Expressing Results Learning
Achievement Through Learning
Riddle Pictorial
Learning Approach In Grade XI-IPS-2 Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun, Madiun Academic
Year 2014/2015
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Nip. 19620615
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The negative impacts of using the kelmpok working methods could have been avoided if only the teacher wants to spend more time and attention in preparing and compiling group work method. Which diperkanalkan in teaching methods in the teaching and learning process learning is not just a group work, but on penstrukturannya. Thus, the teaching system pictoral Riddle Approach Learning (Learning Approach that develop and improve the ability to think critically and creatively) learning can be defined as work / study group structured. Included in this structure are five principal unsru (Johnson & Johnson, 1993), which is positive interdependence, individual responsibility, personal interaction, expertise working together, and the group process. This study is based on the problem: (a) Does learning in teaching and learning process Learning Geography affect the outcome? (b) How high is the level of mastery of learning geography with the implementation of learning methods in learning activities? The purpose of this study are: (a) To reveal the effect of learning in teaching and learning process to learning outcomes Geography. (b) Want to know how far the understanding and mastery of Learning Geography eye after the implementation of learning in the teaching and learning process This study used action research (action research) three rounds. Each round consists of four phases: design, activities and observation, reflection, and refisi. This research target is the Grade XI-IPS-2 Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun, Madiun in the school year 2014/2015 Data obtained in the form of a formative test results, observation sheet teaching and learning activities. From the analyst found that student achievement has increased from the first cycle to the third cycle, namely, the first cycle (66%), the second cycle (75%), the third cycle (79%). The conclusions of this study is a pictoral Riddle Approach Learning (Learning Approach that develop and improve the ability to think critically and creatively) can be a positive influence on learning motivation Grade XI-IPS-2 Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun, Madiun in academic year 2014 / 2015, as well as the learning model can be used as an alternative in learning geography. So it can be said that the activity can be categorized isiwa active. As for the teacher during the learning activity has been carrying out the steps of learning in the teaching and learning process well. This is evident from the activity of a teacher who appears in them and observe the activity guide students in doing the activities, explain material that does not understand the students, give feedback / evaluation / debriefing where the percentage for the above activities is quite large. So that research activities can be declared a success or complete.
The negative impacts of using the kelmpok working methods could have been avoided if only the teacher wants to spend more time and attention in preparing and compiling group work method. Which diperkanalkan in teaching methods in the teaching and learning process learning is not just a group work, but on penstrukturannya. Thus, the teaching system pictoral Riddle Approach Learning (Learning Approach that develop and improve the ability to think critically and creatively) learning can be defined as work / study group structured. Included in this structure are five principal unsru (Johnson & Johnson, 1993), which is positive interdependence, individual responsibility, personal interaction, expertise working together, and the group process. This study is based on the problem: (a) Does learning in teaching and learning process Learning Geography affect the outcome? (b) How high is the level of mastery of learning geography with the implementation of learning methods in learning activities? The purpose of this study are: (a) To reveal the effect of learning in teaching and learning process to learning outcomes Geography. (b) Want to know how far the understanding and mastery of Learning Geography eye after the implementation of learning in the teaching and learning process This study used action research (action research) three rounds. Each round consists of four phases: design, activities and observation, reflection, and refisi. This research target is the Grade XI-IPS-2 Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun, Madiun in the school year 2014/2015 Data obtained in the form of a formative test results, observation sheet teaching and learning activities. From the analyst found that student achievement has increased from the first cycle to the third cycle, namely, the first cycle (66%), the second cycle (75%), the third cycle (79%). The conclusions of this study is a pictoral Riddle Approach Learning (Learning Approach that develop and improve the ability to think critically and creatively) can be a positive influence on learning motivation Grade XI-IPS-2 Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun, Madiun in academic year 2014 / 2015, as well as the learning model can be used as an alternative in learning geography. So it can be said that the activity can be categorized isiwa active. As for the teacher during the learning activity has been carrying out the steps of learning in the teaching and learning process well. This is evident from the activity of a teacher who appears in them and observe the activity guide students in doing the activities, explain material that does not understand the students, give feedback / evaluation / debriefing where the percentage for the above activities is quite large. So that research activities can be declared a success or complete.
Keywords: Learning Geography, pictoral Riddle
Approach Learning (Learning Approach that develop and improve the ability to
think critically and creatively)
A. Introduction
The role to be played by education in the world will prepare students to participate fully in community life in the 21st century will be very different from the traditional role that had been held by the schools.
There is a general perception that has been rooted in the world of education and also has become a societal expectations. The general perception considers that it is the duty of teachers to teach and students menyodori with charges of information and knowledge. Teachers need to be or at least seen by students as the omniscient and resources. Worse, students learn in situations that burden and scary because it was overshadowed by the demands chase test scores and high test.
