Numbered Head Together Learning Method (Method of learning where each
group is given a number to get a job according learning materials) is
actually not a new thing.
the beginning of the 20th century, John Dewey has put forward the
concept of learning Numbered Head Together Modification Method (Method
of learning where each group is given a number to get a job
corresponding learning material) followed by Katz (1918) and Howey &
Zipher (1989) (Sudikan 2004 : 1) which states that the curriculum and teaching methods related to the experience and interests of students. In
the Netherlands, developing what is a realistic mathematics education
which explains that learning Citizenship Education should be linked to
real life students. The
Michigan grown Connected Mathematics Project, which aims to integrate
the idea of Civic Education in the context of real life in the hope
that students can understand what he learned with ease. As in America develops Contextual Teaching and Learning is essentially
helps teachers to relate the subject matter with real life and
memovitasi students to associate the knowledge they have acquired with
their lives.As
one approaches the concept Numbered Head Together Modification Method
(Method of learning where each group is given a number to get a job
corresponding learning material) marupakan equivalent of the term
Contextual Teaching and Learning. as a concept has three definitions. First,
it can be defined as a teaching and learning that help teachers connect
the subject to the real situation and motivate students to connect
knowledge and its application to everyday life as a member of the family
and society. Second, the learning process is closely related to the real experience. Thirdly, can be defined as a learning situation and cintent
must-specific and provide an opportunity to do troubleshooting in real
or authentic, and practice doing the task (Sudikan, 2004: 1).2. Component Numbered Head Together Modification MethodNumbered
Head Together Modification Method is a reaction to the theory that
basically behavioristik that has dominated education for many years. Modifications
Numbered Head Together This method was developed with the involvement
of seven major components effective learning, namely: konstruksivisme
(contructivis), ask (questioning), find (the inquiry), community
learning (learning community), modeling (modeling) and the actual
assessment (authentic assement) ,3. Differences Between Modification Approach Method Numbered Head Together with the Traditional ApproachThe development of science very rapidly, causing changes in paradigm, included in the study. The
discovery of a new approach has consequences for the old approach,
namely the difference that each one actually has its advantages and
disadvantages. Here is the approach Numbered Head Together Modification Method
(Method of learning where each group is given a number to get a job
corresponding learning material) which is a new approach to the
traditional approach.4. Learning Approach Numbered Head Together Modification MethodModifications
Numbered Head Together Learning Method (Method of learning where each
group is given a number to get a job corresponding learning material)
puts students in a meaningful context that connects students with prior
knowledge of the material being studied and at the same time address the
individual needs of students and the teacher's role. In
connection with that, the teaching approach Numbered Head Together
Modification Method (Method of learning where each group is given a
number to obtain the appropriate task learning material) should
emphasize the following points: a problem-based learning, authentic
teaching, the inquiry-based teaching, project-based learning / task structured, work-based learning, learning services and learning services cooperative (Department of Education, 2002: 12-14).5. Role of Teachers and Learning StrategyFactors relating to the individual needs of students, then to use
teaching approaches Numbered Head Together Modification Method (Method
of learning where each group is given a number to get a job
corresponding learning material) teachers should pay attention to the
following: Planning learning according to the reasonableness of mental development (development Appropriate) students. Establish study groups are mutually dependent (interdependent learning groups). Provide a learning environment that supports the self
(self-regulated learning) who have three common characteristics, namely
the consciousness of thinking, the use of the strategy, and sustained
motivation. Considering the diversity of students (diversity of student). Noting multi intelligence (multiple intelegences) students. In
using learning approaches Numbered Head Together Modification Method
(Method of learning where each group is given a number to get a job
corresponding learning material) the way students participate in class
should pay attention to the integrity and eight learning orientation
(spatial verbal, verbal linguistic, interpersonal musical ritmikc, maturalis, body kinestetika, intrapersonal, and logismatematis) (Gardner, 1993). Using the techniques of asking that enhance student learning, the
development of problem solving and higher level thinking skills. Applying authentic assessment (authentic assessment).Meanwhile, the Centre of Occupational Research and Development (CORD)
delivered five strategies for educators in order to implement learning
Numbered Head Together Modification Method (Method of learning where
each group is given a number to obtain the appropriate task learning
material) which is abbreviated by REACT namely:1) Relating, learning associated with the context of real-life experience2) Experiencing, learning is emphasized in the excavation (exploration), discovery (discovery), and creation (invention)3) Applying, learning where knowledge is presented in the context of its use4) Cooperating, learned through the context of interpersonal communication, sharing and so on5) Transferring, learning through the use of knowledge in a new situation or context.
