The role of ICT-based
HR Education, As
the Key to Success
Facing AEC 2015
by :
Indonesia at the end of 2015 will face the Asean Economic Community (AEC). Seminars and studies were held to deal with it. Education, is a tremendous strength and have access to all aspects of life, gives energy also has the invaluable value to grip the human race. And re-education of the human resources is key to face the MEA 2015.
How can educational institutions in
the face of the MEA? As well said by Hermawan Kartajaya. According to him,
Indonesia is currently with a population of approximately 250 people and
productive age demographic bonus, will be the target market and the nine ASEAN
member countries. "This is what should be our common concern. This is what
should be the focus of education. According to Professor Malik Fajar "The
world is increasingly open and compete to position themselves to be in the
forefront, in producing works of superior and seize every opportunity and the
opportunities open in the job market, the market for various types of products,
services and technology has become a reality inevitable. The competition is no
longer limited to the world of business, investment, industry and economics,
but also in the fields of education, arts and culture, "he explained.
For this reason, the former Rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is reiterated that in order to exist and survive in the midst of a competitive life, it requires large amounts of human resources with a competitive advantage.
For this reason, the former Rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is reiterated that in order to exist and survive in the midst of a competitive life, it requires large amounts of human resources with a competitive advantage.
"As said Philip Katter, to enter
and" won "the competition was necessary human resources in large
quantities which have excellent ability in the use of" intangible assets
", ie knowledge (knowladge), the competence of learning (learning
competence), and networks (networking). Herein lies the problem as well as
challenges that must be addressed by the world of education, especially the
education of Muhammadiyah, including trips UMY now in 34th year, "he
MEA is a form of cooperation between Indonesia and all the countries in ASEAN. This partnership is a further form of the relations of cooperation which have been initiated earlier. MEA itself will begin on December 31, 2015.
MEA is a form of cooperation between Indonesia and all the countries in ASEAN. This partnership is a further form of the relations of cooperation which have been initiated earlier. MEA itself will begin on December 31, 2015.
MEA cooperation in the fields of
politics and security, Economics, Education, Social and Cultural Rights. What
will be done by the Indonesian education to address the challenges of this MEA?
Keywords: MEA, education, and HR
A. Introduction
Indonesia has a big enough
challenge to face this MEA, namely the challenge of natural resources (SDA) and
human resources (HR). SDA challenges are clearly visible in Indonesia is the
amount of natural resources we have but still managed by foreign parties. While
the HR challenges in Indonesia, one of which is the lack of Indonesian human
resources arena to show off in ASEAN.
Education would need to fully leverage Indonesia prepared to face this MEA. Now we see, the extent to which the Indonesian people are able to communicate in the international language (English), and the extent to which the Indonesian people have the skill or skills that are standard with the skills of those in ASEAN. With the MEA is certainly there will be an impact for the Indonesian people to pursue a standard of competence expected. The role of education would have been very large. Both formal education, non-formal and informal.
Next year, so next year. People from countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, etc., will be vying to enter Indonesia. Indonesia will happen automatically in a very tight competition. If not provided with competent human resources that Indonesia will be eroded by this flow. For example, if in Indonesia do not have sufficient energy specialists, auto doctors from ASEAN countries will soon meet those needs. What if all human needs can not be met by Indonesia's human resources? This is a huge challenge for education to prepare competent and qualified human resources. In Thailand, it is now applied curriculum Indonesian. School students in Thailand will be equipped with Indonesia to further language skills to compete in Indonesia. Likewise the state of Singapore. Singapore is now getting ready to set up the infrastructure in the country welcomed the MEA. Singapore was researching how people behave Indonesia. And then be taken into consideration to prepare MEA. In addition to improving intellectual prowess, of course, character skills must also be strengthened. Indonesian human within one year longer have to be ready to accept "the arrival of foreign nations" to the motherland. Do not let Indonesia then even eroded by currents. Indonesian human and eventually lost their identity and became a stranger in her own home.
Solutions How to further prepare the Indonesian human resources in order to be ready and strong to face AEC 2015? Formal education Schools are the institution most likely to prepare human resources have the readiness and competence in the face of the MEA. School institutions should organize learning is also oriented on the readiness of Indonesian human resources facing the MEA. For example in learning, school or teacher come to socialize and provide guidance to the students that there are challenges ahead which we must face together. Students should be given an understanding by schools / teachers that this challenge is an effort to raise the standard of quality of Indonesian human resources are expected to be able to compete with the rest of ASEAN citizens. Schools must equip students in the form of the International language skills, especially the ASEAN region (English, Malay, Mandarin). The ability to communicate becomes the main capital to compete with the rest of ASEAN citizens. In addition to language skills, the school also must provide skills that are hard skills and soft skills for students. Students must be equipped with a comprehensive skills to explore a variety of science and technology that is growing today and for the future.
