Kamis, 02 April 2015

function provides early education-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

imilar ECD Unit (SPS), which organizes educational institutions in addition to kindergarten
, preschool and TPA. ECD unit type (SPS) function provides early education and helped lay the groundwork towards the development of attitudes, behaviors, feelings, intelligence, social and physical are required to adapt to the environment that affect the development of the child.Empowering communities in the implementation of ECD Unit kind is very important to do on the grounds that the public has the potential to plan, implement, support, evaluate programs related to life, including early childhood. In addition, people also need to have an understanding of the needs and expectations in the field of early childhood.Purpose Unit ECD kind (SPS) provide health services, nutrition, and psychosocial holistic and integrated manner is to help lay the groundwork towards the development of attitudes, behaviors, feelings, intelligence, social and physical are required to adapt to the environment that affect the growth and development the child.Similar approaches ECD Unit institutions oriented to the following:1. The principle of children's education2. Principles of child development3. Optimizing Postal Service ECDa. Optimization programb. Workforce optimizationc. Optimization of infrastructured. Optimizing meanse. Child-centeredProcedures for implementing the development of SPS institutions are as follows:1. Students, educators, managers2. Components of Post ECD programs3. Strategy implementation of ECD4. Indicators of successB. Assessment activities on the development of early childhood institutions SimilarThe legal basis is done penialian importance are as follows:1. Law No. 2 of 1989 on the National Education System is the assessment as an integral part of the national education goals as well as the organization of teaching and learning activities are the responsibility of the educational institutions and assessment as well as the activities that need to be planned and managed in accordance with the applicable Program Learning Activities.2. Government Regulation No. 27, 1990 Chapter X of Article 16 of the assessment is the activity of the growth and development of students in kindergarten / RA conducted regularly and continuously.3. Law 20 of 2003 on National Education System Chapter XVI Article 57.58Article 57 paragraph (1) the evaluation done in order to control the quality of education nationwide as a form of accountability to provide education to the parties concerned; (2) an evaluation of learners, institutions and educational programs in formal and non-formal for all levels, units and types of education.Article 58 paragraph (1) evaluation of learning outcomes of students is done by educators to monitor the progress, and improvement of student learning outcomes on an ongoing basis; (2) evaluation of learners, education units and educational programs conducted by independent institutions on a regular basis, thorough, transparent and systematic way to assess the achievement of national education standards.Functions, among others, the following assessment.1. Provide feedback to teachers to improve teaching and learning.2. Provide information to parents about the growth and development of their children in order to improve and enhance the guidance and motivation.3. For your consideration, a teacher to put the child in activities that match their interests and abilities of students that allow the students can achieve optimal capabilities.4. As an input for other parties who need to provide further guidance.Thorough assessment principles, continuous, objective, educate, meaningfulness is the result of the assessment should be meaningful for teachers or caregivers, parents, children. There are two activities in institutions SPS assessment is the evaluation of programs and evaluation of the progress of development of the child. Evaluation of child development is the kind of reporting on ECD Unit agencies kind, including program evaluation and evaluation of the progress of development of the child. Certification is a child who completed post early childhood program can be given a certificate. Certificates issued by the manager to be known by the Head of sub-district. The shape is determined by the local certificate

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