Education for all, including early childhood education has become a worldwide public attention.
This is demonstrated by the holding of the World Education Forum meeting in 2002 in Dakar Senegal. At this meeting, produced 6 commitments as education action framework
for all (The Dakar Framework for Action) which was passed and received
the World Education Forum by twelve
strategies that will be done to support and implement the commitments
sixth.Every child has the same rights and must be observed by the whole community. Every Child Rights are:1. To be born, to have a name and nationality;2. To have a family who loves and loves me;3. To live in a community that is safe, peaceful and healthy environment;4. To obtain sufficient food and a healthy and active body;5. In order to get a good education and to develop their potential;6. To be given the opportunity to play a relaxing time;7. In order to be protected from abuse, exploitation, penyia accomplishes, violence and of danger;8. To be defended and given assistance by the government;9. In order to express their own opinions.Any violation of the rights of the child gets sanctioned, whether
legislative, administrative or other action is morally and politically.Basic grounding early childhood in Indonesia include the legal basis (law), empirical and scientific.Paths and Shapes of early childhood education services in Indonesia
stipulated in Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System Part VII,
Article 28, paragraph (14), as follows:1. Early childhood education is held before the primary education.2. Early childhood education can be organized through formal education, non-formal and informal.3. Early childhood education in formal education in the form of kindergarten (TK), Raudhatul RA (RA) and other equivalent forms.4. Early childhood education in the form of non-formal education channels Play Group (KB), TPA (TPA), or other equivalent form.5. Early childhood education in the form of informal channels or family education organized by the environmental education.6. Provisions on early childhood education as referred to in paragraph
(1), paragraph (2), paragraph (3), and paragraph (4), shall be further
regulated by government regulationThe line and form early childhood services implemented through formal
channels (TK / RA), Formal (KB, TPA, and other similar forms, such as
Posyandu and BKB)ECD programs of any kind will, is and has been held by various
parties, the most important thing is to provide a vehicle that can
facilitate children's rights to delight in accordance with the stages of
child development and the Child Rights Convention.
B. Establishment of the Institute of Early Childhood EducationAt this time many caecal; early childhood institutions have sprung up in various places like fungus that grows during the rainy season. There are small and large scale, established by individuals or institutions or groupsPlaygroup
(KB) is one form of early childhood services in non-formal education
channels at the same education programs kesejahteman program for
children from birth to six years. (With
priorities of children aged two to four years) and is one form of early
childhood education in non-formal pathway that promotes activities to
play while learning. Implementation KB must meet the minimum requirements which include:
students, teachers, managers, establishment requirements and procedures
for establishing and managing the administration and reporting and
supporting them.TPA
(TPA) is one form of early childhood education on the path of
non-formal education as a vehicle for prosperity that serves as a
surrogate family for a certain period of time for the children of
working parents. TPA held. educational
programs at the same time care for children from birth to the age of
six years with the priorities of children aged four years and under. To
support early childhood embodies quality, advanced, independent,
democratic, and achievement, landfill use and apply the philosophy of
education, namely forging, grinding, compassion, and care. Implementation KB must meet the minimum requirements, which include
students, teachers, administrators, caregivers / nurse, educator or
caregiver ratio with learners, technical implementation, licensing,
administration, evaluation, reporting and supporting them.Similar unit is the area of early childhood services program whose goal AUD together with other early childhood institutions. Target SPS besides Childhood 6 years also parents and caregivers of young children. More flexible implementation depends on the agreement between the citizens and the managers or the SPS cadres. A place of learning is also more flexible and can be done anywhere.C. Filing Pilot Early Childhood Education ProgramMain Mission Directorate ECD is:a. Promote the equitable distribution of quality improvement and efficiency of early education;b. Increasing awareness of the importance of early childhood education parents for their children's future;c. Raising awareness, ability and participation masyartakat in early education.Early childhood education in Indonesia needs serious attention from various parties. Therefore,
the government provides the widest possible opportunity to the people
who want to develop and implement learning activities for early
childhood programs by providing financial assistance stub. Therefore, the government should issue a stub submission guidelines early childhood programs. In
this guide contains general provisions, implementation, assessment and
follow-up submission pilot fund early childhood programs Including the
form of proposed activities (proposals). By Similarly, for people who want to apply for funding pilot will have signs clearly filing.
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