Learning is essentially an activity that is expecting a change in behavior (behavioral change) in individuals with learning. Change in behavior occurs because the individual businesses.
is influenced by various factors such as: the materials studied,
instrumental factors, environmental, and individual condition of the
students. Factors - factors arranged in order to have the effect that helps achieve optimal competence.The
learning process is intended to achieve the objectives of education and
learning is a complex process and always takes place in a variety of
situations and conditions. Percival
& Ellington (1984), describe the system model of education in the
learning process in the form of a black box (black box). Input to the system of education or learning system consists of people, information, and other sources. The output consists of people / students with a more advanced in many
aspects, while between the input and output there is a "black box" in
the form of learning or education.Basically the study is obligatory for everyone. By learning the knowledge, skills, habits, values, attitudes, behavior, and all man-made customized and developed. And
the views of experts who tried to give a definition of learning can be
concluded that learning always involves three main points, namely: the
change of behavior, relatively permanent nature of the change and the
change is caused by the interaction with the environment, not by a
process of maturation or change - change in physical condition temporary. Therefore,
in principle, learning is a process of change in behavior as a result
of interaction between students and the source - the source or object of
study, either deliberately designed or not deliberately designed, but
utilized. The learning process is not only due to the interaction between students and teachers. Maximum learning results can also be obtained through the interaction between students with sources - other learning resources.Acquisition of learning, in addition to mastery of the learning material itself, may also be the ability - other abilities. Of experienced learning experience, one can learn how to learn.To
provide academic foundation / philosophical towards the implementation
of learning, it is necessary to put forward a number of views of the
experts of education and learning. There
are three theories of education experts and views can be used as a
reference in developing and implementing Competency Based Curriculum
(CBC), namely John Dewey, Vigotsky and Ausubel. According to Dewey (2001), the task of the school is to provide appropriate learning experiences for students. Further
confirmed that the task of the teacher is to help students establish a
learning experience with others, including the new with the old. New learning experience through a long learning experience will be
attached to the student's cognitive structure and become the new
knowledge for students.Meanwhile,
according Vigotsky (2001), there is a close relationship between the
experience of a day - day with a scientific concept (scientific), but
there is a qualitative difference between complex thinking and
conceptual thinking. Complex thinking is based on the categorization of objects based on a
situation, whereas conceptual thinking based on a more abstract sense.According
to Ausubel (1969), a new learning experience will enter into long-term
memory and will be the new knowledge if it has meaning. Experiential
learning is learning the subject interaction with the object of study,
for example, students work on reading assignments, problem solving,
observing a phenomenon, events, experiments and the like. In order for a new learning experience into new knowledge, all of the
concepts in subjects attempted to have the value applied in the field.Teaching
is to help students acquire the information, ideas, skills, values,
ways of thinking, a means to express themselves, and learn how to learn
(Well & Showers, 1992). The
final outcome or long-term outcomes of the process of teaching is high
ability students to be able to learn easily and effectively in the
future. The main purpose of teaching is on students learning. Thus, the essence of teaching is to facilitate the students so that they find it easy to learn.Learning
is the equivalent of the word in Geography instruction, which means
making the learning process, or manipulate (reverse) environment that
provides an easy way for people to learn. Gagne and Briggs (1979) defines learning as a series of events
(events, events, conditions, and so on) that are deliberately designed
to affect the students, so that the learning process can take place
easily.B. Learning StrategiesThe strategy is an attempt, way or step - step approach to achieve something optimum goal. Learning strategy is a way - a way that is done to produce the
learning achieved in accordance with the approach of the planned
objectives.Based on this research context learning strategies directed at the strategy associated with contextual learning. Among
them: (1) problem-based teaching, (2) cooperative teaching, (3)
inquiry-based teaching, (4) the task-based teaching / project, (5)
work-based learning, and (6) based teaching services. (Nurhadi & Senduk, 2003).1. Problem-Based TeachingProblem-based learning (Problem - Based Learning) is a teaching approach that uses problem (Nurhadi & Senduk 2003). Problem-based learning is used to stimulate higher level thinking in a
problem-oriented situations, including learning how to learn.According
to Ibrahim and Nur (2000) says that the problem-based teaching is known
by other names: project learning, experiential learning, authentic
learning, and learning is rooted in real life. The role of teachers in problem-based teaching is presenting problems,
ask questions, and to facilitate the investigation and dialogue.There are several characteristics of problem-based learning,
including: (a) the submission of questions or problems, (b) focuses on
the linkages between disciplines, (c) the investigation is authentic,
and (d) produce the products / work and show it off.Problem-based learning is designed to assist teachers in providing as much information - much to the students. Problem-based teaching was developed primarily to help students