6. Application of Modified Approach Method Numbered Head Together in ClassroomA
class is said to use the Modified Numbered Head Together Method (Method
of learning where each group is given a number to get a job
corresponding learning material) when applying the seven major
components such as the above. Broadly speaking, the steps in the implementation of the class is as follows: Ability thought that the child will be learning more meaningful by
working alone, find themselves, and construct their own knowledge and
skills to ask Conduct as far as possible the activities of inquiry for all topics Develop curiosity by asking students Create a community learning (group learning) Presents the model as an example of modeling Perform reflection at the end of the meeting Perform the actual assessment in various ways7. Measures Implementation of the KBMStep implementation approach Numbered Head Together Modification
Method (Method of learning where each group is given a number to get a
job corresponding learning material) in teaching and learning in the
classroom is as follows:1) Introductiona) Checking attendanceb) Delivering the learning objectivesc) Delivering the benefits of the material to be studied in everyday lifed) Convey the material prerequisites2) Presentationa) Establish a groupb) Presenting props as modelingc) Telling students observe and led to the concept of the model presentedd) Presenting the results of the groupe) sharing in the classroomf) The teacher gives reinforcement3) Covera) Telling the students to reflectb) Make a summary
is an educational tool that greatly helps the learning process especially invite students to create on expression. With air can stimulate students and teachers to create a good learning process situation if implemented appropriately. According
to Robinson (1998) in his principles - principles of teaching practice
is said that determining the teaching methods used in different
situations, and can create a healthy emotional among students - student.
Head Together Modification Method (Method of learning where each group
is given a number to get a job corresponding learning material). Numbered
Head Together Modification Method (Method of learning where each group
is given a number to get a job according learning materials) is further
helping Master bring the world into the classroom. Thus the idea that abstract and alien nature to be more concrete and easily understood by students. When this teaching method is used appropriately, then the students
will be involved in the lesson there is a possibility they will get
better and move forward.Further Robinson (1998) suggested some media that can be used to teach Civics, among others:1). Explaining Basic Competence Pancasila as the state and state ideology, 2). Model, 3). Specimen, 4). Figure, 5). Slide, 6). MovieFrom
the above opinion can be concluded that the medium of instruction is
also indispensable for teachers as a tool to clarify all discussions
related to the learning process in class. Professional
teachers should be able to choose methods and teaching aids must be
adapted to the age of learners who want to be taught as well as the
subject matter. In the opinion / password mode that knowledge of basic competency
Explaining Pancasila as the state and the state ideology is vital in the
subjects of Citizenship Education.Media
Competence Explains Pancasila as the state ideology of the state and
according to the author is very important to help the process of
learning in the classroom. The authors mean the type of Basic Competencies Explaining Pancasila
as the state ideology of the country and adapted to essentially
to Willem (1989) in his book "Becoming a Professional Master, he said
that teaching is to guide student learning activities that he wants to
learn. Jhonson and Rissing said that people can remember about 20% of the hearing, 50% of which are seen and 75% of that done.Numbered
Head Together Modification Method (Method of learning where each group
is given a number to obtain the appropriate task learning materials) is a
way of learning that is formed by the group - the group with the
provision of different material and forming a team of experts (, Model
Expert Team, Aroson, Blaney Stephe, Siker , And Snapp, 1978)Learning: everything that used to lead to learning activities that
allow students to gain or attain knowledge, knowledge and change
the above statement can be concluded that learning with more meaningful
ber of the information learned by listening to the teacher and Basic
Competence Explaining Pancasila as the state and the state ideology ,,
pictures, slides, films very supportive optimize creativity in the
application of Numbered Head Together Modification Method ( learning method where each group is given a number to get a job
corresponding learning material) in the subjects of Citizenship
B. Definition of Motivation1. Understanding MotivationIn Indonesian Dictionary, motivation is defined as a tendency towards something elevated liver. The perfect way everybody can be ensured minds have wishes. Does the desire to have or just get something you like. The person doing the activity because there is no motivation or willpower. Without preceded their motivation will certainly not materialize.The notion of learning that if you want to know and understand something must study first. That series of words that we often hear. About
the sense of learning there are a number of experts have tried to give a
formula or definition of learning, including Ischak (1988: 34) says:
"learning is the change that occurs in a person who is relatively fixed,
obtained by experience, such changes can be measured, the change in the
functional should be meaningful. "Thus is the change from a abilitas abilitas to another.Someone will succeed in learning, that in itself is no desire to learn. Desire or urge to learn is called motivation. Here the authors give several definitions of motivation.Raths
(1971: 419) suggests that motivation is an important and decisive to
direct a person as well as control actions in achieving the desired
goal. Likewise, Ardhana (1989: 3) suggests that motivation is a very
important element in the educational process and the process of running
tasks in everyday life.Seeing the importance of motivation in life, experts have been doing a
lot of research activities related to motivation, both in the field of
education, field of employment, as well as in other areas of human life.The
experts include, for example, Good and colleagues (B. Good and Jere
Brophy, 1986; Mark and Thomburg, H 1984) asserts that motivation as a
driving force, steering and reinforce behavior. The experts were assuming motivation as fuel in the operation of motor gasoline. Not to be mean, no matter how good the machine and its tuning if the fuel is not the same. Similarly,
no matter how high intellectual ability or talent of the students, if
taught civic education material without the necessary medium of
learning, students are less motivated to learn optimally. In this study are expected to use the media models can increase students' motivation.Based on the brief overview above, the importance of motivation in the learning process. Furthermore Hudojo (1981: 30) concluded that motivation is the key to the success of one's learning.Suryobroto (1984: 70) suggested that the motivation is a motif that has become active at a given time. While the motive is a state in a person that drives an individual to perform certain activities in achieving the desired goals. Likewise, Winskel (1987: 92) suggested the motive is the driving force
in a person to perform certain activities in order to achieve
objectives.Of the concepts of motivation above, it appears that the meaning of this motivation is a big influence. However,
the concept of motivation is the same concept, namely motivation is the
driving someone to be able to do something that is desired. In
other words, the motivation is the whole or totality of the powers
latent in a person, a person who can muster the energy or the energy to
do something better, than ever before in achieving certain goals. So motivation is synonymous with driving or driving that exist in a
person, so that he can do anything he pleases in accordance with the
purpose, in this case in order to increase students' motivation.Motivation
to learn is the implementation or application of motivation in
education, especially regarding the teaching and learning process. Winskel
(1987: 94) suggests that the motivation to learn is the whole psychic
driving force within the students who pose learning activities, and
ensure the continuity of the learning activities to achieve the same
purpose of intent, Sardiman (1986: 36) argues that the motivation to
learn is the psychological factor non-intellectual,
and typical applications that fosters passion, happy, and enthusiasm in
learning, which in turn can improve learning acquisition. so also, Ardhana (1990: 21) states that the motivation to learn is a
very important factor in achieving a feat, both in academic and other
achievements in the field.Motivation
to learn is suggested by experts above, plays an important role in
delivering the passion, enthusiasm and joy in learning, so that students
are motivated to have a lot of energy for learning activities. As well as providing the right direction, according to its ability to achieve a goal.Students who have low learning motivation generally lagged lessons, often also have errors in learning (Palardy, 1975: 261). Conversely, students who have high motivation will have a lot of energy to perform learning activities (Sardiman, 1986: 60).Some
characteristics of students who have high motivation to learn, can be
recognized during the teaching-learning process in the classroom. Brown
(1961: 150) suggests there are eight characteristics, as follows: (1)
interest in the teacher, it means not being indifferent, (2) interest in
the subjects taught, (3) high enthusiasm, as well as controlling
attention and energy to
learning, (4) wants to always belong to one class, (5) wants to be
recognized identity of others, (6) the actions and habits, and the moral
is always in control of himself, (7) always remember the lessons and
always learn it back in home, and (8) is always controlled by the environment.Based on the above quote, obvious motivation is related to a positive behavior, and does not lead to negative things. Correspondingly,
Sardiman (1986: 51) argues that there is motivation in a person having
characteristics as follows: (1) perseverance in the face of a task or
work continuously for a long time, (2) resilient face of adversity and
not quickly despair,
and not easily satisfied with the achievements obtained, (3) showed
interest in various problems (learning), so that less creative, (4) can
hold his (that sure of anything), (5) does not easily let go of it which is believed to be, and (6) happy locate and solve problems.Keller, et al (1978) suggested that the motivation to learn as a person's desire to achieve superior performance. Motivation
to learn this as an extension of intrinsic motivation (Husen, et al,
