The design of this research is the design of action research. Action research is a small-scale intervention against real-world
actions and careful examination of the effect
of the intervention and
Mantion Cohen, (1980), quoted by Zuriah, (2003).
The design of this research is planned through several stages of
planning, including: (1) initial reflection, (2) researchers formulate
problems operationally, (3) researchers formulate hypotheses of action,
and (4) define and formulate a plan of action.The design of this action research, conducted in collaboration between
researchers and teachers - teachers Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun.
B. Subject ResearchThe subjects in this study are determined by considerations - specific considerations. Such
considerations are a factor difference between the learning ability of
students, and the environmental conditions of the object of research. The subjects were students of Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun academic year 2006/2007.
C. Step - step and Research SettingsAccording Zuriah (2003) says that the step - step action research consists of four stages. The explanation as follows:1. Stage 1. Early ReflectionAn initial phase of reflection means to reflect on the actual situation, after formulating the research theme.
2. Phase 2. PlanningA
planning phase is done after the first phase, need to review the
initial analysis to be done, on Use of Materials Teaching Islamic
Education by Topic Faith in Angels in learning activities on students of
Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun. In
this phase is expected to (a) the media can translate clear teaching on
the Use of Media Teaching Islamic Education by Topic Faith in Angels in
the learning process, and the reasons for the selection of the theme,
(b) the working draft of each individual and group actions, (c )
media teaching about the parties involved, (d) outline work plan (time
achedirlle), (e) monitor changes in time of the study, and (f) the
medium of instruction beginning of etisiensi data collected. This phase ensures that the students of Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun serve
as the object of study with consideration of characteristics of this
class according to the issues to be discussed.
3. Phase 3. Action ObservationThis stage is the stage of elaboration of the plan into action and observe the action. According
Nasution (1988) is an observation is the basis of all science for in
the field, researchers are trying to interact with the subject actively,
because observation is selective activity of an active process. Intended to determine the state of the object of study before
researchers conducted the study in accordance with the existing reality.
4. Stage 4. Final ReflectionThis phase consists of: (a) analyze, (b) perform the synthesis, (c) give meaning, (d) explanation, and (e) make the conclusion.
D. Method of Data Collection Instrument ResearchAccording Zuriah (2003), there are five types of instruments used in action research. Including observations, interviews, field notes, questionnaires, and documentation. In this research instruments used include: (1) observation, (2) interviews, and (3) documentation.1. ObservationObservation is defined as the systematic observation and recording of the symptoms seen in the research object (Zuriah, 2003).There
are two types of observations were carried out, including: (a) direct
observation, the observation made where the observer is located along
the investigated object, and (b) indirect observation, that observation
is done not on the sidelines of an event to be studied . By using this technique, do the records of the results of observations using a check list (check list).In this study the method of observation conducted by researchers is participant observation. According to Bogdan & Biklen (1982) The third technique is a technique - the basic techniques used in qualitative research.According
to Bogdan (1973) in Moleong (2001) define precisely that participant
observation as research characterized by social interaction that takes a
long time between researcher and subject in the subject environment,
and as long as the data is in the form of field notes collected
systematically and applies without interference.Spradley
(1980) divides the three stages of participant observation in
qualitative research, including: a) starting from observations -
observations are checking (descriptive observations) widely to describe
the general social situations that exist in the study area, b) followed
by observations
- observations are more focused (focused observations) to find
categories - main categories of research focus, and c) after it
conducted observations - observations which are selective (selective
observations) to find a category - the category of more detailed sub -
sub focus of research .Furthermore
Spradley (1980) described five types of involvement of researchers in
the following observation participation, including: (a) did not
participate (non-participation). In this type of researchers in conducting the study did not participate. This
means that researchers only observed (see) passively and away from
engaging in activities the object of research, (b) passive participation
(passive participation). This
stage researcher or are involved in the research object, but did not
participate or interaction with the object of research. Researchers only - paced as a spectator only, (c) the participation of moderate (moderate participation). Researchers
are already in the context of maintaining a balance between a person
who is in the (inserd) and being someone who is outside (outsider) or
involved and observe, (d) the active participation (active
participation). At
this stage, researchers are actively doing what is done by personal -
school personnel, and (e) participation in total (complete or ordinary
participation). This type is the highest stage in the involvement of the researcher as an observer partisipant. Researchers total do like what is done by personal - school personnel in obtaining research data.
