Management of circle time activities for early childhood development
Circle Time is a group activity that is carried out by a number of
people consisting of adults and children, sit down together with the aim
to build a common understanding. Adults
involved in circle time activities that teachers and or NARAS source
deliberately brought in to discuss with the child based on specific
topics. Circle time activities are activities to build bridges and facilitate conversations between children and adults. Circle time activities provide opportunities for children to develop a sense of community within the group. This activity can also develop social skills of children, where
children learn to express ideas and listen to the opinions of others and
they learn to behave sportsmanship when his opinions accepted or not
accepted by the group.
2. circle time activities have benefits for early childhood. Such benefits in early childhood development activities are as follows:a. Help condition the child to be ready to follow the activities.b. Helping children to understand the discussion topics related to the theme.c. Giving children the opportunity to learn and explore further their own experience through joint discussions.d. Build interpersonal skills and strengthen social relationships among children.e. Developing a child's ability to communicate with children and with adults.f. Helping children to respect the opinions of others.g. Build a child's confidence when children are given the opportunity to express opinions.
In carrying out the activities of circle time there are some signs that
note is designed with the best possible activities and establishes
rules for the activities was agreed and adhered to by all participants
and the role of teachers in circle time activities optimal. In
this activity, the teacher should have a role in creating the situation
and classroom atmosphere that is safe and comfortable and conducive to
the child so that each child can use this opportunity to talk and listen
with the best. Circle time activities are segiatan where everyone has the opportunity to express opinions. Therefore,
it is necessary to create common rules to be followed in order to
create an atmosphere of mutual respect and comfort for every child to
experience and express their ideas freely, but remain in the frame or
restrictions on the limitations that have been assigned or agreed upon.
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