Schools are also obliged to provide the fortress character for students, where they will face the international arena, will be a lot of foreign culture into Indonesia, so students should be able to filter these cultures if the culture is negative.
Non-formal education Non-formal education is conducted in public education. There must be a socialization of the MEA to each society. Society must be given education and training to address MEA. This education can be educational hard skills and soft skills, such as foreign language training, vocational training or entrepreneurship training (remember there will be many investments that will be planted in Indonesia by the ASEAN countries). Informal education Informal education is education by the family, especially the parents. Parents would have to take an active role in preparing their children face the MEA 2015. Especially readiness in the form of mental endurance, moral, and spiritual. Because it will be a lot of foreign culture into Indonesia. Do not let the negative cultural influences our children and become a destructive culture. Instead, we must equip our children with cultures or moral values that exist in Indonesia, as an identity that must be held to face the MEA 2015. As a form of protection that could be a foreign culture will "colonize" the identity of the Indonesian people.
Well, have we as parents prepare our children to meet this challenge?
Utilization of ICT in Indonesia, especially in North Sulawesi province is now just entered the stage of studying the various possibilities for the development and application of ICT (information and communication technology). More specifically the use of ICT in education have still not been mastered by most people, especially for educators and education personnel in applying duties and functions.
ICT plays an important role in educational technology, as ICT was developed to process, share, develop, discuss and delivery of communication. This development greatly affect many aspects of life, even human behavior and activity that is now largely dependent on Information and Communication Technology. ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for education se should mean the availability of a channel or medium that can be used to broadcast or publish educational programs. Learning is a process of creating an environment that allows the learning process. Learning in the sense of the activity of learners (students) to interact with the environment that produces behavioral changes that are relatively constant. As an institution, the school has a different mechanism in the process pembelanjaran budget in each year. Many schools still think that the most important facilities developed only physical facilities. Whereas if the co-programmed the ICT infrastructure, the school will have a clear direction in the development of ICT. Proven many schools have started to show as the sale value of ICT facilities, especially for private schools. The rapid development of ICT, especially the Internet, enabling the development of better information services in an educational institution. In the neighborhood schools, the use of other ICT is embodied in a system called School Net, Information Communication Technology (ICT), which aims to support the implementation and development of education so that schools or educational units in general can provide and present information services to better serve the community , both within and outside the institution via the internet. Other educational services that can be implemented by means of the Internet by providing the development of online learning materials from the site Jardiknas (National Education Network) with a range of content that can be accessed by anyone in need
Education would need to fully leverage Indonesia prepared to face this MEA. Now we see, the extent to which the Indonesian people are able to communicate in the international language (English), and the extent to which the Indonesian people have the skill or skills that are standard with the skills of those in ASEAN. With the MEA is certainly there will be an impact for the Indonesian people to pursue a standard of competence expected. The role of education would have been very large. Both formal education, non-formal and informal.
Next year, so next year. People from countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, etc., will be vying to enter Indonesia. Indonesia will happen automatically in a very tight competition. If not provided with competent human resources that Indonesia will be eroded by this flow. For example, if in Indonesia do not have sufficient energy specialists, auto doctors from ASEAN countries will soon meet those needs. What if all human needs can not be met by Indonesia's human resources? This is a huge challenge for education to prepare competent and qualified human resources. In Thailand, it is now applied curriculum Indonesian. School students in Thailand will be equipped with Indonesia to further language skills to compete in Indonesia. Likewise the state of Singapore. Singapore is now getting ready to set up the infrastructure in the country welcomed the MEA. Singapore was researching how people behave Indonesia. And then be taken into consideration to prepare MEA. In addition to improving intellectual prowess, of course, character skills must also be strengthened. Indonesian human within one year longer have to be ready to accept "the arrival of foreign nations" to the motherland. Do not let Indonesia then even eroded by currents. Indonesian human and eventually lost their identity and became a stranger in her own home.
Solutions How to further prepare the Indonesian human resources in order to be ready and strong to face AEC 2015? Formal education Schools are the institution most likely to prepare human resources have the readiness and competence in the face of the MEA. School institutions should organize learning is also oriented on the readiness of Indonesian human resources facing the MEA. For example in learning, school or teacher come to socialize and provide guidance to the students that there are challenges ahead which we must face together. Students should be given an understanding by schools / teachers that this challenge is an effort to raise the standard of quality of Indonesian human resources are expected to be able to compete with the rest of ASEAN citizens. Schools must equip students in the form of the International language skills, especially the ASEAN region (English, Malay, Mandarin). The ability to communicate becomes the main capital to compete with the rest of ASEAN citizens. In addition to language skills, the school also must provide skills that are hard skills and soft skills for students. Students must be equipped with a comprehensive skills to explore a variety of science and technology that is growing today and for the future.
Schools are also obliged to provide the fortress character for students, where they will face the international arena, will be a lot of foreign culture into Indonesia, so students should be able to filter these cultures if the culture is negative.
