This study design was used Classroom Action Research (CAR). PTK
chosen in this study because the author wants to improve the quality of
learning in particular in terms of achievement motivation and learning
outcomes of students
in elementary Sriwedari Malang. The research activities carried out by following the basic flow: early
reflection, planning, action, observation, reflection and
perancangan.ulang.3.1.1. The design of the first cyclea. Early ReflectionAt this stage the researchers identified the problem and analyze
problems in science learning in Grade 6 Social Studies Elementary School
Sriwedari Malang Semester Academic Year 2002/2003.b. Formulate problems operationallyAt this stage the researchers formulate the problems that arise in the
classroom especially concerning the methods used in the classroom.c. Formulate hypotheses actionBecause of this action research is more focused on naturalistic approach, then the hypothesis is tentative action. In the implementation, this action hypothesis does not undergo fundamental modifications. Hypothesis action on the first cycle is formulated as follows:a) The use of mosaic method can improve student achievement motivation 6th grade Sriwedari Malang.b) The use of mosaic method can improve student learning outcomes 6th grade Sriwedari Malang.d. Drafting actionThe design of the proposed action as follows:a) Determine Topic to be taught that Southeast Asia with a focus on
ASEAN, ASEAN countries, the capital, lies the country, founder of ASEAN,
ASEAN emblem.b) Creating Pathways to Teaching with the following steps:1) Develop learning objectives based on GBPP.2) Determining the subject matter that is tailored to the goals to be achieved.3) Formulate the subject matter to be taught taken from 6th grade social studies textbooks and other supporting materials.4) Formulate learning activities as follows:-
Preliminary activities, covering apperception done with the lecture
method interspersed with the media question and answer method maps that
have been created by teachers. This led to an explanation of procedures for doing worksheets and order processing worksheets.- Core Activities, includes the following steps:Meeting I1. Students work on worksheets.2. Students and Teachers discussions LKS answer.Meeting II3. Students do a group discussion.4. Selection quiz.5. Deuteronomy daily / formative.- Closing Activities, such a conclusion.5) Determine the learning media in the form of teacher-made maps (as a
source of learning), OHP (for media when apperception) and buzzer quiz
(for the implementation of the quiz).6) Develop formative assessment tools / daily tests were duplicated a number of students in grade 6, as many as 28 students.c) Researchers compiled data collection tool in the form of: 1) the
observation sheet, 2) field notes on his back the implementation of the
learning process, and 3) Instrument evaluation (assessment).d) The authors plan data processing, both qualitatively and quantitatively.e. Implementation / ActionAuthors as Social Science teachers implement lesson plans as stated in Lesson Unit. The method used was a lecture, question and answer, discussion, assignments. The learning process takes place with the steps:1) IntroductionRecap leading to Southeast Asia material carried by the teacher using
the lecture and question and answer session with the media using a map
that has been prepared teachers.2) The essence of learning with the following steps:a) Teaching the teachers asked questions about Asean punctuated by
using the media map followed by penjelesan on procedures workmanship
Student Worksheet (LKS).b) The method of assignment in the form of worksheets workmanship. Implementation
techniques by means of seek and find answers from textbooks IPS Class 6
(Balai Pustaka), IPS Digest book Class 6 (artificial teacher) and Media
map provided teachers. From this activity students are expected to find their own answers answers to existing questions on worksheets. By
the time students are working on worksheets, teacher always control the
work of the students so that the allocation of the available time can
be carried out as well as possible. Teachers always serve students who asked both personally and in the classical.c)
Once the work is completed worksheets followed by discussion with the
student answers the students how to write the answers on the board in
turns, but arranged so that there is enough time. At the time of this discussion students are given the opportunity to correct errors LKS answer on his book. In
the discussion, the teacher becomes a facilitator who guides so that
students are able to find their own answers are correct. Teachers always appreciate the responses of the students.d) Q & A conducted through a discussion group in order to prepare for the quiz. Teacher directs that in this exchange occurs equalization questioner and answerer. This means that if a member of the group asked, the other group members respond in turn.e) At the second meeting held quiz which is the development of a method of question and answer. In this activity each student will try to compete with other groups in order to win the game quiz.
f) After students listen, seek, find themselves, discuss, discussion, questioning repeatedly, formative evaluation in writing.3) Closing ActivitiesTeacher and students formulate conclusions together.f. ObservationCollecting
data on classroom action research was conducted with the observation in
the learning process which includes the activities of students in
learning activities, in-depth interviews and document analysis. Teachers assisted peers observe ongoing learning process, record the data that appears later mentranskripsikannya. Analysis of the data is done by assessing the workmanship worksheets, quiz and evaluation results of learning.Data
on improvement of student achievement motivation is done through
observation during the learning process at the time of execution LKS,
discussions, quiz and evaluation of learning. Improved learning outcomes measured by comparing the results of
ongoing formative assessment with the results of the previous study.
