Senin, 12 Oktober 2015
Scientific writing skills-ADISA SMAN6 MADIUN
Drs. ADI Suprayitno. M.Pd(Assessment and Scientific Writing Tk reviewers. National)
1. IntroductionKnowledge of writing skills should not be a monopoly of Indonesian teachers because in reality the teachers of other subjects is also very concerned about it. Not infrequently non-linguistic teachers assign tasks to students to write a paper, report the results of the discussion, observation reports, and so on. Therefore, good writing skills should also be owned by the non-linguistic teachers.Through writing, the teacher (in this case non-linguistic teachers) can give an example to his students. In this activity, the teacher can at the same time act as a builder Indonesian because writing activities (fabricate) also involve language elements as ingredients. Of course, non-linguistic teachers do not want to be regarded as "destroyer" because of what has been straightened by the teacher to his student suddenly marred granted by non-linguistic teachers. As a result, the student raised ambiguity, the attitude of "indifference" in the language when dealing with non-linguistic teachers and the attitude of "cautious" when dealing with a language teacher. In between these two attitudes which are more powerful it will be reflected in the lives of students' language. If the observed number of opportunities to communicate at school, an attitude of "indifference" has a better chance to grow as the number of Indonesian school hours are not more than one-seventh of all existing school hours. These opportunities will be increase in size when linked with an opportunity to communicate outside of school time more precisely and complex linguistic rules that must be mastered students.The mistake was, of course, can not simply be imposed on non-linguistic teachers. There is also a language teacher who behave like non-linguistic teachers. In fact, there are non-linguistic teachers were being exceeded in the English-language teacher. In addition, the role of the mass media can not be avoided. The texts were aired on TV, both public and private, are still often do not heed about spelling. Decoding of words in a newspaper or magazine that is completely done by the computer too often do not heed the rules right. Not to mention the various posts in public places, which sometimes meaning ridiculous, illogical, or even taxa (doubles).However, we are still grateful for Indonesian development efforts outside formal education at school, still underway, particularly through The floating Language Development Center and Department of Education through upgrading, counseling in various media, or the dissemination of information to the brochure. Efforts were very helpful teacher Center of Books have been held since 1990 by the Department of Education held a writing training followed upgrading primary teachers, SMTP, and the SMTA at various Regional Office of Education. This activity is geared to equip the participants basic skills coral-mangarang. The expected end result is the emergence of textbooks or books that have good quality.
2. Various Demanded Ability in Writing ProficiencyWrite (in this paper write term equated to fabricate; therefore, both are used interchangeably) is not just a matter of language skills, but also a matter of reasoning. In this case the writing requires one to master the vocabulary, rules of morphological, syntactic rules, the rules of discourse, and the rules of writing (spelling) is woven into dynamic reasoning. For that, all components must be realized integrally in writing activities.The harder a person involved in the writing, the more stable is also the mastery of all the components that language. Similarly, the ability of reasoning is also growing. Therefore, writing, as well as speaking, reading, and listening, require continuous training and intensive.In addition to the language and reasoning abilities are good, good writing requires the author to be able to present it in a good and interesting. Is manarik theme? Whether the ideas detailed and clear? It all also into consideration a person's quality of writing.Based on that, the writing skills requires some ability. Abilities that can be grouped into three categories, namely language skills, reasoning ability, and the ability of rhetoric. Language skills related to mastery Grammar (spelling), vocabulary and choice of words, rules of morphological, syntactic rules, and the rules of discourse. The ability of reasoning concerning the activities of linking the data or written material in a logical sequence, so that it can be accepted others (readers). The ability of the rhetoric associated with the presentation of language skills and reasoning based on the type of writing ('genre') and certain Pernaskahan existing conventions. The third ability is discussed in detail below.
2.1 Language AbilityAs a means of communication can accommodate the idea of a person's language. The idea was so well received by others should be laid out / set with rules mutually agreed language. These rules include the areas of spelling, morphology (word formation), vocabulary and word choice, syntax (sentence preparation), and discourse. The ability to master the rules are necessary for the author that his ideas can be channeled properly.