Apparently, the need for a paradigm shift in the study the students' learning process and the interaction between students and teachers. It being understood already learning activities students are also more expensive. Students not an empty bottle that can be filled with charges any information deemed necessary by the teacher. In addition, the flow of the learning process does not have to come from the teacher to the student. Students can also teach one another with fellow students sharing. In fact, many studies show that teaching by peers (peer teaching) is more effective than teaching by teachers. Teaching system provides an opportunity for students to collaborate with fellow students in structured tasks called a system of "learning mutual assistance" or pictoral Riddle Approach Learning (Learning Approach that develop and improve the ability to think critically and creatively) learning. In this system, the teacher acts as a facilitator. Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System explained that national education has the following objectives: For the development of students' potentials to become religious and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, orderly, independent, and become citizens democratic and accountable, (2006: 76)
One of the government's effort to achieve this goal is to organize teaching and learning activities, ideally, expected teaching is effective teaching, because kreatifan is a benchmark in achieving the goal. Thus it is said that effective whether or not something can cause a reliable achievement of objectives achieved
Teaching and learning process that leads to a result that is in accordance with the basic competencies have a very big influence for students, however, results have been achieved by students are expected to be used in the future, both for students in school and out of school. Learning outcomes which have been obtained, stored for later dug out of memory when needed
In the excavation was often difficult for students in terms of results achieved and stored in memory can not be used as intended or in other words the students have forgotten. So forgotten can be seen as a negative phenomenon that creates difficulties for teachers and students. Meanwhile either teacher or student expecting another state which is too good teacher or student expects other circumstances well-paced and ideal that does not happen to forget and everything what has been learned can be remembered well.
The role to be played by education in the world will prepare students to participate fully in community life in the 21st century will be very different from the traditional role that had been held by the schools.
There is a general perception that has been rooted in the world of education and also has become a societal expectations. The general perception considers that it is the duty of teachers to teach and students menyodori with charges of information and knowledge. Teachers need to be or at least seen by students as the omniscient and resources. Worse, students learn in situations that burden and scary because it was overshadowed by the demands chase test scores and high test.
Apparently, the need for a paradigm shift in the study the students' learning process and the interaction between students and teachers. It being understood already learning activities students are also more expensive. Students not an empty bottle that can be filled with charges any information deemed necessary by the teacher. In addition, the flow of the learning process does not have to come from the teacher to the student. Students can also teach one another with fellow students sharing. In fact, many studies show that teaching by peers (peer teaching) is more effective than teaching by teachers. Teaching system provides an opportunity for students to collaborate with fellow students in structured tasks called a system of "learning mutual assistance" or pictoral Riddle Approach Learning (Learning Approach that develop and improve the ability to think critically and creatively) learning. In this system, the teacher acts as a facilitator. Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System explained that national education has the following objectives: For the development of students' potentials to become religious and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, orderly, independent, and become citizens democratic and accountable, (2006: 76)
One of the government's effort to achieve this goal is to organize teaching and learning activities, ideally, expected teaching is effective teaching, because kreatifan is a benchmark in achieving the goal. Thus it is said that effective whether or not something can cause a reliable achievement of objectives achieved
Teaching and learning process that leads to a result that is in accordance with the basic competencies have a very big influence for students, however, results have been achieved by students are expected to be used in the future, both for students in school and out of school. Learning outcomes which have been obtained, stored for later dug out of memory when needed
In the excavation was often difficult for students in terms of results achieved and stored in memory can not be used as intended or in other words the students have forgotten. So forgotten can be seen as a negative phenomenon that creates difficulties for teachers and students. Meanwhile either teacher or student expecting another state which is too good teacher or student expects other circumstances well-paced and ideal that does not happen to forget and everything what has been learned can be remembered well.
In this 21st century, we need to review the practices of teaching in
There are several important reasons why this teaching system need to be used more often in schools. Along with the process of globalization, also a transformation of social, economic, and demographic that requires schools to better prepare students with new skills in order to participate in a changing world and growing rapidly.
Indeed, for teachers in this country mutual cooperation method is not too foreign and they have often used it and recognizing it as a method of group work. Indeed, it is undeniable that many teachers have often assigning students to work in groups.
Unfortunately, the method of group work is often considered less effective. Attitudes and negative impression is indeed sprung up in the implementation of group work method. If the working group does not succeed, the students tend to blame each other. Conversely, if successful, emerging sense of injustice. Students who are good / studious feel his less fortunate has been piggybacking on their work. As a result, the method should work group noble aims, namely to instill a sense of brotherhood and the ability to cooperate, it could end up with dissatisfaction and disappointments. Not only teachers and students who feel pessimistic about the use of group work method, even sometimes parents also feel anxious if their child included in a group with other students who are considered less balanced.