Non-formal education Non-formal education is conducted in public education. There must be a socialization of the MEA to each society. Society must be given education and training to address MEA. This education can be educational hard skills and soft skills, such as foreign language training, vocational training or entrepreneurship training (remember there will be many investments that will be planted in Indonesia by the ASEAN countries). Informal education Informal education is education by the family, especially the parents. Parents would have to take an active role in preparing their children face the MEA 2015. Especially readiness in the form of mental endurance, moral, and spiritual. Because it will be a lot of foreign culture into Indonesia. Do not let the negative cultural influences our children and become a destructive culture. Instead, we must equip our children with cultures or moral values that exist in Indonesia, as an identity that must be held to face the MEA 2015. As a form of protection that could be a foreign culture will "colonize" the identity of the Indonesian people.
Well, have we as parents prepare our children to meet this challenge?
Utilization of ICT in Indonesia, especially in North Sulawesi province is now just entered the stage of studying the various possibilities for the development and application of ICT (information and communication technology). More specifically the use of ICT in education have still not been mastered by most people, especially for educators and education personnel in applying duties and functions.
ICT plays an important role in educational technology, as ICT was developed to process, share, develop, discuss and delivery of communication. This development greatly affect many aspects of life, even human behavior and activity that is now largely dependent on Information and Communication Technology. ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for education se should mean the availability of a channel or medium that can be used to broadcast or publish educational programs. Learning is a process of creating an environment that allows the learning process. Learning in the sense of the activity of learners (students) to interact with the environment that produces behavioral changes that are relatively constant. As an institution, the school has a different mechanism in the process pembelanjaran budget in each year. Many schools still think that the most important facilities developed only physical facilities. Whereas if the co-programmed the ICT infrastructure, the school will have a clear direction in the development of ICT. Proven many schools have started to show as the sale value of ICT facilities, especially for private schools. The rapid development of ICT, especially the Internet, enabling the development of better information services in an educational institution. In the neighborhood schools, the use of other ICT is embodied in a system called School Net, Information Communication Technology (ICT), which aims to support the implementation and development of education so that schools or educational units in general can provide and present information services to better serve the community , both within and outside the institution via the internet. Other educational services that can be implemented by means of the Internet by providing the development of online learning materials from the site Jardiknas (National Education Network) with a range of content that can be accessed by anyone in need
B. Discussion
The results of the information
and communication technology has helped many people to be able to learn
quickly. Thus, in addition as a part of everyday life, information and
communication technology can be used to revitalize the learning process that
can ultimately learners adapt to the environment and the world of work.
The term information technology became popular in the late 70s. In the past the term commonly called the Information Technology computer technology or electronic data processing (electronic data processing). Information and Communication Technology is an integrated study of the data, information, processing, and delivery method. The integration means that each component is interrelated is not a part of separate or partial. Information and Communication Technology advancement has led to the many changes, including in the field of education who gave birth to the concept of e-learning. With e-learning, learning becomes more effective and efficient. According to Gunawan (Java Post, January 26, 2008), in the field educators only much treated to a variety of training, training with materials ranging from the curriculum, the grip (contextual learning), MBS (school-based management) and other materials directly related to the duties of teachers in the classroom. Rarely there are teacher training briefing on a particular skill or expertise, such as applications of ICT, whereas such training is no less important and useful for teachers, especially teachers who still stutter technology.
He said there are several factors that make the teachers still stutter ICT, first is location, for teachers in remote areas, advanced technologies such as a computer is not something that is urgent to master because of the need to use very low, secondly, awareness of compassion low on mengenari ati important technology to support the teaching profession in completing the task, the third, the lack of opportunities and chances to get closer with advanced technology.
Issues of internal education is still a scourge and challenge of the nation Indonesia and North Sulawesi. Ranging from educational curriculum system which is taught during this time, making the learners as passive objects are always ready to accept everything that is given by the teacher. Such learning methods tend to position students as human beings can only be silent without having any kind of creativity and innovation. In the science of communication, these conditions likened bullet theory that in fact learners identified with the communicant / audience passivity on the response or the stimulus given the absence of a response back. Naturally, if the results obtained will not be maximized atapun nice. It will also impact on the difficult realization that the original purpose of improving the quality of education, there has not yet reached the adequate level that can improve people's lives in general. According Machfud of the Institute for Education Quality Assurance East Java (20 April 2008), the dilemmas that arise in the field, of the various efforts that have been implemented to help teachers mengenala ICT, hampered halfway, the cause is:
The term information technology became popular in the late 70s. In the past the term commonly called the Information Technology computer technology or electronic data processing (electronic data processing). Information and Communication Technology is an integrated study of the data, information, processing, and delivery method. The integration means that each component is interrelated is not a part of separate or partial. Information and Communication Technology advancement has led to the many changes, including in the field of education who gave birth to the concept of e-learning. With e-learning, learning becomes more effective and efficient. According to Gunawan (Java Post, January 26, 2008), in the field educators only much treated to a variety of training, training with materials ranging from the curriculum, the grip (contextual learning), MBS (school-based management) and other materials directly related to the duties of teachers in the classroom. Rarely there are teacher training briefing on a particular skill or expertise, such as applications of ICT, whereas such training is no less important and useful for teachers, especially teachers who still stutter technology.