Field includes spelling rules of the use of letters, spelling, punctuation and usage. In the field of spelling it still looks much offense. Improper use of letters shown in the following example.(1) Field of the trajectory of the earth is called the ecliptic.(2) Rotation of the Earth to the Earth's axis about 1 day or 23 hours 56 minutes.(3) Conditions of the order include:1. There are rules (rules)2. There are set3. There are overseeing
These words should be written as follows.
(1a) The field of the Earth is called the ecliptic path.(2a) of the Earth's rotation axis of the earth about 1 day or 23 hours 56 minutes.(3a) Terms of order is as follows:1. No regulation (order);2. there is arranged;3. someone is watching.
(3b) Terms of order is as follows.1. There are rules (rules).2. There were arranged.3. There might be watching.
Writing involves writing words said base, said derivative, remodeled, combined words, prepositions, abbreviations, and others. Violation of the application of the rules of this field can be observed the following: athlete, theoretically, fortune, tilpun, nature, kaedah, hierarchy, methods, traditional, legalization, February, objective, technique, congress, analysis, permits, general, quality, standardization, schedules, change, success, producing, inter-city, soups subject, underline, follow up.
Writing the correct forms of the above are as follows: athlete, theoretical, sustenance, telephone, nature, rules, hierarchy, methods, traditional, legalization, February, objective, technique, congress, analyzes, permits, general, quality, standardization, schedule, change, success, producing, intercity, suppokok discussion, underlining, follow up.
The use of punctuation, such as a period (.), Comma (,), semicolon (;), colon (:), and so on, are still common mistakes in writing. It can be observed in the example (3) and justification in the form of (3a) and (3b), quoted back below.(3) Conditions of the order include:1. There are rules (rules)2. There are set3. There are overseeing
(3a) Terms of order is as follows:1. No regulation (order);2. there is arranged;3. someone is watching.
(3b) Terms of order is as follows.1. There are rules (rules).2. There were arranged.3. There might be watching.
Morlologi language skills in the field, which involves the formation of words through pengimbuhan, repetition, and compounding, have also owned by the author. The authors who rules these rules will not bore formations like mengetrapkan, rape, groups of nature lovers, translate, obey, vandalism, break-break, and accountability. In this case they will write the formations are as follows: apply, rape, a group of nature lovers, translate, obey, destruction, fragmented, and accountability.
Language skills in vocabulary and word choice becomes very important because the application of the ability of these areas can lead to the impression of an interesting or boring, offend or not the reader. To avoid boredom, the writer can use synonyms. However, the use of two words synonymous in one sense it shows the carelessness choice of words. Inaccuracy choice of words is shown in the following sentences.(4) buses in the city of Surabaya will be changed with a new one.(5) While people assume that skin disease is not a dangerous disease.(6) Islam is a religion that is very concerned with cleanliness was born, in addition to the inner purity.
The right choice of words in the sentences above as shown below.(4a) All city buses in Surabaya will be replaced with new ones.(5a) Some people think that skin disease is not a dangerous disease.(6a) Islam is a religion that is very concerned with cleanliness was born, in addition to the inner purity.
Other language skills are the ability to construct an effective sentence. A qualified grammatical sentences is not necessarily an effective sentence. Effective sentence requires more than that. This sentence is formed intentionally to achieve appropriate power and good information, so understanding the same information for the reader to think the author (Yulianto, 2007: 89). Therefore, the effective sentence in addition eligible grammatical, also pay attention to the relationship with other nearby sentence. Consider the following example.(7) 4. Air Space
A room together with the cylinder and cylinder head.(8) In the last lesson showed that cleanliness was a means to perform a wide variety of worship.
Both of the above sentence should be written as follows.(7a) 4. Air Space
Water space is a space that becomes one with the cylinder and cylinder head.(7b) 4. Air Space
Water space are in one room with the cylinder and cylinder head.(8a) In the last lesson indicated that cleanliness was a means to perform a wide variety of worship.
Effective sentence is structured to avoid boredom readers. To that end, effective sentence must consider (a) kegramatikalan, (b) cohesion, both turf sentence or between sentences, (c) the density, (d) kevariasian, the wording pursued varied long-short, active sentences passive, simple sentences -kompleks, and so on.