The negative impacts of using the kelmpok working methods could have been avoided if only the teacher wants to spend more time and attention in preparing and compiling group work method. Which diperkanalkan in teaching methods in the teaching and learning process learning is not just a group work, but on penstrukturannya. Thus, the teaching system pictoral Riddle Approach Learning (Learning Approach that develop and improve the ability to think critically and creatively) learning can be defined as work / study group structured. Included in this structure are five principal unsru (Johnson & Johnson, 1993), which is positive interdependence, individual responsibility, personal interaction, expertise working together, and the group process.
Fears that the spirit of students to develop themselves individually could be threatened in the use of group work method can be understood as the group assignment is done carelessly, the student instead of the maximum learning, but learning to dominate or shifting the responsibility. Learning methods of mutual cooperation is structured such that each member of the group carrying out taanggung personal responsibility because there is a system of individual accountability. Students can not just ride his hard work and efforts of each student will be rewarded in accordance with the points improvement. Masalaah based on the formula above, the purpose of this research is conducted: 1) .To reveal the influence of learning in teaching and learning process to learning outcomes Geography. 2). Want to know how far the understanding and mastery of learning eye after the implementation of learning in the teaching and learning process. As well as the benefits from the results of this research activity is used to: 1). Results and findings of this study can provide information about learning in teaching and learning process in learning by teachers. 2). Schools as policy makers in an effort to express results of student achievement, especially on Learning. 3). Teachers, as a material consideration in determining the learning method that can provide benefits for students. 4). Students can improve motiviasi learn and practice social attitudes to caring toward another student success in achieving the learning objectives. 5). Increase knowledge and insight on the role Study author in improving student achievement Learning. 6). Contributions to the study of teaching and improve student achievement outcomes Learning. then the learning outcome is acquisition of knowledge or skills developed by the subjects, lajimnya indicated by test scores or numeric value assigned by the teacher. Learning as a process of change in behavior, or make sense of something earned. But when we talk about learning outcomes, then it is a result that has been achieved by the learners. This model was developed by Spencer Kagan (1993) to engage students in reviewing the material covered in the lesson and check or check their understanding of the lesson content. As a substitute for direct questions to the whole class, teachers use structure 4 steps as follows:
1. Step 1 - numbering (Numbering): The teacher divides the students into groups or teams of 3 to 5 people and give them numbers so that each student Daslam the team has a different number.
2. Step 2 - Submission of Questions (Questioning): The teacher poses a question to the students. Questions can be varied, from the specific to the general. Examples of specific questions is "Where is the kingdom Tarumanegara?", While the sample questions of a general nature is "Why Diponegoro revolt to the Dutch government?".
3. Step 3 - Think Together: The students thought together to describe and make sure that everyone knows the answer.
4. Step 4 - Providing Answers (Answering): Teachers call one number and the students from each group with the same number of raised hands and prepare answers for the entire class.
5. Step 5 - ask the group to present every kresasinya. And every creation needs to get awards
6. Step 6 - asking questions about what they learned through the subject Identify and explain the Region and zoning between the Villages and Towns
7. Step 7 - Provide Jawagan and continue the course material on topics that are considered difficult or difficult in each group
There are several important reasons why this teaching system need to be used more often in schools. Along with the process of globalization, also a transformation of social, economic, and demographic that requires schools to better prepare students with new skills in order to participate in a changing world and growing rapidly.
Indeed, for teachers in this country mutual cooperation method is not too foreign and they have often used it and recognizing it as a method of group work. Indeed, it is undeniable that many teachers have often assigning students to work in groups.
Unfortunately, the method of group work is often considered less effective. Attitudes and negative impression is indeed sprung up in the implementation of group work method. If the working group does not succeed, the students tend to blame each other. Conversely, if successful, emerging sense of injustice. Students who are good / studious feel his less fortunate has been piggybacking on their work. As a result, the method should work group noble aims, namely to instill a sense of brotherhood and the ability to cooperate, it could end up with dissatisfaction and disappointments. Not only teachers and students who feel pessimistic about the use of group work method, even sometimes parents also feel anxious if their child included in a group with other students who are considered less balanced.
The negative impacts of using the kelmpok working methods could have been avoided if only the teacher wants to spend more time and attention in preparing and compiling group work method. Which diperkanalkan in teaching methods in the teaching and learning process learning is not just a group work, but on penstrukturannya. Thus, the teaching system pictoral Riddle Approach Learning (Learning Approach that develop and improve the ability to think critically and creatively) learning can be defined as work / study group structured. Included in this structure are five principal unsru (Johnson & Johnson, 1993), which is positive interdependence, individual responsibility, personal interaction, expertise working together, and the group process.