He said there are several factors that make the teachers still stutter ICT, first is location, for teachers in remote areas, advanced technologies such as a computer is not something that is urgent to master because of the need to use very low, secondly, awareness of compassion low on mengenari ati important technology to support the teaching profession in completing the task, the third, the lack of opportunities and chances to get closer with advanced technology.
Issues of internal education is still a scourge and challenge of the nation Indonesia and North Sulawesi. Ranging from educational curriculum system which is taught during this time, making the learners as passive objects are always ready to accept everything that is given by the teacher. Such learning methods tend to position students as human beings can only be silent without having any kind of creativity and innovation. In the science of communication, these conditions likened bullet theory that in fact learners identified with the communicant / audience passivity on the response or the stimulus given the absence of a response back. Naturally, if the results obtained will not be maximized atapun nice. It will also impact on the difficult realization that the original purpose of improving the quality of education, there has not yet reached the adequate level that can improve people's lives in general. According Machfud of the Institute for Education Quality Assurance East Java (20 April 2008), the dilemmas that arise in the field, of the various efforts that have been implemented to help teachers mengenala ICT, hampered halfway, the cause is:
1) fear of the mistake, which
can result in damage to the media;
2) felt he was already old, so
it is less beneficial to himself;
3) lack of understanding of IT technical language (English);
4) the number of routines outside the ICT lessons.
According to Ari Kristianawati (Sinar Harapan, April 29, 2008), teachers are not only stutter in adapting to the advancement of science, they are also caught up in the habit of being a robot education curriculum, so that the initiative and the initiative of the teachers to learn digging methods, instructional materials and relationship patterns learning a new very minimalist. In the education units or schools that have been considered more advanced, and most are located in urban areas, in addition to the availability of computer labs and internet, some schools have to complete other facilities related to the learning process, namely a variety of other electronic media. The availability of modern devices such as LCD projectors are equipped laptop / netbook, there were loudspeakers in each class, all of which are controlled by the operator. In school at every hour of rest played songs through the speakers, by means of this saturation hilang.Ketersediaan students after learning could influence ICT facilities to teachers in terms of selecting learning resources selected variants. As stated by Mohammad jury, MPd. (Madura, January 14, 2008) who said ketidakvariatifan teachers in selecting learning resources, which are caused by the lack pengetahuaan and the ability to use advanced learning media such as the use of computers. Such as common reasons given by teachers, eg no computer facilities in schools, facilities are incomplete due to unavailability of funds for procurement, and above all the attitude of teachers who are less pro-active in dealing with the advancement of ICT.
Policy is not enough only to the level of education office, but also must be supported by the leaders of the district / city, should be able to issue a policy that is significant in promoting the education, especially in the ICT pererapan this. Examples such as the city government Kotamobagu has launched a program that Wide Area Network (WAN) to complete internet facilities for school and community (although not perfect as expected), because through this program are expected to teachers and students do not stutter technology, especially in the mastery of computer skills as characterize the progress of a society.
Information technology is defined as technology processing and dissemination of data using hardware (hardware) and software (software), computer, communications, and digital electronics. Information and Communication Technology is an essential element in the life of the nation. The role of information technology on human activity at this time is so great.
Information technology has become the main facility for the activities of the various sectors of life which contributed greatly to the fundamental changes in the operating structure and organizational management, education, transportation, health and research. Discuss the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the learning process, schools can not be separated from the various elements are interlinked with each other, namely:
3) lack of understanding of IT technical language (English);
4) the number of routines outside the ICT lessons.
According to Ari Kristianawati (Sinar Harapan, April 29, 2008), teachers are not only stutter in adapting to the advancement of science, they are also caught up in the habit of being a robot education curriculum, so that the initiative and the initiative of the teachers to learn digging methods, instructional materials and relationship patterns learning a new very minimalist. In the education units or schools that have been considered more advanced, and most are located in urban areas, in addition to the availability of computer labs and internet, some schools have to complete other facilities related to the learning process, namely a variety of other electronic media. The availability of modern devices such as LCD projectors are equipped laptop / netbook, there were loudspeakers in each class, all of which are controlled by the operator. In school at every hour of rest played songs through the speakers, by means of this saturation hilang.Ketersediaan students after learning could influence ICT facilities to teachers in terms of selecting learning resources selected variants. As stated by Mohammad jury, MPd. (Madura, January 14, 2008) who said ketidakvariatifan teachers in selecting learning resources, which are caused by the lack pengetahuaan and the ability to use advanced learning media such as the use of computers. Such as common reasons given by teachers, eg no computer facilities in schools, facilities are incomplete due to unavailability of funds for procurement, and above all the attitude of teachers who are less pro-active in dealing with the advancement of ICT.
