Learning is "a mental activity / psychic that takes place in an active
interaction with the environment, which resulted in changes - changes in
knowledge, understanding, skills and value attitudes" (quoted Mandalika
Winkel et al, 1995: 24).
Sam Isbani and Sardjono states studied are: "...
.. as behavior change due to experience and practice. Change is not only
familiar with the amount of knowledge but also in the form of skills, habits,
attitudes understanding, appreciation, interest and adjustment to, or shaped
all aspects of an organism or a private person "(Isbani & Sardjono,
1985: 30). Other experts expressed the sense of learning is: "a mental
process that leads to the acquisition of knowledge, skills / skill, habits or
attitudes" (Winataputra quoting Winkel, 1997: 5:15). Understanding study
stated above it can be concluded, learning is a process of physical and mental
activity marked a change in behavior, knowledge, skills, values and attitudes
in a positive direction on the self-learner. In this thesis, the individual who
becomes the object of research. After doing the study could result in changes
in the knowledge mastery learning achievement of positive / good learning outcomes.
According Munandir (2001: 20) study is an act that most people do. This act can
be done anywhere and anytime, such as learning in a place of recreation,
learning in school, study at home, and even learn a person does when he rides a
motor vehicle (bus, train, airplane) on the way to somewhere certain. In short,
learning activities are not limited by place and time.Furthermore Maltby, et al (1995: 219) defines learning (learning) is the process by the which an organism changes its behavior as a result of experience. Learning is a process of behavioral changes that occur within an individual as a result of the experience. According Hergenhahn and Olson (1997: 2) learning (learning to gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery through experience or study. Cruising is intended to acquire additional knowledge, understanding, or mastery through experience and planned activities. Based on the opinions and the above description, the authors conclude definition of learning, namely: (1) Learning is a process for obtaining a change in behavior on students, in the form of the acquisition of knowledge (knowledge), understanding (comprehension), or control (mastery) against something material / learning through experience or interaction with the environment. Known means learning process is influenced by many factors such as potential students, student environment, the use of learning methods and media. (2) Changes in behavior are not solely as a result of the growth process maturity or accidental factors. This means that the learning outcomes acquired through deliberate or unconscious processes, meaning that a student found himself learning activities at school. (3) Changes in behavior as a result of learning is a relatively permanent because it can be stored in memory (memory). Knowledge, understanding and mastery of the subject matter about anything can be stored by the students in his memory, which can be served any time back (retrievel), so that became his (self knowledge)
The learning achievement is the result of learning achieved by students
according to ability after he made learning activities within a certain time.
According to Big Indonesian Dictionary (1990: 700) refers to the achievement of
the results achieved after a person committing or doing an activity. Activities
performed by a person may include in various fields of life, among them the
learning activity. A person's ability to perform activities students learn
affects achievement. This means that if a student has a high ability to perform
activities of learning, then he will be able to obtain high academic
achievement, and vice versa if the students' learning abilities so low that he
was not able to perform learning activities in high levels in the low predicted
academic achievement. According Suryabrata cited Muhari (1983: 25) learning
achievement was last achieved learning outcomes as well as possible in a given
period of time in school. Soemarsono (1986: 18) provides a definition of
learning achievement is realizing the value of student learning outcomes are
achieved according to their ability in doing the task at a given time. Based on
the opinions of the above, the authors conclude that:
(1) The learning achievement is a form of learning outcomes achieved by students after learning activities at school. (2) The learning outcomes achieved by students according to ability, which includes intellectual ability and the ability nonintelektual. (3) The student learning is a process that is influenced by many factors, including the use of media that are relevant to the uniqueness of students and the learning environment. (4) To determine the learning outcomes of students in the school conducted an evaluation study.
(1) The learning achievement is a form of learning outcomes achieved by students after learning activities at school. (2) The learning outcomes achieved by students according to ability, which includes intellectual ability and the ability nonintelektual. (3) The student learning is a process that is influenced by many factors, including the use of media that are relevant to the uniqueness of students and the learning environment. (4) To determine the learning outcomes of students in the school conducted an evaluation study.
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