Fears that the spirit of students to develop themselves individually could be threatened in the use of group work method can be understood as the group assignment is done carelessly, the student instead of the maximum learning, but learning to dominate or shifting the responsibility. Learning methods of mutual cooperation is structured such that each member of the group carrying out taanggung personal responsibility because there is a system of individual accountability. Students can not just ride his hard work and efforts of each student will be rewarded in accordance with the points improvement. Masalaah based on the formula above, the purpose of this research is conducted: 1) .To reveal the influence of learning in teaching and learning process to learning outcomes Geography. 2). Want to know how far the understanding and mastery of learning eye after the implementation of learning in the teaching and learning process. As well as the benefits from the results of this research activity is used to: 1). Results and findings of this study can provide information about learning in teaching and learning process in learning by teachers. 2). Schools as policy makers in an effort to express results of student achievement, especially on Learning. 3). Teachers, as a material consideration in determining the learning method that can provide benefits for students. 4). Students can improve motiviasi learn and practice social attitudes to caring toward another student success in achieving the learning objectives. 5). Increase knowledge and insight on the role Study author in improving student achievement Learning. 6). Contributions to the study of teaching and improve student achievement outcomes Learning. then the learning outcome is acquisition of knowledge or skills developed by the subjects, lajimnya indicated by test scores or numeric value assigned by the teacher. Learning as a process of change in behavior, or make sense of something earned. But when we talk about learning outcomes, then it is a result that has been achieved by the learners. This model was developed by Spencer Kagan (1993) to engage students in reviewing the material covered in the lesson and check or check their understanding of the lesson content. As a substitute for direct questions to the whole class, teachers use structure 4 steps as follows:
1. Step 1 - numbering (Numbering): The teacher divides the students into groups or teams of 3 to 5 people and give them numbers so that each student Daslam the team has a different number.
2. Step 2 - Submission of Questions (Questioning): The teacher poses a question to the students. Questions can be varied, from the specific to the general. Examples of specific questions is "Where is the kingdom Tarumanegara?", While the sample questions of a general nature is "Why Diponegoro revolt to the Dutch government?".
3. Step 3 - Think Together: The students thought together to describe and make sure that everyone knows the answer.
4. Step 4 - Providing Answers (Answering): Teachers call one number and the students from each group with the same number of raised hands and prepare answers for the entire class.
5. Step 5 - ask the group to present every kresasinya. And every creation needs to get awards
6. Step 6 - asking questions about what they learned through the subject Identify and explain the Region and zoning between the Villages and Towns
7. Step 7 - Provide Jawagan and continue the course material on topics that are considered difficult or difficult in each group
According to the type of research that is selected, namely action research,
this study used a model of action research Kemmis and Taggart (in Sugiarti,
1997: 6), which is a spiral of cycles one cycle to the next. Each cycle
includes planning (plan), action (action), observation (observation) and
reflection (reflection). The next step in the cycle is perncanaan revised,
action, observation, and reflection. Before entering the first cycle carried
out pre-emptive action in the form of identification problems.
1. The design / plan early, before the researchers conducting research to formulate problems, goals and create an action plan, including research instruments and learning devices.
2. The activities and observations, including actions carried out by researchers in an effort to build understanding of the concept of Learning Geography students and observe the results or the impact of the application of learning methods pictoral models Riddle Approach Learning (Learning Approach that develop and improve the ability to think critically and creatively).
3. Reflection, researchers examined, to see and consider the results or impact of the action taken based on the observation sheets filled out by observers.
4. The design / plan revised, based on the reflection of the observer made a revised draft to be implemented in the next cycle.
Observation was divided into three rounds, the rounds 1, 2 and 3, where each round subjected to the same treatment (the same flow of activities) and discuss the sub topics that ended with a formative test at the end of each round. Created in three rounds intended to improve the teaching system that has been implemented. The instrument used in this study consisted of: 1). Namely syllabus set of plans and arrangements concerning pengelolahan classroom learning activities, as well as evaluating learning outcomes, 2). Lesson Plan (RP) That is a learning device that is used to guide teachers in teaching and are prepared for each round. Each RP contains basic competencies, indicators of achievement of learning outcomes, specific learning objectives and learning activities. 3). Student Activity sheet through this activity sheet that is used students to help the process of collecting data from teaching and learning activities. 4). Daily Deuteronomy test This test is based on learning objectives to be achieved, is used to measure the ability of understanding the concept of Learning Geography subjects Identifying and explaining the Region and zoning between the village and the city. The formative tests given each end of the round. Shape of the given problem is the teacher's choice (objective). While For Each Data required in this study were obtained through observation that is processed by the processing summation diprosentasekan, so the results of observation of students' activity can be identified in any activity on the outcome of Deuteronomy Daily in Class XI-IPS-2 Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun , Madiun in the school year 2014/2015 on the subject Identify and explain the Region and zoning between the village and the city. To analyze the success rate or the percentage of student success after each revolution the learning process is done by providing an evaluation form about the written test at the end of each round.