Policy is not enough only to the level of education office, but also must be supported by the leaders of the district / city, should be able to issue a policy that is significant in promoting the education, especially in the ICT pererapan this. Examples such as the city government Kotamobagu has launched a program that Wide Area Network (WAN) to complete internet facilities for school and community (although not perfect as expected), because through this program are expected to teachers and students do not stutter technology, especially in the mastery of computer skills as characterize the progress of a society.
Information technology is defined as technology processing and dissemination of data using hardware (hardware) and software (software), computer, communications, and digital electronics. Information and Communication Technology is an essential element in the life of the nation. The role of information technology on human activity at this time is so great.
Information technology has become the main facility for the activities of the various sectors of life which contributed greatly to the fundamental changes in the operating structure and organizational management, education, transportation, health and research. Discuss the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the learning process, schools can not be separated from the various elements are interlinked with each other, namely:
1. Availability of facilities, infrastructure, and devices.
Some schools now have computer
labs and internet, especially schools located in the city or not far from a
more complete urban facilities compared with schools located in rural areas.
However, in the use of ICT between schools with each other very diverse levels,
ranging from simple to anyone already optimal. Concrete examples such as in
schools, where computer facilities and the Internet has been around since 2006
and are already implementing the practice of ICT for teachers and students, but
the use of ICT for students is still limited to the subjects of ICT, and the
teacher has not memanfaatan ICT in the teaching process subjects another.
2. Providing the ability to master the role of teachers in ICT in learning.
2. Providing the ability to master the role of teachers in ICT in learning.
Teachers in the use of ICT in
the learning process of progress and other activities considered still
stuttering technology. If this condition is true, it would be depressing and
even painful, because in the middle of interactive learning also involves
teachers in any field of study. Teachers are now many who are not fluent in the
computer, let alone the Internet. The teachers use a computer to type with MS
Word too did not understand all of the facilities in the program, let alone
heard of email, web browsing, and more.
3. The existence of policy leadership in supporting the
role of ICT in learning.
Sometimes an award or certificate is not a goal to be achieved by a school institution, but awards and certifications received can be a driving force or motivation in the use of ICT by teachers, as well as pride in the identity of a school that has an advantage in the competitive world of education. Some institutions or agencies both in profit and non provit felt necessary to provide a variety of awards to encourage and spur schools to continue to develop their potential, particularly in terms of ICT use. Moreover, in this information age, the absence of a willingness to understand, use, and access the scientific areas relevant to the function of the teacher as a facilitator of the development of science will be reduced which may be long gone, so there was just a poor teacher information. Principals who are committed to the advancement of school certainly do concrete steps to advance teachers in the use of ICT. Principals in implementing diverse and welcoming incursion of information technology, is to equip teachers with computer and internet courses, not only teachers who taught in the computer lab who must understand these devices, but other gurubidang teachers must follow.
Sometimes an award or certificate is not a goal to be achieved by a school institution, but awards and certifications received can be a driving force or motivation in the use of ICT by teachers, as well as pride in the identity of a school that has an advantage in the competitive world of education. Some institutions or agencies both in profit and non provit felt necessary to provide a variety of awards to encourage and spur schools to continue to develop their potential, particularly in terms of ICT use. Moreover, in this information age, the absence of a willingness to understand, use, and access the scientific areas relevant to the function of the teacher as a facilitator of the development of science will be reduced which may be long gone, so there was just a poor teacher information. Principals who are committed to the advancement of school certainly do concrete steps to advance teachers in the use of ICT. Principals in implementing diverse and welcoming incursion of information technology, is to equip teachers with computer and internet courses, not only teachers who taught in the computer lab who must understand these devices, but other gurubidang teachers must follow.
4. Ongoing education and training of teachers.
The need for the ability of
teachers to the role of ICT in the learning process has been a very positive
response by some schools. Reality on the ground it was found that some schools
have provided training and sending teachers computer and internet training.
This is done by school leaders with the intention that the teachers do not
stutter on the use of computers in the use of ICT. The role of the institution
or institutions outside the school is also indispensable in advancing its share
of primary and secondary education. One agency or institution that pedulidan
has participated actively provide the ability for educators and education
personnel in using computers and the Internet, namely Institute of
Communication Technology and Media Education (Center for ICT is taught)
Department of Education North Sulawesi province, which has been training
danworkshop information technology communication and geographic information
systems (ICT and GIS) for 150 teachers, students and management staff jardiknas
in 15 districts / cities (in 2009), and the planned 150 teachers and staff will
also be trained in mid-2010.
5. teratasinya constraints of teachers in the use of ICT.