Kewacanaan field of language skills in the ability to combine the sentence with each other, paragraphs one and the other adjacent to appear harmonious. Sentences are arranged to be a unity that dial-connect. Therefore, it can be used the words continued as appropriate, replacing words with synonyms or specific pronouns, and the repetition of key words to generate pressure. The integration of the elements forming the writing (essay) it is absolutely understandable that discourse.2.2 Reasoning AbilityReasoning is a process that occurs in the human mind for the connection between all the things that are around, all experienced, to derive a conclusion (Keraf, 1993: 11). In writing, the author tries to collect large amounts of data, then vote, and merangkaikannya in a systematic acceptable others toward a conclusion or opinion that the agreed dpat.
Good reasoning process must be supported by good language skills. It appears on the right choice of words and sentence structures are clear, varied, and easy to understand. Reasoning that this well will produce compact and convincing essay. Readers will receive the information, ideas, and arguments are compiled based on good reasoning it as something that is the case (Syafi'ie, 1988: 182).
No general reasoning, as seen in the pattern of the inductive and deductive thinking. There is also a reason that is specific, ie, related to the specific theories in a given field of science. Writing against certain theories in a field of science have to show weaknesses were opposed theory and demonstrate the power of the new theory. This is where the reasoning is required.
Relating to the reasoning in composing there are some principles that should be realized author. Principle-rpinsip it is as follows: (a) the reasoning is not a single, (b) determine the condition of the reader, (c) be guided by the objectives, (d) found the standard of reasoning the reader, and (e) menyesuai statement with the power of reasoning (Syafi ' ie, 1988: 183).
In producing his writings, the author must realize that the reasoning used was not the only reason why each issue may have a variety of possible solutions. Everyone has the freedom to use their reasoning to solve a problem. For that, they need material support in the form of arguments. Herein lies the power of reasoning itself.
In addition, the author should know the condition of the reader. This was important because the author must be able to estimate what things were already known to the reader on the subject of writing. Thus, it can be estimated also things that are unknown readers. Based on these estimates, the authors chose the right arguments to support the idea or opinion. This is where the importance of the author sets the standard of reasoning for the readers because the statement is not supported by reasoning that argument right (according to the reader) the reader will easily rejected.
Another thing to note is the author writing goals. The arguments used by the author to support the idea, as above, depending on the purpose of writing. Is the writing was aimed at exposing something or influence the reader will bear a different argument. A good argument and suitable to support a particular idea is not necessarily good and suitable to support other ideas with other purposes as well.
The statement expressed the writer must also be in accordance with the power of reasoning that supports it. The statement should not bombastic. The author should not get lost in a big statement, but the arguments that support only a limited data.
2.3 Ability RhetoricAbility rhetoric regarding how to choose the essay topics that attract readers, limiting the topic is too broad, preparing the outline (organizational arrangements), and develops a bouquet. In addition, this ability also involves knowledge about what the content of certain parts in the essay, for example, the preface, the introductory chapter, the chapters of discussion, conclusions, and so forth. Which may include the ability of this rhetoric is the knowledge and application of the requirements (rules) Pernaskahan.
The first activity once the author is determining topics (subjects). Topics can include ideas, expression of feelings, wishes, opinions, or information. The topic itself can come from people / other party or from the author himself. Whatever the topic and from anywhere is a difficult topic will be successfully developed if the author did not control the problem and interested in him.
Not infrequently found in reality a writer (beginner) is difficult to determine the topics / issues. So, I can question myself on the field or subfield what caught his attention. If a topic has been set or whether the authors found quite master it. The selected topic should pay attention to in terms of the benefits to readers or writers, or for the development of science. The selected topics should also not be too stale and not too provikatif (undetermined qualifications).
Topics that have been set are not uncommon too broad. Therefore, in order not to cause difficulties for the author because there is a long description and consequently the discussion was floating, it is necessary that topic is limited. In limiting the topic, the writer must pay attention to the author's purpose, for example to convey information, express opinions, to explain something, express feelings, and so on. In addition, it should also be noted who the readers of the article and the opportunities available to the author, such as how long the writing, time, money, ability to author, etc.
Restrictions on this topic will be reflected in the outline. Therefore, both closely related. In preparing the outline, there are two principles that must be considered, namely the development and grouping. Development refers to thinking more about things that are discussed, while the grouping leads to the division of things into parts smaller.