2. InterviewThe interview is one of the most important procedures for collecting
data in qualitative research, because many researchers information
obtained through interviews.According to Arifin (1999) is the interview is a conversation aimed at
obtaining construction going on right now about people, events,
activities, organizations, feelings, motivations, standardization,
anxiety and so on.Interviews
in the study conducted by researchers to obtain data in accordance with
reality when researchers conducted interviews. Interviews in this study addressed to teachers and students of Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun. Interviews in this study using a type of in-depth interviews were unstructured. For the unstructured interviews will be obtained as much information -
many are confidential, and sensitive nature though and allow once
recorded all affective responses informants appear during the interview.
3. DocumentationAccording Zuriah (2003) This technique is a way to collect data
through a written heritage, especially in the form of archives -
archives and includes also a book - a book about the opinions, theories,
or legal proposition - other laws related to the research problem.Guba
and Lincoln (1981) says that the documents and records can be used for
research purposes because: (1) a source of stable, rich and encouraging,
(2) is useful as evidence for a test, (3) natural nature according to
the context, ( 4) the results of the assessment will be an opportunity to further expand knowledge investigated.
E. Methods / Data Analysis TechniquesData
analysis is the process of organizing and sorting data into patterns,
categories and descriptions unit basis, so as to find a theme as
suggested by the data. Miles and Hubermen (1984) said data analysis needs to be performed continuously during the study. Furthermore Nasution (1988) says that the data analysis is the process
of preparing, categorize the data, looking for patterns or themes in
order to understand its meaning.Furthermore, Miles & Hubermen (1984) apply the three flow of
activities in a descriptive analysis into a single entity that can not
be separated, namely:(1) Reduction of data, in this technique the researchers conducted the
selection process, focusing on simplification, pengabstrakan, and
transformation of raw data or raw data that emerged from the record - a
record in the field,(2) The presentation of the data, this technique presents the results of the findings in the narrative, and(3) Withdrawal conclusions or verification, this technique researchers
try to be mengmedia pengajarankan representativeness of an event,
incident or a subject.Technical analysis of the data in this study, is the analysis of qualitative data that are linear (flow) and is circular. The data analysis techniques are done with the steps - steps as follows:(1) Reviewing all the data that has been collected. The review was done by analyzing, synthesizing, wear, explained, and concluded. Reviewing activities principally carried out since the beginning of the data collected,(2) Reduce data therein involves categorizing and classifying, and(3) Summing up and memferivikasi. Further reduction of the activities carried out and followed the last
inference ferivikasi activities or testing of research findings.In the data analysis activities, will get two types of data, namely, quantitative and qualitative data. Qualitative data in the form of observations carried out at each stage
of activity, and quantitative data in the form of learning outcomes or
learning achievement obtained by the student in the learning process
with the use of the medium of instruction.
F. Preparation Method Participants and Decision ConclusionThis
study is based on the principle of collaborative, participatory, and
cooperative, then the participant preparation activities deemed
necessary. Training activities began with a discussion of the use of Media
Teaching Islamic Education Topic Faith in Angels in the learning process
of students of Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun.CHAPTER IVRESULTS AND DISCUSSION
on action research activities carried out by researchers in the study,
Increasing Interest in Islamic Education Learning by Topic Faith in
Angels in Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun by Using Media Teaching, Research
Action Class Class X - D SMA State 6 Madiun, it will be presented exposure data and research results. The elaboration as follows:
A. Description and Explanation of ResultsBased
on the results of observations and the observations of researchers, can
be presented results of action research (action research) based on the
design of learning with media teaching (teaching) which is used as a
Class X student learning strategy - D SMA 6 Madiun. The descriptions include some of the following:1. Interest in Learning StudentsWith
the use of Media Teaching Islamic Education (teaching) in teaching and
learning activities for students of Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun obtained
results of action research which states that by using the medium of
instruction, student interest Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun show significant progress. It
is evident from the record of the observation of researchers during
classroom action research activities take place, during an interview
with a relaxed (without showing doing research) then, of the 34 students
who said they were delighted to learning and teaching in this way there
are 23 students. Medium will be 11 other students do not have an interest in the learning activities, the reason is fear.Data results of the observational record when distributed in the table are as follows:
Table 1Expression of Interest Student Teaching Materials Against Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun Academic Year 2006/2007
NO YES NO STATEMENT Description1 Happy 23 students - Data obtained from interviews2 Not Happy - 11 students
From the table, proving that the interests of students of Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun in learning is high. It is influenced by the learning techniques used by teachers, which is the medium of instruction. Of the 34 students, a total of 23 students who have interest in
learning the material that is taught through the medium of instruction
with the percentage of 64%.The table when presented in the form of graphs, obtained the following results:
Graph 1Observations and interviews Interest in Learning Class X - D SMA 6
Madiun of interest in the material being taught by Media Teaching
Academic Year 2006/2007
Number of Students 34 Active = 23 = 11 Students Students actively passive
2. Student AchievementBased on the results of research activities, in order to prove the
effectiveness of the medium of instruction (teaching) in teaching and
learning activities, it will be presented study results obtained by
students of Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun in learning.