Some of the constraints faced
by teachers in the use of ICT is the presence of internal constraints, such as
the bustle of teaching hours in various places, and external constraints such
as the availability of Internet access and the training time alone. There are
still teachers who believe do not use computers and ICT in the learning process
is not to interrupt the lesson, because teachers are not getting the computer
while teaching facilities. Here bias concluded that teachers now need training
in the mastery of ICT, especially the older teachers who can master a minimum
of computer and ICT or more, while the junior teachers should be able to master
How the application of ICT in
Learning in the Education Unit Brother?
In the next two years, Indonesia will face some of the momentum that is very competitive, both in the economic, and political. In the field of economy and industry, in 2015 Indonesia will face the era of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) or the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) as a consequence of the international agreement.
In the next two years, Indonesia will face some of the momentum that is very competitive, both in the economic, and political. In the field of economy and industry, in 2015 Indonesia will face the era of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) or the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) as a consequence of the international agreement.
Welcoming this, the Ministry of
Planning / Bappenas in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
(Kadin) Indonesia Seminar Labor readiness in facing the ASEAN market on Tuesday
(25/06) at the SG 1-5 Bappenas Building. The event starts at 09.00 am and was
attended by 100 participants from ministries / agencies, Kadin Indonesia, the
Provincial Chamber of Commerce, the Association of Provincial Industry
Association, Institute of Professional Certification and training institutions.
The seminar was opened by the Secretary of the Ministry of Planning / Bappenas
Principal Secretary, Dr. Slamet Seno Adji, MA, representing the Minister of
Planning / Head of Bappenas. In a speech read, Dr. Slamet Seno Adji, MA, states
that the purpose of the seminar was to identify the problems and challenges of
developing a superior workforce and productive, as well as improve the quality
of labor in accordance with the agreed competency ASEAN Single Market. "This
seminar is expected to produce recommendations and policy strategies
accelerated development of quality employment through public and private sector
(public private partnership program)," he said.
Meanwhile, Vice Chairman of the Division of Labor Kadin Indonesia, Benny Soetrisno stated that the Chamber of Commerce has set up three programs in order to face the MEA 2015 also supports MP3EI: 1) identification of the labor needs of professional / skilled to support 22 economic activities in six economic corridors and enhance the competitiveness of 12 priority sectors AEC 2015; 2) Facilitate the development of competency standards and the establishment of professional certification (LSP) by the relevant Industry Association 22 economic activities in the economic corridors and 12 priority sectors AEC 2015; and 3) Development of the Chamber of Commerce Training Center (KTC) to encourage the development of competency-based training program as required by the Provincial Kadin industry. Furthermore, he is an inventory of 12 priority sectors AEC 2015 called free flow of skilled labor (the free flow of skilled labor), namely: health care (health care), tourism (tourism), logistics services (logistics services), e-ASEAN, transport services air (air travel transport), agro-based products (Agrobased products), electronic goods (electronics), fisheries (fisheries), rubber-based products (rubber based products), textiles and clothing (textiles and apparels), automotive (automotive) and wood-based products (wood based products). According Soetrisno, to face the MEA era full of competition, qualified human resources to be prepared because there are many labor-intensive industries that lack of qualified personnel and therefore contributes to productivity, especially in industries that use high technology.
This seminar noted several fundamental problems facing Indonesia in order to face the MEA 2015, namely: 1) the high number of underemployed (disguised unemployment); 2) the low number of new entrepreneurs to accelerate the expansion of employment opportunities; 3) The Indonesian workers are dominated by uneducated workers so that labor productivity is low; 4) the increasing number of unemployed educated labor force, due to a mismatch between college graduates with labor market needs; 5) inequality in labor productivity between sectors of the economy; 6) the informal sector dominates employment, where the sector has not received the attention optimal from the government; 7) unemployment in Indonesia is the highest unemployment of 10 ASEAN member countries; unpreparedness of skilled labor in the face of AEC 2015; 8) the workers' demands for minimum wages, contract labor, employment and social security; and 9) the problem of Indonesian Workers who are scattered abroad. (*)
Meanwhile, Vice Chairman of the Division of Labor Kadin Indonesia, Benny Soetrisno stated that the Chamber of Commerce has set up three programs in order to face the MEA 2015 also supports MP3EI: 1) identification of the labor needs of professional / skilled to support 22 economic activities in six economic corridors and enhance the competitiveness of 12 priority sectors AEC 2015; 2) Facilitate the development of competency standards and the establishment of professional certification (LSP) by the relevant Industry Association 22 economic activities in the economic corridors and 12 priority sectors AEC 2015; and 3) Development of the Chamber of Commerce Training Center (KTC) to encourage the development of competency-based training program as required by the Provincial Kadin industry. Furthermore, he is an inventory of 12 priority sectors AEC 2015 called free flow of skilled labor (the free flow of skilled labor), namely: health care (health care), tourism (tourism), logistics services (logistics services), e-ASEAN, transport services air (air travel transport), agro-based products (Agrobased products), electronic goods (electronics), fisheries (fisheries), rubber-based products (rubber based products), textiles and clothing (textiles and apparels), automotive (automotive) and wood-based products (wood based products). According Soetrisno, to face the MEA era full of competition, qualified human resources to be prepared because there are many labor-intensive industries that lack of qualified personnel and therefore contributes to productivity, especially in industries that use high technology.
