas Kumoro Yekti 723 2962 Andhika Yudishtira Kusuma 1004 2964 Good Widianto 925 Dinda 2967 Aprilia 926 2968 Dio Denta Widya Men 907 Primary Gilang 2976 1008 2979 Nyoman Adi Rama Candhra 969 2980 Okky Tnatmoko 10010 2981 Ongky Ansharullah 8211 2984 Rizka Rachmasaridewi Chol 9212 2985 Rizky Lutfiansyah 10013 2988 Sofia Yusti Pramudita 9214 2992 Andreas Pramod 6815 Bimantara Descaesar 2993 W. 9216 2996 Depit Memet Herman 1217 2997 Dessy Rochmatussa Diah 10018 2998 Dion Isharif 3219 2999 Donna Priska Aprilia 10020 3002 E; hoirun Enisa Maharina 7621 3003 Nabil Rahmadi 963008 22 90 Ramadhian Ansari23 3012 Rizky Amalya Sari 8224 3015 Tasyah Istitika Utari 8825 3016 Wanda Princess Sari 9226 3154 Mochamman Krishna Adita 5627 3217 Meita Wulan Sari 10028 3218 Ratna Kristiawati 78TOTAL 2335An average of 83.4From the results of a formative evaluation with an average value reached 83.4% can be concluded that the teaching method of "Mosaic" is to improve learning outcomes IPS. However, still need improvement to some students.Recommendation 4.1.3 First CycleAlthough in this first cycle of both the process and the results show good results, but some notes improvements still need to be done, among others, as follows:1) The rules need to be refined study include: a) the need for time restrictions on the go LKS, b) the accuracy of the student in writing the answers, and c) the completeness of answers.2) At the time of discussion Worksheet: a) the teacher should write about nomor¬-numbers that will be filled by students in a row on the board, then pointed to the students to fill out, so that the order is sought and the situation on board more regularly c) exchange LKS book for cross-examination.3) At the time of discussion: students should have a seat adjacent to the members of the group to accelerate assembled group;4) At the time of selection tools quiz there needs to be a written test, to speed up the process4.2 Research Cycle IIBy looking at the results on the First Cycle, the author has made improvements in the second cycle with the following results.4.2.1 Student Achievement MotivationAt the opening of the lesson, the teacher gives the redirection of the enhanced procedures learned from the first cycle, include:a) The teacher gives the students fill out a time limit on answers and memorize the answers. This meant that the target time at the meeting can be achieved.b) The teacher asked that students improve their accuracy in writing and workmanship problems.Some students leave a comment "wow really bad" because it was reduced freedom. Authors have suggested previously that this will happen, but by giving the provision / improvement will be able to also measure the extent of the increase / decrease in academic achievement.From the student's motivation is more excited than the first few cycles rna ..High motivation can be seen from the results of the work LKS by finding itself in textbooks and an increase in the value / truth do the problems.LKS pengerjaaan given time for 30 minutes to do 40 questions. Of the 28 students there are four students who have not completed the matter. And interviews with the student's author, one of them had read at home but after arriving at school forgotten, others because they have not learned.Students in the execution speed of LKS is supported by the knowledge of students who have (experience cycle 1), so that not all questions should be sought in textbooks. Matter what they already know the answer directly done without seeing the book. Students are just looking for answers from the book to the questions that forgot the answer.The following student activity data that shows students' motivation in the second cycle when students are working on worksheets:Table 7 Achievement Motivation at Work LKS Cycle IINo Indicator NumberStudents Percent1 Dislike Throw Time 22 78%2 schedule has a very high 24 86%3 Working on time 24 86%4 Working as possible 24 86%5 Passionate Learning 24 86%On average 21.6 84.4%From the above data it can be seen that in the second cycle is an increase in motivation when working on worksheets. In the first cycle of achievement motivation on average around 72%, while the second cycle reached 84.4%.During the discussion of worksheets in the second cycle is the teacher / writer no longer give freedom to the students to answer the questions on the board, but the teacher limit by writing numbers will be answered and pointed to rows of students