Table 2List of Student Achievement Results of Class X - D SMA 6 MadiunNO NAME VALUE1 ADI Sudarmanto 5.82 AGUSTIN SRI HANDAYANI 6.53 Apsari CHISTY PURI W. 9.24 ARY YULANDARI 8.55 AYU ANGGRAHENI 8.56 IMAGE WULANDARI 107 Danel MAYDRA 6.48 denies Sunar 5.79 DIMAS REZA 6.310 ENDAH DWI N 6.711 FRIDA Zoraya 1012 KARTIKA SARI 8.813 Lelia J. ARDELA 5.514 LILIANA DWI PURNAMA 6.815 LISA Afidah 9.516 Matala FADHILATUN 617 NANANG WIJAYA 9.118 Nizar Oktaviana R. 9.219 NOVITA LIA M. 6.220 N. 5.6 PRATAMA SON21 Prema KARTIKA 6.822 PRINCESS ADHITYA MUSTIKA 6.723 RAISA ESTARINA 5.824 RICO FATDHILAH 6.525 RISA Febriana 9.226 RIZAL DARMA KUSUMA 8.527 RR. Kurnia IKEMALA 8.5TIARA 28 CHESS 1029 Vitri ARENA 6.430 RIZA AMBASSADOR prayoga 5.731 Rochmat MUBAROK 6.3REVELATION 32 MURBANINGRUM 6.733 YOSEFIN PUSPITAWATI 6.934 RELTA RUSIANA 7.2 T.Total 256.32Average - average 7:12
From these data can be distributed frequency of student learning outcomes Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun as follows:
Table 3Percentage of Student Results X Class - D SMA 6 Madiun In Teaching and Learning ActivitiesAcademic Year 2006/2007NO VALUE Frequency Frequency% Category Achievement1 8.01 to 10.00 14 40.9% Good2 from 6.01 to 8.00 12 36.4% Medium3 0.01 to 6.00 8 22.7% LessTotal 34 100%
frequency data known about the learning achievement category is 0.01 to
6.00 with a frequency of 10 and the percentage of 22.7%, being the
value category is 6.01 to 8.00 with a frequency of 16 and a percentage
of 36.4%, whereas categories of learning outcomes either from 8.01 to 10.00 with a frequency of 18 percentage 40.9%.Results of the study's data presentation proves that learning approach
to the medium of instruction (teaching) in teaching and learning
activities, can increase students 'motivation in learning activities
that affect the students' learning interest of Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun
in learning.
B. Process Analyzer Data and ReflectionReflection is a way of thinking about what the new learned or backward thinking about what - what has been done in the past. Students
precipitate what is newly learned, as new knowledge structure, which is
the enrichment or revision of previous knowledge. Reflection is a response to events, activities or new knowledge is received. In
action research (action research) this reflection conducted by
researchers and practitioners is to discuss the results of the
activities carried out in this study. These activities include: (1) analsisi, (2) synthesis, (3) the
meaning, (4) an explanation, and (5) the conclusion of the data from the
information collected.Based on data for ongoing action research, it can be reflected as follows:(1) Use of Materials Teaching Islamic Education in the learning
process can clarify the presentation and information so as to facilitate
and improve motivation, activity and learning outcomes.(2) The media can improve the teaching and directing the attention of
the child so as to cause the motivation to learn, more direct
interaction between students and their environment, enabling students to
learn on their own according to their ability and interest.(3) Teaching can overcome the limitations of the senses, space and time means:a. Object or objects too large display, can be replaced with a medium of instruction, slides, and models;b. Object or objects that are too small can be displayed with the medium of instruction, slides, and models;c. Events that have taken place in the past can be displayed through video recordings, slides in addition to verbally;d. Complex objects can be shown concretely through the medium of instruction, slide and others - others;e. Events that can harm can be simulated via computer media, andf. Can be presented through the events in the film, video, slides, and so on.(4) The media can provide a common experience of teaching students about the events - events in their environment.(5) Use of Media Teaching Islamic Education can be used for
individuals, groups, or the large group, by having three main functions
include:a. Motivating interest and action,b. Presenting information, andc. Giving instructions.