This seminar noted several fundamental problems facing Indonesia in order to face the MEA 2015, namely: 1) the high number of underemployed (disguised unemployment); 2) the low number of new entrepreneurs to accelerate the expansion of employment opportunities; 3) The Indonesian workers are dominated by uneducated workers so that labor productivity is low; 4) the increasing number of unemployed educated labor force, due to a mismatch between college graduates with labor market needs; 5) inequality in labor productivity between sectors of the economy; 6) the informal sector dominates employment, where the sector has not received the attention optimal from the government; 7) unemployment in Indonesia is the highest unemployment of 10 ASEAN member countries; unpreparedness of skilled labor in the face of AEC 2015; 8) the workers' demands for minimum wages, contract labor, employment and social security; and 9) the problem of Indonesian Workers who are scattered abroad. (*)
Asean Economic Community (AEC)
/ AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) in 2015 is a project that has long prepared all
ASEAN members which aims to boost economic stability in the ASEAN region and
form the economic area among ASEAN countries is strong. With the enactment of
MEA at the end of 2015, ASEAN member countries will experience the free flow of
goods, services, investment, labor and educated and from each country. In this
case, what needs to be done by Indonesia is how Indonesia as part of the ASEAN
community trying to prepare oneself and take advantage of opportunities MEA
2015, as well as the need to improve the capability to compete with ASEAN
countries other so that the fear of losing competitiveness in their own country
due to terimplementasinya AEC 2015 did not happen. The government has issued
Presidential Instruction (Instruction) No. 11 of 2011 on the implementation of
the AEC Blueprint commitments in an effort to prepare for the ASEAN free
market. In the AEC blueprint, there are 12 priority sectors that will be
integrated by the government. The sector consists of seven sectors namely agro
industrial goods, automotive, electronics, fisheries, rubber-based industry,
wood-based industries, and textiles. Then the rest come from five sectors,
namely air transportation services, health, tourism, logistics, and information
technology. These sectors in the era of MEA will be implemented in the form of
the release of the flow of goods, services, investment, and labor.
So far, the steps taken by
Indonesia by the government's strategic plan to face the MEA / AEC, among
1. Strengthening Economic Competitiveness
On May 27, 2011, the Government
launched a Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian
Economic Development (MP3EI). MP3EI is a manifestation of national economic
transformation with orientation based on strong economic growth, inclusive, quality,
and sustainability. Since MP3EI launched until the end of December 2011 have
been implemented as much as 94 Groundbreaking real sector investment projects
and infrastructure development.
2. Program ACI (I Love Indonesia)
2. Program ACI (I Love Indonesia)
ACI (I Love Indonesia) is one
of the movement 'Nation Branding' part of the development of the creative
economy are included in Instruction 6 of 2009 which contains the Creative
Economy Program for 27 Ministry of State and Local Government. This movement is
still continuing now in the form of an ongoing national campaign in a variety
of domestic products such as clothing, accessories, entertainment, tourism and
others. (the Ministry of Trade RI: 2009: 17).
3. Strengthening the SME Sector
3. Strengthening the SME Sector
In order to promote the growth
of SMEs in Indonesia, the Chamber held held several programs, among others are
'Cooperative and SME Exhibition Festival' on June 5, 2013 and then followed by
463 KUKM. The event aims to introduce the products of SMEs in Indonesia and
also as a stimulant for people to be more creative in developing small and
medium-sized businesses. In addition, Indonesia preparation of sector
Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (KUKM) to face the MEA 2015 is
the establishment of the National Preparatory Committee of MEA 2015, which
serves to formulate a precaution and to disseminate to the public and KUKM
regarding the implementation of MEAs at the end of 2015.
The steps of anticipation that has been compiled Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs to assist offenders KUKM welcome the era of ASEAN free market was, among others, to increase insight into offender KUKM against the MEA, increase production efficiency and business management, improvement of market absorption products KUKM local, creation of business climate conducive.
However, one of the main obstacles to the sector factor Cooperatives and SMEs to compete in the era of the free market is the quality of human resources (HR) KUKM actors are generally still low. Therefore, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs to provide guidance and empowerment KUKM aimed at improving the quality and standard of products, in order to improve the performance KUKM to produce products that are highly competitive. The Ministry of Industry is also carrying out development and empowerment of small and medium industries (SMI), which is part of the SME sector. Strengthening SMEs play an important role in poverty alleviation efforts through the expansion of job opportunities and produce goods or services to be exported. In addition, coordination and consolidation among agencies and ministries also continue to be improved so that the inhibiting factors can be eliminated. 4. Infrastructure Improvements
In order to support the increased competitiveness of the real sector during 2010 has achieved an increase in the capacity and quality of infrastructure such as roads, railways, road transport, sea transport, air transport, communication and informatics, as well as electricity:
The steps of anticipation that has been compiled Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs to assist offenders KUKM welcome the era of ASEAN free market was, among others, to increase insight into offender KUKM against the MEA, increase production efficiency and business management, improvement of market absorption products KUKM local, creation of business climate conducive.