that must be answered. In this way the work on the board more organized.In addition, teachers also limit the number of students who worked on the board so that no more than 2 people. In this way can be obtained efficiency and regularity of work time on the board and the discussion quickly implemented. And note the authors, from the time allowed for 20 minutes it turns out that students can solve the problems and as a result there is an increase compared to the results in the first cycle.The following student activity data show student achievement motivation in the second cycle when students discuss LKS:Table 8 Achievement Motivation on LKS Discussion Cycle IINo Indicator NumberStudents Percent1 Dislike Throw Time 26 92%2 schedule has a very high 26 92%3 Working on time 26 92%4 Working as possible 26 92%5 Passionate Learning 26 92%An average of 26 92%The above data shows that during the second cycle of learning motivation remains high and has increased. In the first cycle of achievement motivation in achieving 77.4% LKS discussion and in the second cycle is increased to 92%.In this second cycle students are given 10 minutes to memorize the answers worksheets for 10 minutes by means of discussion groups to prepare for admission to the selection quiz.The spirit of the students in a discussion is quite high because of the motivation maintain victory in the first cycle and want to win in this cycle for a group that has not been won.The following student activity data that shows students' motivation in the second cycle students during the discussion.Table 9 Achievement Motivation on Discussion Cycle IINo Indicator NumberStudents Percent1 Dislike Throw Time 23 82%2 schedule has a very high 24 85%3 Working on time 25 89%4 Working as possible 24 85%5 Passionate Learning 24 85%Average 24 85%From the above data it can be concluded that the participation of students in conducting the discussion is quite high, reaching 85% (increase compared to the first cycle of 78.4%).Selection quiz on the second cycle carried out for 15 minutes, as recommended in the first cycle. Implementation in writing, by the media which has been prepared by the teacher.Results of individual selection values are combined into teams. The team scored the highest cumulative eligible quiz round.Quiz on the second cycle is carried out together with the first cycle in both time and implementation. Given problem is all about the LKS is done at the time (40 questions) randomly.At the time quiz implemented, other students listen and answer questions and participants. Students who have not participated in the quiz will be given the opportunity to answer, if the participant answers quiz one or none of the participants were able to answer the quiz.The average student achievement motivation in participating in the evaluation of the second cycle is reached 90.8% (increased from the first cycle of 79.4%).Data on students' motivation in participating in the evaluation of the second cycle are as follows:Table 10 Achievement Motivation on Formative Evaluation Cycle IINo Indicator Number of Students Percentage1. Do not like wasting time 25 89%2. The schedule has a very high 26 92%3. Working on time 24 85%4. Working as possible 26 92%5. Pumped learning 27 96%On average 23.6 90.8%4.2.2. Student ResultsThe results achieved by students in the second cycle is experiencing a significant increase. The order that was created by the authors in this study yielded positive results in the form of increase in learning outcomes from the first cycle to the second cycle. In the first cycle rata¬ average of 83.4% of learning outcomes being in the second cycle reached 90.6%.From the results of the formative cross examination conducted in the second cycle, the results are as follows:Table 11 Results of Evaluation Learning Cycle IINo. Name Deuteronomy Daily / Formative