This analysis was calculated using simple statistics, namely:
1. To assess the replay or formative test
Researchers conducted a summation value obtained by the students, which are further divided by the number of students in the class in order to obtain an average of formative tests can be formulated:
By: = Average
Σ X = sum of all grades of students
Σ N = Number of students
2. To complete learn
There are two categories of mastery learning are individually and classically. Based on the guidelines of teaching and learning the curriculum, 1994 (Department of Education, 1994), that a student has completed study when it has reached a score of 65% or a value of 65, and a class called thoroughly studied when the class there are 85% who have reached the absorption of more than or equal with 65%. To calculate the percentage of mastery learning to use the following formula:
From the formula above the existing data is processed and included in the formula to be analyzed and selanjutkan to be interpreted and given a conclusion as evidence reflection of the results of action research.
1. The design / plan early, before the researchers conducting research to formulate problems, goals and create an action plan, including research instruments and learning devices.
2. The activities and observations, including actions carried out by researchers in an effort to build understanding of the concept of Learning Geography students and observe the results or the impact of the application of learning methods pictoral models Riddle Approach Learning (Learning Approach that develop and improve the ability to think critically and creatively).
3. Reflection, researchers examined, to see and consider the results or impact of the action taken based on the observation sheets filled out by observers.
4. The design / plan revised, based on the reflection of the observer made a revised draft to be implemented in the next cycle.
Observation was divided into three rounds, the rounds 1, 2 and 3, where each round subjected to the same treatment (the same flow of activities) and discuss the sub topics that ended with a formative test at the end of each round. Created in three rounds intended to improve the teaching system that has been implemented. The instrument used in this study consisted of: 1). Namely syllabus set of plans and arrangements concerning pengelolahan classroom learning activities, as well as evaluating learning outcomes, 2). Lesson Plan (RP) That is a learning device that is used to guide teachers in teaching and are prepared for each round. Each RP contains basic competencies, indicators of achievement of learning outcomes, specific learning objectives and learning activities. 3). Student Activity sheet through this activity sheet that is used students to help the process of collecting data from teaching and learning activities. 4). Daily Deuteronomy test This test is based on learning objectives to be achieved, is used to measure the ability of understanding the concept of Learning Geography subjects Identifying and explaining the Region and zoning between the village and the city. The formative tests given each end of the round. Shape of the given problem is the teacher's choice (objective). While For Each Data required in this study were obtained through observation that is processed by the processing summation diprosentasekan, so the results of observation of students' activity can be identified in any activity on the outcome of Deuteronomy Daily in Class XI-IPS-2 Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun , Madiun in the school year 2014/2015 on the subject Identify and explain the Region and zoning between the village and the city. To analyze the success rate or the percentage of student success after each revolution the learning process is done by providing an evaluation form about the written test at the end of each round.
This analysis was calculated using simple statistics, namely:
1. To assess the replay or formative test
Researchers conducted a summation value obtained by the students, which are further divided by the number of students in the class in order to obtain an average of formative tests can be formulated:
By: = Average
Σ X = sum of all grades of students
Σ N = Number of students
2. To complete learn
There are two categories of mastery learning are individually and classically. Based on the guidelines of teaching and learning the curriculum, 1994 (Department of Education, 1994), that a student has completed study when it has reached a score of 65% or a value of 65, and a class called thoroughly studied when the class there are 85% who have reached the absorption of more than or equal with 65%. To calculate the percentage of mastery learning to use the following formula:
From the formula above the existing data is processed and included in the formula to be analyzed and selanjutkan to be interpreted and given a conclusion as evidence reflection of the results of action research.
1. Cycle I
a. Planning Phase
At this stage the researchers prepare learning device that consists of a lesson plan first, formative test item 1, and tools that support the teaching.
b. Activities and Implementation Phase
The implementation of teaching and learning activities for the first cycle by the number of students 32 students. In this case the researchers acted as a teacher. The learning process refers to a lesson plan that has been prepared. Observations (observation) held in conjunction with the implementing learning
At the end of the learning process students are given first formative tests in order to determine the success rate of students in the learning process has been done. The research data in the first cycle is as follows:
Table 4.2.
Formative Test Scores In First cycle
1. Cycle I
a. Planning Phase
At this stage the researchers prepare learning device that consists of a lesson plan first, formative test item 1, and tools that support the teaching.
b. Activities and Implementation Phase
The implementation of teaching and learning activities for the first cycle by the number of students 32 students. In this case the researchers acted as a teacher. The learning process refers to a lesson plan that has been prepared. Observations (observation) held in conjunction with the implementing learning
At the end of the learning process students are given first formative tests in order to determine the success rate of students in the learning process has been done. The research data in the first cycle is as follows:
Table 4.2.
