rs. ADI Suprayitno. M.Pd, 2016: Expressing Results of Geography Learning
Through Learning in teaching and learning activities Students of Class
XI-IPS-2 Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun, Madiun in the Academic Year
Keywords: Learning Geography, pictoral Riddle Approach Learning
(Learning Approach that develop and improve the ability to think
critically and creatively)
negative impacts of using the kelmpok working methods could have been
avoided if only the teacher who wants to spend more time and attention
in preparing and compiling group work method. Which
diperkanalkan in learning methods in the teaching and learning process
learning is not just the working group, but on penstrukturannya. Thus,
the teaching system pictoral Riddle Approach Learning (Learning
Approach that develop and improve the ability to think critically and
creatively) learning can be defined as work / study group is structured.
Included in this structure are five principal unsru (Johnson &
Johnson, 1993), which is positive interdependence, individual
responsibility, personal interaction, skill work together, and the group
study is based on the problem: (a) Does learning in teaching and
learning process affects the outcome of Learning Geography? (B) How high is the level of mastery of Learning Geography with the implementation of learning methods in learning activities?The
purpose of this study are: (a) To reveal the effect of learning in
teaching and learning process to learning outcomes Geography. (B) Want to know how much understanding and mastery of Learning
Geography eye after the implementation of learning in teaching and
learning processThis study uses action research (action research) three rounds. Each round consists of four phases: design, activities and observations, reflections, and refisi. Goal of this research is Student Class XI-IPS-2 Semester at SMAN 6
Madiun, Madiun in the school year 2015/2016 Data obtained in the form of
a formative test results, observation sheet teaching and learning
activities.From the analyst found that student achievement has increased from the
first cycle to the third cycle, namely, the first cycle (66%), the
second cycle (75%), the third cycle (79%).The
conclusions of this study is a pictoral Riddle Approach Learning
(Learning Approach that develop and improve the ability to think
critically and creatively) can be a positive influence on motivation to
learn Student Class XI-IPS-2 Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun, Madiun in
academic year 2015 / 2016, and this model can be used as an alternative in learning geography. So it can be said that the activity can be categorized isiwa active. As
for the teachers during the learning activity has been implementing
step by step learning in teaching and learning process well. This
is evident from the activity of the teacher who appears in them and
observe the activity guide students in doing the activities, explain the
material to understand the students, providing feedback / evaluation /
debriefing in which the percentage for the above activities is quite
large. Thus, in this research activity can be declared a success or complete.
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