Urt Parent 1 2 3 Average1 2914 Maya Vilna Oktabrianty 762 2940 R. Anjas Kumoro Yekti 853 2962 Andhika Yudishtira Kusuma 964 2964 Good Widianto 1005 2967 Aprilia Dinda 986 2968 Dio Denta Widya Men 947 2976 96 Primary Gilang8 2979 Nyoman Adi Rama Candhra 989 2980 Okky Triatmoko 9810 2981 Ongky Ansharullah 9611 2984 Rizka Rachmasandewi Chol 9812 2985 Rizky Lutfiansyah 10013 2988 Sofia Yusti Pramudita 9014 2992 Andreas Pramod 6815 Bimantara Descaesar 2993 W. 9616 2996 Depit Memet Herman 7617 2997 Dessy Rochmatussa 'Diah 9818 2998 Dion Isharif 6619 2999 Donna Priska Aprilia 9820 3002 Khoirun Enisa Mahanna 8821 3003 Nabil Rahmadi 983008 22 88 Ramadhian Ansari23 3012 Rizky Amalya Sari 9024 3015 Tasyah Istitika Utan 8825 3016 Wanda Princess Sari 9626 3154 Mochamman Krishna Adita 8127 3217 Meita Wulan Sari 10028 3218 Ratna Krisnawati 80Total 2538An average of 90.6Increasing the value indicates that the learning process improvements had a positive impact on student learning outcomes.4.2.3. Second Cycle RecommendationsBy looking at the results of the second cycle, the author makes a reflection improved implementation of learning activities in the second cycle is as follows:1) In order to obtain a better learning outcomes, before restating formative students are given the opportunity to learn on the material that has been studied for about 10 minutes2) For students who have memorized before 10 minutes may take the booklet first. While others are given a maximum of 10 minutes4.3 Research Cycle III4.3.1 Student Achievement MotivationIf the previous cycle apperception by the author in a way lectures first, then on. The third cycle of apperception done with media exposure through an LCD projector in advance in the form of a world map and a map of Asia.It is intended to explore the extent to which students have achieved basic proficiency on the continent of Asia. After the teacher know the basic capabilities of students, then the teacher to explain the division of the region.The next stage is a student working on worksheets. At this stage students with LKS working smoothly, because it was used by the previous activity.Achievement motivation during LKS workmanship can be seen in Table 12.Table 12 Achievement Motivation at Work LKS Cycle IIINo Indicator Number of Students Percentage1. Do not like wasting time 26 93%2. The schedule has a very high 26 93%3. Working on time 28 100%4. Working as possible 27 96%5. Pumped learning 27 96%Averaged 26.8 95%From the above data it can be seen that the third cycle is an increase of 84.4% motovasi achievement in the second cycle to 95% in the third cycle.LKS discussion conducted in the same manner with the second cycle. The following student activity data that shows students' motivation in the second cycle when discussing student worksheets.Table 13 Achievement Motivation on LKS Discussion Cycle IIINo Indicator Number of Students Percentage1. Do not like wasting time 27 96%2. The schedule has a very high 27 96%3. Working on time 28 100%4. Working as possible 28 100%5. Pumped studied 28 100%On average 27.6 98.4%The above data shows that at the time of the third cycle of achievement motivation has increased and the second cycle ie from 92% to 98.4%.The spirit of the students in a discussion on the third cycle continues to increase. The following student activity data that shows students' motivation in the third cycle students during the discussion.Table 14 Achievement Motivation on Discussion Cycle IIINo Indicator Number of Students Percentage1. Do not like wasting time 24 86%2. The schedule has a very high 26 93%3. Working on time 28 100%4. Working as possible 24 86%5. Pumped learning 24 86%An average of 25.2 to 90%From the above data it can be concluded that the growing participation of students in conducting discussions there was an increase of 85% in the second cycle to 90% in the second cycle.Selection quiz on the third cycle carried out as in the second cycle. Results of individual selection values are combined into teams. The team scored the highest cumulative eligible quiz round.Secondly cycle quiz was held together with the first and second cycles of both time and implementation.Motivation of students in participating in the evaluation of the third cycle there is an increase from the second cycle of 90.8% to 99%. But there are constraints on the time of evaluation that is the students who have not finished when the time has expired. This is because the student in question begin to answer the question at the end of time to memorize, so that the time available for a limited answer.Data on students' motivation in participating in the evaluation are as follows in the second cycle are as follows:Table 15 Achievement Motivation on Formative Evaluation Cycle IIINo Indicator Number of Students Percentage1. Do not like wasting time 28 100%2. The schedule has a very high 28 100%3. Working on time 26 93%4. Working as possible 28 100%5. Pumped studied 28 100%On average 27.6 99%From the data above shows that in this