Understanding PrinciplesAccording to Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), means that the basic principle or principles.
That is the basic truth that the subject of thinking, acting, and so on.
other words, the principle is the variety of things that should be used
as a benchmark or guidelines in determining a variety of things. When in determining such things are not guided by the principle, then
it happens then is that the goal was not achieved because in fact the
principle is characteristic of something.Thus is the principle of learning and teaching are various things to
be used as a benchmark or guideline in determining the various matters
related to teaching and learning.Understanding LearningMany experts who define learning. On this occasion only one definition proposed study because the main
discussion in this paper is not a matter of learning concepts.According to Gagne (1984), learning is a process in which an organism changes its behavior as a result of experience. Someone said to learn if there is a change of behavior. While the changes are caused by physiological processes, meka-nik, and maturity can not be classified as learning.Changes in the physical properties, such as height and weight, not including learning. Because of such changes include physiological changes. Likewise, the development of speaking and walking in humans can not be
said to be learning for the development of speaking and walking in
humans is generally caused by the maturity more than learning.Understanding TeachingLong expressed the view that teaching is the process of granting or penyam-Paian knowledge. The views thus have an impact on the learning process is teacher-centered arrives. Be a teacher-centered teaching, teaching is more dominant than learning.Along with the global developments that knows no compromise, pan-long invitation of teaching has changed. Teaching
no longer seen as a process of transmission of knowledge, but rather as
an attempt or process undertaken by the teacher to make her students
learn (MONE, 2003). Teaching is no longer a teacher-centered, but has shifted to the teaching that is student-centered.Principles of LearningThe principles of learning that need to be considered primarily by
educators No 8 (http://re-searchengines.com/rustanti30708.html), namely:1. AttentionBefore the study began, the teacher should attract the attention of
students so that students concentrate and interested in the subject
matter being taught.2. MotivationIf the student's attention has been focused, then the next step is to motivate students. Although students are motivated by the beginning of the current
activities of teacher-disikan mengon that students' attention focused on
the subject matter that is being air-straight, but the teachers are
required to build motivation and learning throughout the learning
process takes place so that students can follow the lessons well.3. Students activenessLearning will be meaningful when students actively in the learning process and the defense-distance. Students do not just accept and swallow the concepts submitted by teachers, but the students move directly. In this case the teacher needs to create-to situations that cause the student activity.4. Direct InvolvementSo that students involved in the learning process, teachers should
choose and prepare a credible form of activities in accordance with the
purpose of learning.5. Repetition LearningMastery of the material by the students could not take place briefly. Students need repetitions so that the material being studied still remember.6. Lessons Stimulate and ChallengingSometimes students merasam bored and not interested in the material that is being taught-kan. To avoid such symptoms and the teacher must choose to
sacrifice-ganisir material such that stimulate and challenge students to
study them.
7. Feedback or ReinforcementStrengthening or reinforcement that has a great effect if it is often given to the student-kan. Each student success no matter how small should be addressed by giving the award.8. Characteristics of StudentsEach student has different characteristics. Individual differences both physically and psychologically will affect
student learning, so teachers need to consider ways of learning given
to the students, for example, arranging seating, set timetable, etc.Meanwhile there is also outlining the principles of learning there are
namely:1. Principles of ExerciseWhat is learned man is what he does. The more he does something related to the learned material the higher the intensity of learning.2. Principle of AssociationPeople who learn are people who try to link the pengeta-huan owned more easily studied.3. Principle Effect (result)People who learn to perform physical and mental activity is accompanied by the taste-his, happy or not happy4. The principle of readiness (readiness)People will learn if he is ready to learn, either physically or mentally ready.5. Principle Pengahayatan InterestPeople will be more motivated to learn something if he really realize and appreciate the reason why he had to learn it.6. Principle Staged sequence (sequenoe)Someone will be easier to learn if he does so from the easiest to the most difficult.7. Principle Respecting Individual Differences (Individualization)Everyone has its own and unique way to learn something.8. Principle of Sufficient Learning OpportunitiesEveryone will be able to understand a lesson well when he can download an opportunity to learn and do the work themselves.9. Principles of Learning Outcomes Knowing the Immediate (evaluation)Someone will go more smoothly learn if he knows that any time he studied with well developed and not making a mistake.10. Principles of ConcentrationSomeone will be easier to learn something that is clearly focused on the topic and purpose.11. The principle of ContextPeople learn requires real learning situation similar to the situation in which the learning outcomes later use. The more real the situation, the better the learning outcomes.There is also argued the principles of learning as follows:1. Learning will occur if the new behavior provides satisfaction for students.2. Learning should be meaningful.3. Learning will occur if there is a correlation between students' knowledge.4. There is the influence of knowledge on learning.5. Students have the ability to master6. Learn to be effective if students are actively involved7. Learning to be effective if there is repetition8. Learning will occur if the real situation and in accordance with its True life.9. Learning will occur if the student is ready to learn10. Learning will happen if students are given the opportunity to develop their knowledge.11. Learning will be more effective if teachers provide reinforcement and reward well.12. Learning will happen if students know their learning progress.13. Individual differences in learning abilityPrinciples of TeachingTeaching principle is a rule that applies to a teacher in delivering course material. These principles are called the Principles Didactic (http://www.mitrapulsa.com/prinsipbelajar.html)The principles taught include:1. The principle concern, namely the principle arouse the attention of students.2. The principle of activity, namely the principle of activating students' physical and mental.3. The principle of apperception, namely the principle of connecting with what is already known to the child.4. The principle of demonstration, which demonstrates the principle of teaching.5. The principle of repetition, namely the principle of holding regular repetition-repetition.6. The principle of correlation, namely the principle of establishing relations with other subjects.7. The principle of concentration, namely the principle of concentration on the core issues.8. The principle of individualization, namely the principle of the adjustment on the nature and talents of each child.9. The principle of socialization, creating / adjusting to the environment10. The principle of evaluation, which held a proper and thorough assessmentAnother formulation stating the principles of teaching is as follows:1. Students must understand the purpose of subjects.2. Students must have a desire to learn.3. Students should keep hospitality and a relaxed atmosphere so that students can mena-nyakan things that can not be followed.4. The physical condition should be fun and appropriate.5. Teachers must engage students so that they participate and accept responsibility in the learning process.6. Teachers should take advantage of the experience of students.7. The teacher must prepare the class very well, understanding and passionate in teaching students.8. The method should be varied and precise.9. The teacher should always learn and adjust their teaching in accordance with the development of new methods.
REFERENCESDahar, Ratna, Wilis.1988. Theories of Learning. Bandung: P2LPTKMone. 1989. Indonesian dictionary. Jakarta: Balai PustakaMone. 2003. Learning Model Primary School of Natural Sciences. Jakarta:Lesson IPA Quality Improvement Project (SEQIP).Rose, Colin. 2003. Master Faster: Book Smart Accelerated Learning. Bandung: Kaifahttp://re-searchengines.com/rustanti30708.htmlhttp: // re-sehttp: //pustaka.ut.ac.id/puslata/online.php? menu = bmpshort_detail2 & ID = 168http://www.mitrapulsa.com/prinsipbelajar.html
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