1985: 342) which has characteristics such as attitude and behavior:
perseverance, tenacity, endurance, courage to face challenges,
enthusiasm, and hard work (Ardhana, 1990: 4) ,Furthermore,
Keller (1979: 32) asserts that motivation to learn the lessons from
either the material itself, the motivation to learn it is determined in
situations that made a lesson, a lesson when it has a full meaning, and
closely linked with reality. In line with the Briggs (1964: 189) also emphasized that the
motivation play a major role in learning, students will work in a
focused and excited.From the opinions of motivation above, it can be concluded that the motivation to learn is the driving force in a person. It can be generated by providing the conditions and situation of teaching and learning as well as possible. Thus,
causing excitement and give direction on these activities, so that the
desired objectives can be achieved by the students. So extrinsic motivation is a form of motivation which learning
activities initiated and passed by a push from outside (Sardiman, 1986:
motivation to learn can also form the intrinsic motivation motives
become active and functions do not need to be stimulated from the
outside, because inside every individual has no urge to do as "intrinsic
motivation are inherent in the learning situation and meet pupil needs
and purposes
", intrinsic motivation is not separated from the learning situation
and can meet the needs and intentions of students (Sardiman, 1986: 88). The
same purpose, stated Thornburgh (1984) Intrinsic motivation is the
desire to act caused by the driving factors of the inner (internal)
individual. For example, students learn Civics either oral or written, not to obtain parental permission or praise.In
the process of student learning that intrinsic motivation can be seen
from its activities, diligent and tasks of learning as needed, and want
to achieve the goal of real learning. Actual learning goal is to control what is learned, not because they want to earn praise from teachers. Berlyne
(1996) suggests that students who are intrinsically motivated in
learning activities better than extrinsically motivated students. Such students will achieve satisfaction if he can solve the problem of
the lesson correctly, or menegrjakan learning tasks form the challenge
for him, and he was forced to learn these tasks.Based
on the description above, to create a situation of conditions that
support the rise of student motivation, teachers can use certain
strategic learning, for example using the medium of teaching in the
learning process. Various media are used, among others: media models, in addition to the usual media used as a blackboard. The extent of the success of teachers raise student motivation through use of the media, will be tested in this study,2. Role of Motivation in LearningBefore
talking about the role of motivation in students' learning, should be
reviewed in advance the role of the teacher in the motivation in
students. As is known, according to the teachers' duties are as a facilitator
and motivator (Raka Joni, 1985: 12), as well as inspiration in the
classroom (Winskel, 1987: 94).Based on the description above, this position shows how important teachers in students' motivation in learning. Teacher
as facilitator, then he should be able to provide various facilities,
guidance, support, encouragement to students, during the learning
process in the classroom. Provide guidance in learning or directing how so that students can learn with ease, and provide the necessary impulses students.Teachers as a motivator, the learning process should be motivating, desire and passion to learn on students. This implementation is usually done in teaching seoptimalnya yet, so it can happen to low student motivation. Therefore, the task of the teacher as motivator should be done to raise the motivation to learn. In this research effort one arouse students' use of learning media (media model) are adjusted to the subject matter presented.While
the teacher as inspiration, must be able to provide encouragement,
regardless of the level of intellectual ability or motivation level. Each student must be made happy both in following the lesson or hang out. Such circumstances, high flexible lead, attention and action must comply with the applicable norms.From the description above, it can be concluded that the role of
motivation in learning is as a driver and the driver of a person in the
act, a determinant of the direction of action, and can select actions.Motivation
as a driver can drive and foster a desire to learn the students without
a booster or motor, very few student success in learning, and very
minimal student achievement. Good motivation in learning will show good results for students.Motivation for direction, can determine in which direction an act that can achieve the expected goals for students in learning. The motivation here compass or direction, meaning students can learn
as expected without having to waste energy exhausting, to achieve the
desired goal.Motivation
to learn as selectors act, which determines the actions that should be
done and what should not be done during the process of learning takes
place. For example, if a student will pass an exam in the hope, it will
conduct learning activities, and will not spend the time to play is not
known, because such actions are not in harmony and do not support the
achievement of objectives.3. Factors Affecting Learning MotivationIt
was explained that learning is a process that led to the occurrence of a