formative evaluation found that the increase of the second cycle of 90.8% to 99%.4.3.2 Student ResultsBefore the assessment was carried out in the third cycle, first the students are given the opportunity to study for 10 minutes. This time benar¬ actually used students to prepare for the replay formative.Students who have mastered the material (already prepared) are allowed to take the booklet in advance, but those not ready dipebolehkan spend up to 10 minutes. Study time is given to students with the intention that students can repeat things difficult. Here are the results of the third cycle formative quiz.Table 16 Results of Evaluation Learning Cycle IIINo. Name Deuteronomy Daily / Formative
Urt Parent 1 2 3 Average1 2914 Maya Vilna Oktabrianty 932 2940 R. Anjas Kumoro Yekti 973 2962 Andhika Yudishtira Kusuma 974 2964 Good Widianto 975 2967 Aprilia Dinda 986 2968 Dio Denta Widya Men 957 2976 98 Primary Gilang8 2979 Nyoman Adi Rama Candhra 989 2980 Okky Triatmoko 9310 2981 Ongky Ansharullah 9511 2984 Rizka Rachmasaridewi Chol 9812 2985 Rizky Lutfiansyah 9213 2988 Sofia Yusti Pramudita 9514 2992 Andreas Pramod 9315 Bimantara Descaesar 2993 W. 9716 2996 Depit Memet Herman 9717 2997 Dessy Rochmatussa Diah 9718 2998 Dion Isharif 9719 2999 Donna Priska Aprilia 8720 3002 Khoirun Enisa Mahanna 8521 3003 Nabil Rahmadi 853008 22 82 Ramadhian Ansari23 3012 Rizky Amalya Sari 9024 3015 Tasyah Istitika Utan 9225 3016 Wanda Princess Sari 9026 3154 Mochamman Krishna Adita 9527 3217 Meita Wulan Sari 8728 3218 Ratna Krisnawati 93Total 2615An average of 93.3From the results in the table above shows a significant increase in the values of formative quiz. In the second cycle of the formative value reached 90.6, while in the third cycle, the average reached 93.3.Increasing the value indicates that the learning process improvements had a positive impact on student learning outcomes.4.3.3 Recommendations Third CycleHaving regard to the third cycle, the writer gives recommendation that the method of "Mosaic" is good to be applied to social studies.4.4 Increasing Achievement Motivation and Results Iielajar4.4.1 Student Achievement MotivationBased on the existing data in Cycle I, Cycle II and Cycle III can be summarized to determine whether increased achievement motivation. Summary of the achievement motivation as follows.Table 17 Increasing Achievement MotivationNo Activity PercentageCycle I Cycle I Cycle I1. The execution of LKS 72% 84.4% 95%2. Discussion LKS 77.4% 92% 98.4%3. Discussion Group 78.4% 85% 90%4. Evaluation 79.4% 90.8% 99%An average of 88.05% 95.6% 27.6Specification:≥ 75% = Increased<75% = Not IncreasedFrom the above data has clearly illustrated that there is an increase in achievement motivation of the first cycle was 76.8%, amounting to 88.05% in Cycle II and Cycle III to 95.6%.4.4.2 Improved Learning OutcomesTo determine the increase hasif learning, the learning outcomes of each cycle are summarized in the following table: Table 18 Student ResultsCycle No. rata¬ average value1 Cycle I 83.42 Cycle 11 90.63 Cycle III 93.39From the table above it can be concluded that from cycle to cycle has been an increase learning outcomes, ie the first cycle rata¬ average value of 83.4, the second cycle increased to 90.6 and the third cycle into 93.39.CHAPTER VCLOSING5.1 ConclusionBased on the results of research and discussion in the previous chapter, we conclude as follows.1. The use of mosaic method can improve student achievement motivation in social studies in elementary Sriwedari Malang.2. The use of mosaic method can improve student learning outcomes in social studies in elementary Sriwedari Malang.5.2 SuggestionsBased on the results and conclusions of this research is recommended for teachers IPS Class 6 SD as follows.a) In order for students to have the motivation to learn social studies achievement, teachers should use a mosaic method with visual media in learning activities.b) In order for student learning outcomes to achieve optimal results, elementary social studies teachers should use the method of "Mosaic" which combined with the visual media.BIBLIOGRAPHYBaso, M. 1999. Capita Selecta Instructional Technology. Surabaya: Alkon Training.Department of Education. 1994. Guidance Manual Master in Teaching and Learning. Jakarta: Directorate of Technical Teachers and the Ministry of Education and Culture.De Porter, B., M. Reandon, S. 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