g. ReflectionData analysis and reflection by the author in its own activities with peers. The results are recorded and produced a draft action in the second cycle and subsequent action plan (redesign). Researchers conducted the analysis, synthesis, meaning, explanation and inference data that has been collected. The results obtained will be the findings in the field. List of issues that arise in the field then used as the basis for redesigning for the second cycle.3.1.2. Draft Cycle IIBased on the results of one cycle of reflection, the authors do a redesign. The results of this re-design is applied to the second cycle studies. Before revising lesson plans first author made notes the problems that arise in the first cycle.Characteristics unit lessons gained attention in the redesign is on the side of LKS, step / learning process and evaluation.a. Draft ActionBased on the results of the first cycle of reflection, then the action plan are as follows:1)
The materials are discussed in Cycle II is Southeast Asia with a focus
on the profile of each country in Southeast Asia include: the capital,
the head of state / government, the location of each country, currency,
symbol of the state, state flag, national anthem, religion, language and important buildings in each country.2) Develop Teaching Preparation, with the steps:a) Develop learning objectives based on GBPP.b) Determining the subject matter that is tailored to the goals to be achieved.c) Formulate the subject matter to be taught based on the goals taken
from 6th grade social studies textbooks and other supporting materials.d) Formulate learning activities sebaba follows:- Preliminary activities, performed by a question and answer apperception lessons used to enter these items. Teachers still use the media map and LCD projectors. This led to an explanation of the procedures to enhanced
implementation of Cycle 1. Things that gets updates are restrictions LKS
processing time, processing accuracy, completeness answer,
implementation discussion.- Core activities, includes the following steps because the first meeting:1. Students work on worksheets.2. Students and Teachers discussions LKS answer.Meeting II:3. Students do a group discussion.4. Selection Quiz.5. Deuteronomy daily / formative.- Activities cover, such a conclusion.e) Determine the learning media in the form of teacher-made maps (as a
source of learning), LCD Projector (for media when apperception) and
buzzer quiz (for the implementation of the quiz).f) Develop formative assessment tools / daily tests were duplicated a number of students in grade 6, as many as 28 students.g) Researchers compiled data collection tool in the form of: 1) the
observation sheet, 2) field notes on the implementation of the learning
process, and 3) Instrument ratingsh) Develop a plan data processing, both qualitatively and quantitatively.b. Implementation / ActionAuthors as Social Science teachers implement lesson plans Cycle II is
an improved version of the first cycle as stated in Lesson Unit.The learning process takes place with the following steps.1) IntroductionRecap which leads to this matter was conducted by a question and
answer on previous material, because this material is still closely
linked to the previous material.2) The essence of learning with the following steps:a) Teaching the teachers alternated frequently asked questions about
Southeast Asia using the media map and LCD Projectors followed by an
explanation of the procedure on the implementation of the enhanced Cycle
II Cycle 1.b) The method of assignment in the form of worksheets workmanship. Implementation
techniques together with Cycle 1 is to seek and find their own answers
from the textbooks IPS Class 6 (Balai Pustaka), IPS Digest book Class 6
(artificial teacher) and the media map provided teachers. Treatment of teachers still like Cycle 1.c)
Once the work is completed worksheets followed by discussion with the
student answers the students how to write the answers on the board in
turn. In the second cycle the teacher had written the numbers answers on the board, then students write the answers on the board. To rnengetahui achievement motivation, the teacher does not refer students to answer, but on his own consciousness.d) FAQs group performed similarly to Cycle 1. The teacher remains
directed that in this exchange occurs equalization questioner and
answerer.e) Prior to the implementation of the first quiz quiz selection is done by making a written test for all children. Furthermore, the combined value of the highest order of 1,2,3 eligible quiz.f) Smart carefully performed together with Cycle 1.g) Formative evaluation in writing.3) Closing ActivitiesTeacher and students formulate conclusions.c. ObservationObservation
of the learning process which includes the activities of students in
learning activities, in-depth interviews and document analysis is still
being done on this cycle. Teachers assisted peers observe ongoing learning process, record the data that appears later mentranskripsikannya. Analysis of the data is done by assessing the results and evaluation worksheets pcmbelajaran workmanship.d. ReflectionThe results are recorded and used to generate the design of action in the third cycle. The author conducted the analysis, synthesis, meaning, explanation and inference data collected. Findings and problems that arise subsequently used as the basis for redesigning for the third cycle.3.1.3. Draft Cycle IIIBased on the results of the second cycle of reflection, the authors do a redesign. The results of this re-design is applied to the third cycle studies. The design of the third cycle are as follows:a. Draft Action1) Material Cycle II subjects discussed is the continent of Asia:
astronomical layout, division of Asia, countries in each region.2) Develop Teaching Preparation, with the steps:a) Develop learning objectives based on GBPP.b) Determining the subject matter that is tailored to the goals to be achieved.c) Formulate the subject matter to be taught based on the goals taken