change in behavior or skills, learn the success or failure depends upon
a variety of factors. As these factors can be divided into two groups, namely: individual and social factors.Individual
factors contained within the organism itself, among others: the
willingness or growth factors, factors of intelligence, training,
motivation and personal factors. Maturity
or for a child's growth is absolutely necessary because if the mental
or physical growth of a mature course taught something certainly
succeeded. An example of a Class VIII student at a junior high school may not be
taught philosophy, because it is the power of reason has not been able
to accept it.While
social factors are factors that come from outside the individual, such
as teaching materials, instruments and environmental factors (social and
non-social). Social
motivation, because most of the time spent on the child to learn is at
home, meaning the parents who have a lot to contribute. Therefore, if the parents as influencers can provide good motivation
certainly arises the consciousness of a child's learning will be
increased.Soekamto T (1997: 40), suggests that the relationship needs to
motivation in theory boost a person's behavior is driven toward a
particular destination due to a need.Zainula and Nasoetion N (1997: 10) argues that the test results should
be able to motivate student learning and can also be mentors for them
to learn.Skinner, as quoted by Prayitno Elida (1989: 5) argues that the motivation is determined by the environment. Students will be motivated to learn if environmental / learning
environment wisely arranged so that students are motivated to learn.Motivation and the environment include:a. School physical environment that includes students, seating
arrangements, class size, school size and composition in the classroom.b. The social environment.Prayitno Elida (1989: 130) argues that the planned use of the medium
of instruction is to encourage students to give a response to the draft
of teaching, teaching students' response to the situation may be in the
form of repeating the facts that have been studied and can also form a
complex creations.Wardani
IGAK found students' attention and motivation to learn was very driven
and encouraged by teachers who engage them in learning. Mature teacher preparation, activity in the form of direct experience
and a new one relating to the student's experience will determine the
level of student engagement.While Conny et al argued that the development of the mind (cognitive) based on the child's actual movements and actions. Children must move on and do something about the real object. Thus would have the motivation from within himself as driven by curiosity.Based
on some of the above opinions, the author menyimpulan that motivation
to learn is influenced by several factors, both from within and from
outside the student. Factor of the student, among others: the needs of students, students'
cognitive power and test results of students while school physical
environment, social environment, teachers and the media are factors
outside the student.
4. Factors Inhibiting LearningEvery child has obstacles in learning can be seen from the results that were assigned by their teachers. Many factors that become obstacles in learning. Furthermore,
M. Ischak says, "... many that cause learning difficulties, such as:
physical, spiritual and social" (Ischak, 1998: 82). Physical problems are the problems that caused weakness as a potential physical. This weakness can be exhaustion or other physical disorders. An
example of a sleepy, can also be regarded as a physical disorder, since
it is due to fatigue continues to look at the screen without stopping. Result after it came time to learn they can not concentrate on what is learned.While
spiritual problems are the problems associated with the potential
psykologi, such as the condition of normal intelligence are also
experiencing barriers to learning. They did not fully confront the lesson, they descry deterrent, lazy and so on. Social problems are problems related to communication (shy and timid).From
these quotations above concluded that the factors for children, in
addition to social problems, in the form of influences from outside. An example of the presence of private television aired. Especially for Junior High School age children generated a lot of problems.
5. Efforts to Improve Learning MotivationThe purpose of learning is ideal is that the materials studied is filled entirely by students. As for efforts to be made related to mastery of the material and understand. According
to S Nasution (1988: 52) "One of the prerequisites for mastery or
completion is specifically formulate the material should be poured in a
summative evaluation tool that is in order to know the success rate of
students". Furthermore,
it is said also that: "Methods and diverse learning resources can be
presented to students to master the material that has not been
understood". Indicates
where students with instructions to fix the error is a good step, but
it can be given a tutorial assistance, namely personal assistance of a
teacher. Another way is to have students re-read carefully the page or section
relating to the error pupils to read certain sections of the book.From the quote above that efforts should be made in improving children's learning is, directed them to please lessons occupied. If the lessons that have been favored of course they will be raised high motivation and willingness to learn.
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