C. Discussion and inference ResearchBased on observations and records the data exposure during action
research, Increasing Interest in Learning By Using Media Teaching
Islamic Education in Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun, then obtained the
following results:1.
By using teaching media in teaching and learning in students of Class X
- D SMA 6 Madiun, in the delivery of subjects become more standardized.
student who see or hear the presentation through the media receive the
same message, although teachers interpret the content in different ways -
different, with a variety of media use that interpretation results can
be reduced so that the same information can be presented to students as a
foundation for the assessment, training, and further applications.2. Teaching is more interesting, because the clarity and keruntutan
message, the appeal of image change - change can cause students to laugh
and think, all of which indicate that the media has the aspect of
motivation and increase student interest Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun.3. During the learning activities take place, learning more
interactive and interesting, because when teaching only takes a short
time to deliver the message - the message of the content in considerable
amounts and students can absorb the content optimally.4.
Using the medium of instruction in the teaching and learning activities
in the students of Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun, tasks and role of the
teacher changes into a more positive direction. That is the burden of the teacher to explain the repeated - again
about the content can be reduced and even eliminated so that teachers
can focus on other important aspects of the learning process.From
the description of these results we can conclude the dangers of using
the media mediated instruction in learning activities, showing that
activity, motivation, and student achievement Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun
increased. So
it can be confirmed that the use of Media Teaching Islamic Education in
teaching and learning activities have a positive impact on student
learning, because generally students of Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun more
pleased to see the media attention to the teaching of the writing is not
to be understood. At the end of the teaching of media media is the best solution for
students of Class X - D SMA 6 Madiun in achieving learning goals.In
choosing a good teaching medium should be based on the criteria of
selection of media sources to learn from the concept that the media is
part of the overall instructional system. For that there are several criteria that should be considered in selecting the media. Among them:1. In accordance with the objectives to be achievedThe
media selected based instructional objectives that have been set which
generally refers to one or a combination of two or three cognitive,
affective, and psychomotor. This
objective can be pengajarankan media in the form of work to be done or
performed by students, such as memorizing, doing activities that involve
physical activity or use of principles - principles such as cause and
effect, perform a task that involves understanding concepts - concepts
or relationships - relationships change, and tasks - tasks that involve thinking at a higher level.
2. Right to support lesson content that are facts, concepts, principles, or generalizationDifferent
media, such as movies and graphics require different symbols and codes,
therefore, requires a process and different mental skills to
understand. In
order to help the learning process effectively, the media must be
aligned according to the needs of the learning task and mental abilities
of students. Television, for example, the right to perform the transformation process that requires manipulation of space and time.
3. Practical, Flexible, and SurviveIf not available time, money, or other resources to produce, do not need to be forced. Media are expensive and take a long time to produce it is not a guarantee as the best media. These
criteria require teachers / instructors to choose the media that there
are easily available, or easily made by the teacher. Selected media should be used where and whenever the equipment
available in the vicinity, as well as easily removed and taken anywhere.
4. Teachers Skilled UseThis is one of the main criteria. Whatever the medium, the teacher should be able to use them in the learning process. The value and benefits of the media is determined by the teachers who use it. Transparency projector (OHP), projector slides and films, computers,
LCD, DVD, CD, Laptop, Radio Caset and other advanced equipment would not
have any meaning - what if the teacher has not been able to use them in
the learning process as an effort to enhance the quality and learning
5. Grouping TargetEffective medium to large groups are not necessarily equally effective when used in small groups or individuals. There is an appropriate medium for the type of large group, the group is, small groups and individuals.
6. Quality TechnicalGood visual development of teaching media and photography must meet certain technical requirements. For
example, a visual on the slide should be clear and to be conveyed
should not be distracted by other elements that form the background.
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