There are several advantages when someone uses the outline. According Keraf (1985) and Yulianto (2007), the outline serves to limit problems. The framework can steer compositional regularly. Outline also reflects the logic of solving the problem, so that when within the framework of the visible logic false, the frame can be immediately changed since turned it easier than changing the overall essay. Outline can avoid the cultivation of the topics overlap. With the outline of supporting material can be easily determined. Outline can finalize preparations essay writing as a whole. With the outline of the author can avoid redundant description on the less important part. With the outline of the writer can create emphases. Thus, with the outline of the proportion of each part can be balanced in a unified whole.
After the outline, which constitute the basic organization of essays, compiled, the next writer task is to develop it into a full bouquet. These activities may be preceded by the collection of material, such as through observation, interviews, keusioner, reading, and inference. The collection of material through the first four way using the process of "taking", while the latter method, inference, is a way to obtain writing materials is done by a process of reasoning in the writer.
There are several techniques essay development. Techniques known and widely used one is the development of techniques inductive, the development of techniques deductive development of logic Toulmin, the development of the technique of causation, the development of the narrative techniques, development of the technique of benchmarking, the development of techniques climax, and development with technical explanations before or after the statement (Hairston, 1981: 61 and Syafi'ie, 1988: 94).
The development of writing with inductive technique performed by presenting evidence relating to the subject first essay. The evidence may include examples, facts, experiences, reports, statistics, and so on. Based on the evidence is then drawn conclusions of a general nature.
Development of deductive technique of writing with the opposite effect. Authors should begin with general statements followed by a description of the specific things. Special things this is evidence, in the form of examples, facts, and so on. Such evidence must support the general statement that has been expressed at the outset.
The development of writing with Toulmin logic techniques using the five elements in the argument, namely the claim (statement), data, warrant (justification), support (support), and qualifier (qualifying). The five elements are in fact not always fully used, but can be used three or four only. When the three elements used must contain at least the data (as evidence), claim, and warrants. Pattern drafting it may take the form where love, meaning that it can claim put forward first, the new data, and then the warrant or warrants, claims, and data, and so on. Examples of development can be observed below. In the example that (1) is the data, (2) claim, and (3) warrant.(1) It has been three months running this youth vigorous exercise Sukamaju village. a wide variety of sports they like, among others, football, volleyball, badminton, martial arts, and others. Sports that they enjoy doing most is football. Unfortunately Sukamaju village does not have a sports field. forced them to practice football in the school yard. Although the school yard was not eligible to play football but the youths were actively practicing as well. The more the face of inter-village sporting events in commemoration of the Independence Day. Volleyball court they made in the village hall page. Every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon they practice playing volleyball there. Sukamaju village has a strong volleyball team. In a match between the villages of last year's volleyball team became the champion of the village Sukamaju.
(2) A variety of sport activities in the village Sukamaju show that Sukamaju village community, especially the youth, have realized the true importance of sport. They have been carrying out government programs to "promote sport and memperolahragakan society". (3) For people who have realized the importance of sport, such as the Village Sukamaju it, sport activities in various branches of well developed. Barolah sport for them is one requirement that must be met as well as the needs of others (Syafi'ie, 1988: 100-101).
Development of the technique of writing with causation done by stating the first causes of something which is then followed by the consequences arising from these causes. In many ways writers can start from the result first, then the causes that caused stated. This development techniques require good reasoning, as well as the three previous techniques.
Development of the technique of writing the narration is done by presenting a series of events that happened in chronological order. Penyusuna events based on the time sequence. This technique is very suitable for writing a trip report, the operating procedures something, or essay writing fiction.
Development of the technique of writing with the benchmarking done by presenting a comparison between two or more things. The comparisons may highlight the differences or similarities. This technique can be done by mentioning the characteristics of the part completely, then the other parts are compared also mentioned the complete characteristics as well. The author can also mention the characteristics of the parts are compared, then switch to the other characteristics. And so on until all the characteristics can be expressed.