Formative Test Scores In First cycle

From the table above can be explained that by applying learning in teaching
and learning process obtained average value of student achievement is 66.08 and
learning completeness reached 66% or there are 7 students from 32 students have
been thoroughly studied. The results showed that in the first cycle in the
classical students have not been thoroughly studied, since students who
received ≥ 65 value is only 66% smaller than the desired percentage of
completeness that is equal to 75%. This is because students are new and
unfamiliar to the new method is applied in teaching and learning.
c. Reflection
In the implementation of teaching and learning activities of information obtained from observations as follows:
1) Teachers poorly in motivating students and in delivering learning goals
2) The teacher was not good in time management
3) Students are less enthusiastic during the learning takes place.
d. Refisi
The implementation of teaching and learning activities in the first cycle there is still a shortage, so that the need for refisi to be done in the next cycle.
1) Teachers need to be more skilled in motivating students and more clearly convey the purpose of learning. Where students are encouraged to be directly involved in any activities that would be carried out.
2) Teachers need to distribute their time better by adding information that is necessary and notes
3) Teachers should be skilled and passionate in motivating students so that the students can be more enthusiastic.
2. Cycle II
a. The planning stage
At this stage the researchers prepare learning device that consists of a lesson plan 2, about the formative test II and teaching tools that support.
b. Stage activities and implementation
The implementation of teaching and learning activities for the second cycle executed by the number of students 32 students. In this case the researchers acted as a teacher. The learning process refers to a lesson plan with regard to the revision of the first cycle, so that the mistakes or deficiencies in the first cycle is not repeated in the second cycle. Observations (observation) held in conjunction with the implementation of teaching and learning. At the end of the learning process students are given tests formative II in order to determine the success rate of students in the learning process has been done. The instrument used was a formative test II. The research data on the second cycle is as follows.
Table 4.4.
Formative Test Scores In Cycle II
c. Reflection
In the implementation of teaching and learning activities of information obtained from observations as follows:
1) Teachers poorly in motivating students and in delivering learning goals
2) The teacher was not good in time management
3) Students are less enthusiastic during the learning takes place.
d. Refisi
The implementation of teaching and learning activities in the first cycle there is still a shortage, so that the need for refisi to be done in the next cycle.
1) Teachers need to be more skilled in motivating students and more clearly convey the purpose of learning. Where students are encouraged to be directly involved in any activities that would be carried out.
2) Teachers need to distribute their time better by adding information that is necessary and notes
3) Teachers should be skilled and passionate in motivating students so that the students can be more enthusiastic.
2. Cycle II
a. The planning stage
At this stage the researchers prepare learning device that consists of a lesson plan 2, about the formative test II and teaching tools that support.
b. Stage activities and implementation
The implementation of teaching and learning activities for the second cycle executed by the number of students 32 students. In this case the researchers acted as a teacher. The learning process refers to a lesson plan with regard to the revision of the first cycle, so that the mistakes or deficiencies in the first cycle is not repeated in the second cycle. Observations (observation) held in conjunction with the implementation of teaching and learning. At the end of the learning process students are given tests formative II in order to determine the success rate of students in the learning process has been done. The instrument used was a formative test II. The research data on the second cycle is as follows.
Table 4.4.
Formative Test Scores In Cycle II

From the above table the average values obtained student achievement is
74.63 and learning completeness reached 75% or there are 32 students from 32
students have been thoroughly studied. These results indicate that in this
second cycle in classical mastery learning has increased slightly better than
I. There is an increasing cycle of learning outcomes of these students because
students are less capable of helping with the students in the subjects they are
studying. Besides, the ability of teachers who begin to increase in procedural
c. Reflection
In the implementation of learning activities obtained information from observations as follows:
1) Motivating students
2) Guiding students to formulate conclusions / find the concept of Learning Geography
3) Management of time
d. Revised Draft
Implementation of learning activities on the second cycle there are still shortcomings. Hence the need for a revision to be carried out on the second cycle include:
1) Teachers in motivating students should be able to make students more motivated during the learning process takes place.
2) Teachers should be closer to the students so there is no fear in students either to express opinions or ask questions.
3) Teachers should be more patient in guiding students to formulate conclusions / find the concept of Learning Geography.
4) The teacher should distribute their time well so that learning activities can run as expected.
5) Teachers should add more example problems and provide practice questions for students to be done on each learning activity.
3. Cycle III
a. Planning Phase
At this stage the researchers prepare learning device that consists of a lesson plan 3, 3 formative test questions and tools that support the teaching.
b. Stage activities and observations
The implementation of teaching and learning activities for the third cycle implemented by the number of students 32 students. In this case the researchers acted as a teacher. The learning process refers to a lesson plan with regard to the revision of the second cycle, so that errors or omissions in the second cycle is not repeated in the third cycle. Observations (observation) held in conjunction with the implementation of teaching and learning.
