Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

Education Should Always - Adisa SMAN 6 Madiun

Improving the quality of human resources is a prerequisite for achieving development goals. One vehicle for improving the quality of human resources is education, so that the quality of education should always be improved. Quality of life of the nation is determined by the educational factor. The role of education is very important to create intelligent life, peaceful, open, and democratic. Therefore, education reform should always be done to improve the quality of national education (Nurhadi & Senduk, 2003).

In the global era like today, Human Resources (HR) be the decisive element in human survival. To face the challenges of the future, the national education carried out with the aim of improving the quality of Indonesian people fully. Efforts to improve the quality of Indonesian people fully not only the duty and responsibility of experts, bureaucrats and political, but also the duty and responsibility of teachers and all those working in the field of education and teaching. Therefore, as a practitioner and observer of education and teaching, it is necessary to think and take action in order to participate actively in improving the quality of Indonesian people fully, by improving the quality of education (Soekamto, 2001). To improve the quality of education needed reforms - reforms in learning techniques.
Geography lesson in high school SMA is a subject that is social, so that teachers must be good at luring students in the learning process by creating appropriate teaching techniques and in accordance with the learning material tailored to the situation of students, so that students at a time replications always gain value less satisfactory. This problem arises due to several reasons and the many obstacles encountered in carrying out their duties that teachers are in demand to find a technique or method of learning and evaluation system implemented by teachers so as to take into account differences in ability among students in learning
Educational reform can not be done by just one component, but there must be cooperation with other components. Lewin (1948) says that social change is dependent on the commitment and understanding of community members involved in the change process. Furthermore, Elliot (1977) suggested that the need for collaboration in making a change - fundamental change through the research process. From some of these opinions shows that improving the quality of education is a shared responsibility between teachers, students, the community, and all components of education.
Basically the technique involves students learning less will reduce the interest of the students, so that belajarnyapun achievement will decline. Learning techniques that put more emphasis on student activity is a method of learning that promotes active student role, either physically, mentally, and socially.
Based on existing symptoms, researchers will describe an effort to improve learning achievement by learning technique pantographs Talking Chip Learning in Class XII student-IS-1 with the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) Odd Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun Madiun Year 2009/2010 , A challenge of the achievement of learning objectives in High School in the current global era.

B. Limitation Problem
Within the scope of this study will be discussed in the paper is a Class Action Research (CAR) is that based on the use of pantographs Talking Chip Learning Techniques Can Improve Learning Achievement Geography Lesson in Class XII student-IS-1 with the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC ) Odd Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun Madiun Year 2009/2010. With Learning Materials Manufacturing Maps through pantographs Talking Chip Learning as a learning medium.

Based on the background of the problem can be formulated as the following issues: Is Talking pantographs Application Learning Techniques Can Improve Chip Learning Achievement Geography Lesson in Class XII student-IS-1 with the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) Odd Semester at SMA 6 Madiun Madison city School Year 2009/2010?

Based on the formulation of the problem can be formulated research goal is to determine and describe the application of learning techniques pantographs Talking Chip Learning in improving learning achievement geography subjects in Class XII student-IS-1 with the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) Odd Semester at SMA 6 Madiun Madiun Year 2009/2010. In this study has the following objectives:
1. Attracting students in learning Geography
2. Can provide student learning motivation field of study Geography
3. Can increase the understanding of a simple map-making in the field of study Geography
4. With the use of pantographs Techniques Talking Chip Learning as a means of learning media Geography interesting and fun
5. To improve student achievement Class XII-IS-1 with the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) Odd Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun Madiun Year 2009/2010 on subjects Geography
From their description described above, should the reader better understand the papers Classroom Action Research (CAR), entitled: "Improving Student Achievement through pantographs Talking Chip Learning For Learning Media Mapping".

Based on the research objectives, in general, this research is expected to produce findings - findings regarding learning techniques pantographs Talking Chip Learning geography subjects in Class XII student-IS-1 with the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) Odd Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun Madiun Year 2009/2010. In particular, this research is expected to be useful for:
1. Researchers, to add insight and knowledge to improve the quality of education geography subjects in high school, especially in high school 6 Madiun Madiun with pantographs learning technique Talking Chip Learning on the subject of Mapping
2. Institute schools, provide input in the development of the school curriculum in a way that is not glued - established conventional way, but needs to be adjusted to change or innovation implementation of the learning process adapted to the demands of the times.
3. Department of Education Madiun, as input in the decision making process in order to follow the implementation of learning, attention, and apply the results obtained from this study, so that the shortcomings of the study in the field can be repaired in accordance with the advice and recommendation of the result - the result of a class action research .
4. The world of education, to contribute in enriching the techniques and methods as well as the media in our sekeling useful in the field of education, so it can be used as a reference for implementing learning with pantographs Engineering Talking Chip Learning as a learning medium.

Based on the research background and the phenomena that occur in the field of action hypothesis in this study is formulated as follows: If the pantographs Talking Chip Learning Techniques applied in the learning process, the Class XII student achievement-IS-1 Odd Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun Madiun 2009/2010 academic year will increase.
G. SERVING Definition
Some terms that should be emphasized in this study, so that in the discussion of the results of the research will lead to a more specific description in accordance with the scope of the study, among others:
1. Increase: According to the Indonesian general dictionary published by Pustaka Sinar Harapan which means climbing, getting better, Adding capabilities, enhance - think the power, fighting spirit, absorption, purchasing power, etc. (1996: 1514)
2. Performance: According to Winkel, academic achievement is: "Our results of operations / proof of business success that has been achieved". (Winkel, 1984: 162).
3. Learning: according to R. Gagne learning is a process for motivation in the knowledge, skills, habits and behavior.
4. Students: According to the Indonesian general dictionary published by Pustaka Sinar Harapan means: Students, Student elementary, junior high, or high school (1996: 1338)
5. Through: According to the Indonesian general dictionary published by Pustaka Sinar Harapan means Undertaking, Using way through. (1996: 759)
6. pantographs: A tool that can be used to zoom in and out
7. Talking: According to Complete General Dictionary English - Indonesian, Indonesian - English by Prof. Drs. S. Wojowasito. Means 1. Conversation, 2. Discussion. (1976: 34 8)
8. Chip: means interrupts
9. Learning: According to Complete General Dictionary English - Indonesian, Indonesian - English by Prof. Drs. S. Wojowasito. Means. 1. learning, 2. hear, knowledge (1976: 212)
10.Sebagai: According to the Indonesian general dictionary published by Pustaka Sinar Harapan mean like, like, like, like (1996: 1233)
11.Media: According to the Indonesian general dictionary published by Pustaka Sinar Harapan which means 1 tool, 2. to communicate, 3. liaison (1996: 880)
12.Pembelajaran: Everything that used to lead to learning activities that allow students to gain or attain knowledge, skill, or attitude change
13.Pembuatan: According to the Indonesian general dictionary published by Pustaka Sinar Harapan which means, p. Way, the result, the process (1996: 208)
14. Map: a picture of the earth's surface in a particular scale and drawn in the plane through the projection system (PGK Team Geography Sentra Madison, 1995; 9)

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