from 6th grade social studies textbooks and other supporting materials.d) Formulate learning activities as follows:- Preliminary activities, performed by a question and answer apperception last lesson is used to enter these items. Teachers still use the media map and LCD.- Core activities, includes the following steps:First meeting:1. Students work on worksheets.2. Students and Teachers discussions LKS answer.Meeting II:3. Students do a group discussion.4. Selection Quiz.5. Preparation Deuteronomy Daily / Formative.6. Deuteronomy Daily / Formative.- Closing Activities, such a conclusion.e) Determine the learning media in the form of teacher-made maps (as a
source of learning), LCD Projector (for media when apperception and
explanation) and buzzer quiz (for the implementation of the quiz).f) Develop an assessment tool format / daily tests were duplicated a number of students in grade 6, as many as 28 students.g) Researchers compiled data collection tool in the form of: 1) the
observation sheet, 2) field notes on the implementation of the learning
process, and 3) assessment instruments.h) Develop a plan data processing, both qualitatively and quantitatively.b. Implementation / ActionAuthors as Social Science teachers implement lesson plans that have been refined from Cycle II as stated in Lesson Unit. Dibunakan method is lecture, question and answer, discussion, assignments.The learning process takes place with the steps:1) IntroductionRecap which leads to material Asian continent.2) The essence of learning with the following steps:a)
Teaching the teachers alternated frequently asked questions about the
continent of Asia by using the media map and LCD projectors. Teacher's explanation about additional procedures before the face evaluation.b) The method of assignment in the form of worksheets workmanship. Implementation
techniques together with Cycle I and II is to seek and find their own
answers and textbooks IPS Class 6 (Hall Book), a book lntisari IPS Class
6 (artificial teacher) and the media map provided teachers. Treatment of teachers still like Cycle I and II.c) Discussion of student answers in a way students write the answers on the board in turns like Cycle II.d) Q & A group performed similarly to Cycle I and II.Teachers remain directed that in this exchange occurs equalization questioner and answerer.e) Prior to the implementation of the first quiz quiz selection is done by means of written tests for all children. Furthermore, the combined value of the highest order of 1,2,3 eligible quiz.f) Smart carefully performed together with Cycle I and II.g) Preparation of a formative evaluation is done by child-lamnya studied for over 10 minutes. Students who have mastered / familiar with the matter may take the test paper first. While others have a maximum of 10 minutes.h) Formative evaluation in writing.3) Closing ActivitiesTeacher and students formulate conclusions together.
c. ObservationObservation
of the learning process which includes the activities of students in
learning activities, in-depth interviews and document analysis is still
being done as the first and second cycles. Teachers assisted peers observe ongoing learning process, record the data that appears later mentranskripsikannya. Analysis of the data is done by assessing the workmanship worksheets and evaluation of learning.d. ReflectionThe
observation of Cycle III noted, discussed and compared with Cycle I and
II and then used to generate the implementation of the recommendations
and suggestions in the field. The author conducted the analysis, synthesis, meaning, explanation and inference data collected.
3.2. Place ResearchThe research was conducted in a Class 6 Sriwedari Malang Elementary
School Semester Academic Year 2002/2003 the number of students as many
as 28 students.
3.3. Data Collection TechniqueThe research data were collected by using observation, field notes, interviews and document study.a) Techniques used observation and field notes assess the learning process and increase achievement motivation.b) interviewing techniques are used to determine students' responses to the learning process.c) Study of the document is used to determine the increase in student learning outcomes.The results of the first cycle is done reflection to make an improvement in the implementation of the second cycle. The second cycle are reflected back to the improvement in the
implementation of the third cycle and subsequent implementation in the
3.4. Data AnalysisThe analysis is done based on the observation of qualitative
description of the achievement motivation and learning outcomes, with
the following steps:1) reduction, ie check and record the return data that has been collected.2) Perform interpretation of interpreting are realized in the form of a statement.3) Perform inference, ie conclude whether in this study there was an
increase achievement motivation and learning outcomes or not (based on
the results of observation).4) follow-up phase, ie formulating remedial measures for the next
cycle or in the field after the cycle ends based inference has been
determined.5) Making conclusions, taken based on the analysis of observations that are tailored to the purpose of this study. Then put in the form of interpretation in the form of a statement.Activity data analysis using the guidelines below.1) Increased student achievement motivation in learning the indicator:
l) does not like to waste time, 2) high workload, 3) work on time, 4)
work as good as possible, and 5) passionate learningThe criteria for assessment of achievement motivation is as follows:a) The formula to determine the percentage of achievement motivation
in each indicator is the number of active students divided by the number
of all students who entered multiplied by 100%.b) Increased achievement motivation expressed by the following provisions:1. Achievement motivation expressed increased if the average
percentage of each activity are considered to be more than or equal to
75%.2. Achievement motivation is expressed not increased if the average ¬rata percentage of each activity is less than 75%.2)
Increased student learning outcomes characterized by learning
achievement indicators (value of daily test / formative) better
(increase) rather than learning outcomes before the study.
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