At the end of the learning process students are given tests formative III in order to determine the success rate of students in the learning process has been done. The instrument used was a formative test III. The research data in the third cycle is as follows:
Table 4.6.
Formative Test Scores In Cycle III
c. Reflection
In the implementation of learning activities obtained information from observations as follows:
1) Motivating students
2) Guiding students to formulate conclusions / find the concept of Learning Geography
3) Management of time
d. Revised Draft
Implementation of learning activities on the second cycle there are still shortcomings. Hence the need for a revision to be carried out on the second cycle include:
1) Teachers in motivating students should be able to make students more motivated during the learning process takes place.
2) Teachers should be closer to the students so there is no fear in students either to express opinions or ask questions.
3) Teachers should be more patient in guiding students to formulate conclusions / find the concept of Learning Geography.
4) The teacher should distribute their time well so that learning activities can run as expected.
5) Teachers should add more example problems and provide practice questions for students to be done on each learning activity.
3. Cycle III
a. Planning Phase
At this stage the researchers prepare learning device that consists of a lesson plan 3, 3 formative test questions and tools that support the teaching.
b. Stage activities and observations
The implementation of teaching and learning activities for the third cycle implemented by the number of students 32 students. In this case the researchers acted as a teacher. The learning process refers to a lesson plan with regard to the revision of the second cycle, so that errors or omissions in the second cycle is not repeated in the third cycle. Observations (observation) held in conjunction with the implementation of teaching and learning.
At the end of the learning process students are given tests formative III in order to determine the success rate of students in the learning process has been done. The instrument used was a formative test III. The research data in the third cycle is as follows:
Table 4.6.
Formative Test Scores In Cycle III

Based on the above table is obtained an average value of 79.08 and a
formative test of 32 students who have completed as many as 34 students and 4
students have not reached mastery learning. Then classical mastery learning
which has been achieved by 79% (including a complete category). Results of the
third cycle is increased better than the second cycle. An increase in learning
outcomes in the third cycle is influenced by an increase in students' ability
to learn the subject matter that has been applied so far and there is the
responsibility of the group of students who are better able to teach his less
c. Reflection
At this stage akah assessed what has been done well and that is still not good in the learning process with the application of learning in the teaching and learning process. From the data that has been acquired can duraikan as follows:
1) During the learning process the teacher has carried out all the learning well. Although there are some aspects that have not been perfect, but the percentage of implementation for each aspect is quite large.
2) Based on the data observed that students are active during the learning process takes place.
3) Lack of previous cycles have been improved and improved so as to be better.
4) The results of the third cycle of learning siswsa achieve mastery.
d. Revised Implementation
In the third cycle teachers have implemented learning in teaching and learning process well and views of student activity and student learning outcomes implementation of the learning process has been going well. There is no need revision too much, but to be considered for tindakah next is to maximize and maintain what already exists in order to make the implementation of the learning process further application of learning in the teaching and learning process can improve teaching and learning so that the learning objectives can be achieved.
c. Reflection
At this stage akah assessed what has been done well and that is still not good in the learning process with the application of learning in the teaching and learning process. From the data that has been acquired can duraikan as follows:
1) During the learning process the teacher has carried out all the learning well. Although there are some aspects that have not been perfect, but the percentage of implementation for each aspect is quite large.
2) Based on the data observed that students are active during the learning process takes place.
3) Lack of previous cycles have been improved and improved so as to be better.
4) The results of the third cycle of learning siswsa achieve mastery.
d. Revised Implementation
In the third cycle teachers have implemented learning in teaching and learning process well and views of student activity and student learning outcomes implementation of the learning process has been going well. There is no need revision too much, but to be considered for tindakah next is to maximize and maintain what already exists in order to make the implementation of the learning process further application of learning in the teaching and learning process can improve teaching and learning so that the learning objectives can be achieved.
B. Discussion
Through learning in teaching and learning activities have a positive impact on student achievement Expressing results. It can be seen from the increasing consolidation of understanding and mastery of the students of the material that has been submitted by teachers during this time (mastery learning increased from sklus I, II, and III), respectively for the first cycle 66%, Cycle II 75% and in Cycle III 79%. The third cycle in the classical mastery learning students have achieved. Which can be seen in the following chart
Through learning in teaching and learning activities have a positive impact on student achievement Expressing results. It can be seen from the increasing consolidation of understanding and mastery of the students of the material that has been submitted by teachers during this time (mastery learning increased from sklus I, II, and III), respectively for the first cycle 66%, Cycle II 75% and in Cycle III 79%. The third cycle in the classical mastery learning students have achieved. Which can be seen in the following chart

Based on data analysis, obtained by the activity of students in the learning
process in the teaching and learning process in each cycle has increased. This
had a positive impact on the improvement of student achievement and mastery of
subject matter that has been received so far, which can be demonstrated by the
increasing average value of students in each cycle which is constantly
Based on data analysis, obtained by the activity of students in the learning process of Mathematics with learning in teaching and learning process is the most dominant, listen / pay attention to the teacher's explanation and discussion among students / between students and teachers. So it can be said that the activity can be categorized isiwa active. As for the teacher during the learning activity has been carrying out the steps of learning in the teaching and learning process well. This is evident from the activity of a teacher who appears in them and observe the activity guide students in doing the activities, explain material that does not understand the students, give feedback / evaluation / debriefing where the percentage for the above activities is quite large. So that research activities can be declared a success or a complete
C. Cover
From the results of learning activities that have been carried out for three cycles, and based the entire discussion and analysis has been done can be summarized as follows:
1. Learning in the teaching and learning process has a positive impact on student achievement results Expressing characterized by increased mastery learning students in each cycle, ie 66% Cycle I, Cycle II 75% and 79% in Cycle III.
