Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Lightening the Learning Climate-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Background Of The ProblemAlready being understood teaching and learning activities are also more expensive students.
Students not an empty bottle that can be filled with charges any information deemed necessary by the teacher. In addition, the flow of the learning process does not have to come from teachers towards students. Students can also teach one another with fellow students sharing. In fact, many studies show that teaching by peers (peer teaching) is more effective than teaching by teachers. Teaching system provides an opportunity for students to collaborate with fellow students in a structured tasks called a system of "learning mutual assistance" or Lightening the Learning Climate (Turning Atmosphere learning) learning. In this system, the teacher acts as a facilitator.There are several important reasons why this teaching system need to be used more often in schools. Along with the process of globalization, social transformation is also happening, Social Sciences, and the demographic that requires schools to better prepare students with new skills to be able to participate in a world that is changing and evolving rapidly.Indeed, for teachers in this country mutual cooperation method is not too foreign and they have often used it and recognizing it as a method of group work. Indeed, it is undeniable that many teachers have often assigning students to work in groups.Unfortunately, the method of group work is often considered less effective. Attitudes and negative impression is emerging in the implementation of group work method. If the working group does not succeed, the students tend to blame each other. Conversely, if successful, the emerging sense of injustice. Students who are good / diligently feel less able colleagues who had been piggybacking on their work. As a result, the method should work group noble aims, namely to instill a sense of brotherhood and the ability to cooperate, it could end up with dissatisfaction and disappointments. Not only teachers and students who feel pessimistic about the use of methods of teamwork, even sometimes parents also feel anxious if their child is included in a group with other students who are considered less balanced. In this 21st century, we need to rethink teaching practices in schools. The role to be played by education in the world will prepare students to participate fully in community life in the 21st century will be very different from the traditional role that had been held by the schools.There is a general perception that has been rooted in the world of education and also has become a societal expectations. The general perception considers that it is the duty of teachers to teach and students menyodori with charges of information and knowledge. Teachers need to be or at least seen by students as the omniscient and resources. Worse, students learn in situations that burden and scary because it was overshadowed by the demands of pursuing the values ​​of test and test high. In Law 20 of 2003 on National Education System explained that national education has the following objectives: For the development of students' potentials to become religious and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, orderly, independent, and become citizens democratic and accountable, (2006: 76)One of the government's effort to achieve this goal is to organize teaching and learning activities, ideally, expected teaching is effective teaching, because kreatifan is a benchmark in achieving the goal. Thus it is said that effective or not something can cause a reliable achievement of objectives achievedTeaching and learning processes that lead to an outcome that corresponds to the basic competence has enormous influence for students, however, the results that have been achieved by students are expected to be used in the future, both for students in school or leave school. Learning outcomes which have been obtained, stored for later dug out of memory when neededIn the excavation was often difficult for students in terms of results achieved and stored in memory can not be used as intended or in other words the students have forgotten. So forgotten can be seen as a negative phenomenon that creates difficulties for teachers and students. While it is good teachers or students expect other circumstances that either the teacher or student paced expect other circumstances well-paced and ideal that does not happen to forget and everything what has been learned can be remembered well.Apparently, the need for a paradigm shift in the study the students' learning process and the interaction between students and teachers.The negative impacts of using the kelmpok working methods could have been avoided if only the teacher who wants to spend more time and attention in preparing and compiling group work method. Which diperkanalkan in learning methods Lightening the Learning Climate (Turning Atmosphere learning) learning is not just a group work, but on penstrukturannya. Thus, the teaching system Lightening Learning Climate (Turning Atmosphere learning) learning can be defined as work / study group structured. Are included in this structure are five principal unsru (Johnson & Johnson, 1993), which is positive interdependence, individual responsibility, personal interaction, expertise working together, and the group process.Fears that the spirit of students to develop themselves individually could be threatened in the use of methods of group work can be understood as the group assignment performed carelessly, the student instead of the maximum learning, but learning to dominate or passing the buck. Learning methods of mutual cooperation is structured such that each member in the group carry out taanggung personal responsibility because there is a system of individual accountability. Students can not just ride his hard work and efforts of each student will be rewarded according to the points of improvement.From the background of the problem, the researchers felt compelled to see the impact of the Lightening learning Learning Climate (Turning Atmosphere Study) on student achievement by taking the title of "Optimizing Social Science Learning Achievement Through Learning Learning Climate Lightening the Students of Class XI-IPS Semester Even in SMAN 6 Madiun academic year 2014/2015 ".B. Problem FormulationReferring to the above description of the background, can be studied there are some problems that are formulated as follows:1. Is the learning Lightening Learning Climate (Turning Atmosphere Study) effect on the results of study Social Sciences Student Class XI student-IPS Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun academic year 2014/2015?2. How high is the level of mastery of the material Studying the Social Sciences with the implementation of the learning method Lightening the Learning Climate (Turning Atmosphere Study) in Class XI-IPS Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun academic year 2014/2015.?C. ObjectiveBased on the formula masalaah above, the purpose of this research is carried out:1. To reveal the effect of learning Lightening the Learning Climate (Turning Atmosphere Study) on the results of study Social Sciences Grade Semester XI-IPS in SMAN 6 Madiun academic year 2014/2015.2. Want to know how far the understanding and mastery of Social Sciences Learning eyes after learning the implementation of the Learning Climate Lightening (Turning Atmosphere Study) in Class XI-IPS Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun Academic Year 2014/2015D. Benefits Research1. The results and findings of this study can provide information about learning Lightening the Learning Climate (Turning Atmosphere Study) in the Study of Social Sciences by the teacher who taught in Grade XI-IPS Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun academic year 2014/2015.2. Schools as policy makers in an effort to optimize student achievement, especially in the eyes Study of Social Sciences.3. The teacher, as a material consideration in determining the learning method that can provide benefits for students.4. Students can improve motiviasi learn and practice social attitudes to caring for another student success in achieving the learning objectives.5. Increase the knowledge and insight about the role of Learning author of Social Sciences in improving student understanding Learning Social Sciences.6. Contribution of thought in the Social Sciences Learning in teaching and enhance student understanding Learning Social Sciences.E. Operational DefinitionTo avoid any perception of the title of this study, it is necessary to be defined as the following matters:1. Motivation to learn is:A process to encourage motifs into an act or behavior to meet the needs and goals, or circumstances and readiness within the individual that encourage behavior to do something to achieve certain goals.2. Achievement of learning are:Learning outcomes expressed in terms of value or in the form of a score, after the students to follow the lessons.3. Learning method Lightening the Learning Climate (Turning Atmosphere Study) is:An instruction that involves students to work in groups to establish common goals.F. Limitation ProblemDue to time constraints, the necessary restrictions on the problem include:1. This study is only imposed in Class XI-IPS Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun Academic Year 2014/20152. The study was conducted from March to May 2015 even semester academic year 2014/2015.3. The material presented is subject Describe interstate cooperation in the economic field.G. HypothesisIf the learning method Lightening the Learning Climate applied in the learning process, so learning achievement of Grade XI-IPS Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun academic year 2014/2015 will rise

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