Development of the technique of writing the climax is done by presenting a part-Baian bouquet in the order based on the degree-level. Disclosure starting from the least important to the most important things, of things that are less appealing to the most exciting things, of things that are less gripping up to the most gripping, or from the simple to the most complex. The circuit can also be reversed sequence of the most important things to the things that are most important. This development engineering technique called anticlimax.
Development of the technique of writing with an explanation before or after the statement made by first explaining the weaknesses of a concept, an idea, or an explanation that there is a source, then the author stated concepts, ideas, or considered to be a better explanation. This can be done on the contrary, the authors propose the first statement of a concept or idea to challenge the new (better), and then an explanation of the weaknesses of a concept or idea that has been around (from a source) regarding the same.
Another rhetorical ability and knowledge concerning the implementation of the script. The writer must know the exact size of the typing pattern. He also must know exactly when and for what purpose a distance of 1, 2, 3, or 4 spaces are used.
He also should know the numbering used in the essay, both concerning the numbering of pages and the numbering of the chapters and sections. The numbering of knowledge also about what kind of numbers used (arabic numbers and roman numerals) and for what purposes the figures. Other knowledge relating to the use of capital letters, bold, italics, etc. (Read more Yulianto, 2010).
In addition, the authors should have the knowledge and can apply how to cite a source, either direct or indirect quotations, good citation of less than four lines or more. The author also must be able to express what if the quote was contained in various sources. He also must be able to reveal if the name of the author of the afore-mentioned source (before quotation) or if the author's name is located behind (after the quote). Authors demanded to be able to write a bibliography correctly. The application of these techniques can be considered in this paper (rewriting rules can also be read in full at Sudjiman and Sugono, 1986 and Yulianto, 2010).
As was mentioned earlier, the ability rhetoric also about knowledge and the application of what content or what should be contained in the pages of the skin, the title page, table of contents, preface, introduction, part of the discussion, conclusions, attachments, and so on. Knowledge of how the technique of writing the parts must also be known to the author.
Actually, the fundamentals of rhetoric to cover areas of reasoning, language as a revealer of the reasoning, and objects that become the material reasoning. Authors should be aware that he had to write something good, regular (based on the script), and useful for many people to use the language properly.
3. Type Scientific workAs a form of composition which contains scientific matters, scientific work should be delivered in a way that is as objective-objective. From a technical point of presentation, scientific works are distinguished into two forms of presentation, namely conventional and popular. Official reports, such as academic research reports, thesis and dissertation generally uses many conventions (rules) writing binding. As accountability for the activities carried out, the official report presents the complete information. The scientific work of this kind requires space pages of so many official report presented to the size of the book. The contents of certain parts and often formulation stiff. The sections are presented in the form of chapters. Perwajahannya certain forms also. That's called selingkung style.
Meanwhile, one example of the scientific work is presented in a popular article. No article is sourced from the research and some are purely of the ideas. Articles on this research can be seen in several scientific journals. The language style and form of presentation that displayed a more flexible, less rigid, but still formal language. There is no chapters in the article. Systematics are generally used for article research results are as follows: the title, abstract, introduction, research methodology, research and discussion, the cover (conclusion), and bibliography, while systematics of the article that contains the ideas (not research) is as the following: title, abstract, introduction, main ideas exposure, the cover (conclusion), and bibliography.
In addition, there is also a scientific work called paper or paper. Papers are usually presented to the material in class discussions. Papers presented there are conventional. This kind of papers presented berbab-section, which usually consists of the introductory chapter, the discussion chapter, chapter conclusions, and bibliography. This type of paper is generally derived from the ideas.
There is also a paper is a report that is used for reading the results discussed in the lecture class in college. The paper of this type generally presented popular. Writing organization that is often used is the title, sub-subtitle sourced from sources of reading material, followed by the subtitle discussions / responses and ends with a bibliography (containing the source libraries used to address / respond / criticize the main source of reading).
In scientific seminars have always found the papers. Presented in popular writing, ie without chapters. Writing organization that is used as was used for the article, whether sourced from the research, as well as products of thinking.
4. Attitudes DemandedIn addition to having the capability of language, logic, and rhetoric is good, a good writer is required to have exploratory attitude, spirited diskoveri, experienced, love of truth, is open, likes to read, likes to listen, and so on. Explorative soul is in helping writers find something new to be used as a writing material.
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