2. The application of learning in teaching and learning activities have a positive effect, which can increase students' motivation to learn mathematics, this is indicated by the enthusiasm of students stating that the students are interested and are interested in learning in the teaching and learning process so that they become motivated to learn.
3. Learning in the teaching and learning process has a positive impact on cooperation between the students, it is shown responsibility in a group where students are better able to teach his less fortunate.
4. So it can be said that the activity can be categorized isiwa active. As for the teacher during the learning activity has been carrying out the steps of learning in the teaching and learning process well. This is evident from the activity of a teacher who appears in them and observe the activity guide students in doing the activities, explain material that does not understand the students, give feedback / evaluation / debriefing where the percentage for the above activities is quite large. So that research activities can be declared a success or a complete
B. Suggestions
From the research results obtained from the previous description that mathematics teaching and learning processes more effective and provide optimal results for the students, then delivered the following suggestions:
1. To implement the learning in the teaching and learning process requires the preparation of a pretty mature, so the teacher must be able to determine or select a topic that can actually be applied to learning in the teaching and learning process in the learning process in order to obtain optimal results.
2. In order to express results of student achievement, teachers should be more frequent train students with a variety of appropriate teaching methods, even in the simplest level, where students will be able to find new knowledge, gained Concept Learning Geography and skills, so that students are successful or able to solve the problems that it faces.
3. It needs further research, because this research is only done Grade XI-IPS-2 Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun, Madiun in academic year 2014/2015.
4. For a similar study should be carried out improvements in order to obtain better
Based on data analysis, obtained by the activity of students in the learning process of Mathematics with learning in teaching and learning process is the most dominant, listen / pay attention to the teacher's explanation and discussion among students / between students and teachers. So it can be said that the activity can be categorized isiwa active. As for the teacher during the learning activity has been carrying out the steps of learning in the teaching and learning process well. This is evident from the activity of a teacher who appears in them and observe the activity guide students in doing the activities, explain material that does not understand the students, give feedback / evaluation / debriefing where the percentage for the above activities is quite large. So that research activities can be declared a success or a complete
C. Cover
From the results of learning activities that have been carried out for three cycles, and based the entire discussion and analysis has been done can be summarized as follows:
1. Learning in the teaching and learning process has a positive impact on student achievement results Expressing characterized by increased mastery learning students in each cycle, ie 66% Cycle I, Cycle II 75% and 79% in Cycle III.
2. The application of learning in teaching and learning activities have a positive effect, which can increase students' motivation to learn mathematics, this is indicated by the enthusiasm of students stating that the students are interested and are interested in learning in the teaching and learning process so that they become motivated to learn.
3. Learning in the teaching and learning process has a positive impact on cooperation between the students, it is shown responsibility in a group where students are better able to teach his less fortunate.
4. So it can be said that the activity can be categorized isiwa active. As for the teacher during the learning activity has been carrying out the steps of learning in the teaching and learning process well. This is evident from the activity of a teacher who appears in them and observe the activity guide students in doing the activities, explain material that does not understand the students, give feedback / evaluation / debriefing where the percentage for the above activities is quite large. So that research activities can be declared a success or a complete
B. Suggestions
From the research results obtained from the previous description that mathematics teaching and learning processes more effective and provide optimal results for the students, then delivered the following suggestions:
1. To implement the learning in the teaching and learning process requires the preparation of a pretty mature, so the teacher must be able to determine or select a topic that can actually be applied to learning in the teaching and learning process in the learning process in order to obtain optimal results.
2. In order to express results of student achievement, teachers should be more frequent train students with a variety of appropriate teaching methods, even in the simplest level, where students will be able to find new knowledge, gained Concept Learning Geography and skills, so that students are successful or able to solve the problems that it faces.
3. It needs further research, because this research is only done Grade XI-IPS-2 Semester at SMAN 6 Madiun, Madiun in academic year 2014/2015.
4. For a similar study should be carried out improvements in order to obtain better
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