Minggu, 24 April 2016



Street. Suhud Nosingo No. 1 Madiun, East Java, Indonesia


Drs. ADI SUPRAYITNO. M.Pd, 2015: Improving Learning Motivation Geography Mapping Explains Basic Competence Through Multipt Accut Approach (Learning Approach Developing Whole Potential of Students) Class XII-IS-1 Odd Semester At SMAN 6 Madiun. City of Madison year 2015/2016 lesson ..

Keywords: Motivation, Learning, Geography, Maps, Multipt Accut Approach (Learning Approach Developing Whole Potential of Students)

By using the principle of Multipt Accut Approach (Learning Approach that develop all potential learners) in the first cycle is already showing increasing mastery, but the mastery that has been achieved is in fact still need to be improved. It can be seen from the number of students who have achieved mastery score 65 or more. In Table 4.2 can be obtained that only 63.27% of students who achieve mastery of 65 or more. Meanwhile, a group (class) is said to be complete when the lowest 85% of students who achieve mastery score 65 or more. The cause of that is still less students who achieve mastery score 65 or more, which are active students still dominated by certain students. They are active in general is also active in the previous meetings. In this second cycle, the average score increasing student mastery. On average it increased from 66.92 achieved in the first cycle to 73.84 in the second cycle. It shows that the students' mastery of teaching material on the second cycle is increasing as well. Student mastery of the teaching material on the second cycle is already relatively high, according to the categories used. Increased student mastery it is an indicator that indicates that a form of learning is done using the principle Multipt Accut Approach (Learning Approach that develop all potential learners) and the diversity of the second cycle of increasingly providing better results. Increased student mastery is supported by the increasing median of scores achieved mastery of the test results by the end of the second cycle. In the second cycle students' mastery median score has reached 74.00. Median for it shows that of the 49 people who took a test at the end of the second cycle, can be obtained by 24 students who achieve the highest mastery 74.00 and 30 students mastery of the lowest 74.00. The median rising in accordance with the observations during the learning takes place. Where the attention of students in following the lessons better than during the previous cycle. Students who do not understand the subject matter being discussed is given direct guidance. While that already understand about the material being discussed, given the opportunity to express his opinion. Increased student mastery marked also by the emergence of responses related to learning materials during the process of learning takes place. The response generally indicates that the lesson material that has been discussed already understood and students are able to know his relationship with prior knowledge. the last cycle, seen an average score of student mastery still show an increase. Increasing the average score of the control it gives an indication that students having mastered the lesson material is increasing as well in the third cycle. Therefore, the form of the action taken in this cycle gives better results than action on the previous cycle. Increased student mastery is also marked by the increasing number of students who achieve mastery score 65 or more. Students who achieve mastery score 65 or more as much as 85.11% and this shows that the students' mastery of the subject material in the third cycle is very high. In addition, the class that is the subject of classical studies have been completed for the last cycle. Form of the action taken in this cycle, it can also bring a change of attitude of students towards better support the ongoing learning activities. Students in this cycle has been more open in expressing his opinion. Even if it were assigned at random to give an answer, no longer found students who can not answer correctly. Almost at every meeting there is no more students who can not follow the lessons. This is in line with the responses of the students made at the end of the third cycle. From these responses no longer students who expect an improvement of learning activities that have been done. From the results of the achievements in the first cycle is an average student results can be achieved at 63.63. (64%) It is still under KKM standards which have been laid pafda new Academic Year by 75 (75%). So from the results of the learning process needs to be improved on the second cycle, and still expressed or Not Completed Successfully. From the results and achievements of the second cycle is an average student results can be achieved by 73.1. (73%) It is still under KKM standards which have been laid pafda new Academic Year by 75 (75%). So from the results of the learning process needs to be improved in the third cycle, and still expressed or Not Completed Successfully. From the results of achievement as well as the third cycle in the average results that can be achieved by students amounted to 83.6. (84%) It is still under KKM standards which have been laid pafda new Academic Year by 75 (75%). So from the results of the learning process is no need to be improved in the next cycle, and still expressed or Successfully Completed.

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