develop thinking skills, problem solving, and intellectual skills.2. Teaching KoopertifTeaching Cooperative (Cooperative Learning) require the approach
through the use of small groups of students to work together to maximize
the learning conditions in achieving the learning objectives (Holubec,
2001 cited by Nurhadi & Senduk, 2003).Cooperative
learning is learning to consciously and deliberately develop successive
foster interaction to avoid offense and misunderstandings that can lead
to hostility. Cooperative learning is learning to consciously and deliberately create a loving interaction between fellow students. Abdurrahman and Bintor (2000) says that cooperative learning is the
learning that is consciously and systematically develop interaction
penance grindstones, compassion penance and reparation foster among
fellow students as a living practice in the real society.Cooperative learning is a system in which there are elements - elements that are interrelated. Among them: (a) positive interdependence, (b) ineteraksi face to face,
(c) individual accountability, and (d) the skills to establish personal
relationships or social skills are deliberately taught.Although
collaboration is a human necessity in daily life - today, to actualize
the concept into shape learning plan or program of a lesson is not an
easy job. It takes the role of the teacher and students is optimal for realizing a true learning - based true cooperation.3. Inquiry-Based TeachingIn learning with discovery (inquiry), students are encouraged to learn
mostly through their own active involvement with the concept - the
concept and principle - the principle itself (Nurhadi & Senduk,
by discovery (inquiry) is an important component in konstruktivitik
approach that has had a long history of innovation or renewal of
education. Learning with the invention has several advantages. Learning by inquiry spur the desire of students to learn, motivate them to continue their work until they find the answer. Students also learn to solve problems independently and have critical
skills because they have always had to analyze and handle information.4. Based Teaching Duties / ProjectsProject-based
teaching / structured tasks require a comprehensive approach to
teaching where students' learning environment is designed so that
students can carry out an investigation into the problem - the problem
of authenticity included deepening of the material in a topic subjects,
and perform other meaningful tasks. Predicament approach allows students to work independently in constructing (forming) learning, the real product.There are four principles that help students become independent learners in the course effective. Among them: (a) make a meaningful task, clear, and challenging, (b)
diversify the task - the task, (c) pay attention to the level of
difficulty, and (d) to monitor student progress.5. Work-Based TeachingWork-based learning requires a teaching approach that allows students
to use context to study the work of school-based subject matter and how
the material used back in the workplace.Teaching students in the class is a form of apprenticeship. Advocated the transfer of work-based learning models of effective
teaching and learning to the daily activities - day in class, either by
involving students in the task - a complex task and assist students in
overcoming the task.6. Teaching Based ServicesTeaching-based services require the use of methodologies, teaching
that combines community service with a school-based structure to reflect
the services, thus emphasizing the relationship between experience and
academic learning services.This learning strategy rests on the premise that all the activities of life inspired by the ability to serve.C. InquiryInquiry
is one of the components of the application of the approach to CTL
(Contextual Teaching and Learning), which means finding. According Nurhadi (2002) found a core part of the learning activities based CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning). Knowledge and skills acquired students are expected not result given set of facts - facts, but the result of finding themselves.Inquiry is one of the seven components of the application of the contextual approach in the classroom. Cycle inquiry as follows: (1) Observation (Observation), (2) inquiry
(Questioning), (3) Asking guess (hypothesis), (4) Data Collection (Data
Gathering), and (5) inference (Conclusion).D. Student Achievement1. LearningLearning is a process of conscious activity by students to achieve the goal. Winkel (1984) says that learning is a mental activity and psikhis that
take place in the interaction with the environment that result in
changes - changes in knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and
values.Furthermore Sukirin (1984) says that learning is an activity that is intended to change behavior in order to obtain new skills.Hilgard
cited by Pasaribu (1983) argues that learning in the process by wich an
activity oreginites or is changed trough responding to u-provided the
changed situation can not be atributed to growt or the temporary satay
of the organism as in infatique or under druges. This
means that learning is a process that generates new activity events or
changes in activity due to the reaction environment. That
change can not be called to learn if caused by changes or while the
person's consciousness because of fatigue or because of drugs - drugs,
so that these people can not wait for the situation himself. Proposed changes are changes in knowledge, skills and behavior. Change is obtained by training and experience not change by itself.Hamalik (2002) says that learning is a change in behavior that is relatively stable thanks to the training and experience.The
main problem encountered in the study is that the learning process can
not be observed directly and the difficulty to determine the occurrence
of a change in behavior studies. To be able to observe a change in behavior can only be known when it is realized in the form of learning achievement. According
to Gagne cited by Badawi (1987) says that the learning outcomes can be
measured using a test for learning outcomes in the form of intellectual
skills, cognitive strategies, verbal information, skills, and values
and attitudes.
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