However, one of the main obstacles to the sector factor Cooperatives and SMEs to compete in the era of the free market is the quality of human resources (HR) KUKM actors are generally still low. Therefore, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs to provide guidance and empowerment KUKM aimed at improving the quality and standard of products, in order to improve the performance KUKM to produce products that are highly competitive. The Ministry of Industry is also carrying out development and empowerment of small and medium industries (SMI), which is part of the SME sector. Strengthening SMEs play an important role in poverty alleviation efforts through the expansion of job opportunities and produce goods or services to be exported. In addition, coordination and consolidation among agencies and ministries also continue to be improved so that the inhibiting factors can be eliminated. 4. Infrastructure Improvements
In order to support the increased competitiveness of the real sector during 2010 has achieved an increase in the capacity and quality of infrastructure such as roads, railways, road transport, sea transport, air transport, communication and informatics, as well as electricity:
1. Improvement of Access Roads
and Transportation
2. Improvement and Development
of ICT Strip
3. Improvement and Development
of Electric Energy Sector.
4. Improving the Quality of
Human Resources (HR)
One way is to improve the
quality of human resources through education. Moreover, in order to provide
quality education services, the government has built educational facilities are
adequate, including the rehabilitation of damaged classrooms. Kemdikbud data in
2011 showed that there are still about 173 344 classrooms in elementary and
junior high school severely damaged condition. (Bappenas RI in Book I, 2011:
6. Institutional Reform and Governance
In order to encourage
Acceleration of Prevention and Combating Corruption, has been designated a
national strategy of prevention and eradication of corruption long-term
2012-2025 and 2012-2014 medium as a reference for all stakeholders for the
implementation of the action every year. Enforcement efforts against Corruption
(TPK) is enhanced through coordination and supervision carried out by the
Commission to the Attorney and the Police. Meanwhile, the majority opinion
states that Indonesia Not Ready would MEA 2015. One of them, the Executive
Director of Core Indonesia (Hendri Saparini) assess the preparations by the
Indonesian government in the face of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) in 2015
is still not optimal. The new government dissemination of "What It
MEA" yet the socialization of what to do to win the MEA. Socialization
"What the MEA" which has been taken by the government was apparently
still not 100% because of the new socialization implemented in 205 districts of
the amount of 410 districts in all regions of Indonesia. Hendri explained the
magnitude of the government's commitment to deal MEA turned out contrary to the
readiness of the business world. According to the results of in-depth
interviews with the entrepreneurs turns Core businesses even many who do not
understand the agreement MEA. He said one of the strategies the government
prepared ahead of the MEA is Indonesia must develop strategies of industry,
trade and investment in an integrated manner because of the presence of MEA
implementation burden the trade deficit will be even greater and therefore
create industrial strategy should be a government priority. Strategy and
preparation had been done by the existing stakeholders in Indonesia in order to
face liberalization systems applied by ASEAN, especially in terms of economic
integration was felt still less than optimal. But it is indeed grounded in
domestic issues that require more intensive treatment. Discipline required from
the government, especially with regard to the discourse of preparations for the
realization of the AEC by 2015, with an increase in supervision of the
implementation of the development of the system contained in the AEC Blueprint.
Indonesian government gives special attention to the development of
competency-based human resources to address the challenges of the Asean
Economic Community (AEC) by 2015
Because the availability of
competent human resources and high competitiveness, Indonesian workers believed
not to compete with workers coming from other Asean countries. "Human
Resource Development based competency done systematically and continuously and
consistently, through formal education, track job training and career
development path," said Menaker Hanif in a press statement after opening
the seminar 'Challenges for the Asean Economic Community Against National
Independence' on Campus UIN Sunan Kalidjaga, Yogyakarta on Thursday (21/5).
Head of Public Relations Kemnaker, Suhartono, in a press release citing the MOM
Hanif statement saying education and training systems must work together and
lead to the improvement of job competence so as to labor market needs can be
met. "One of the determining factors that we have to do is to empower all
institutions of formal education and vocational training institutes to print a
competent workforce and professional," he said. Hanif recognizes one of
the challenges to be faced is the majority of Indonesia's workforce is
dominated by graduates of elementary school (SD). Oieh therefore need special
attention to elementary school graduates to be improved competence and work
skills according to labor market needs and industry. "Competition labor in
the ASEAN region will be more open. Job training education and certification of
labor competence is an essential part of the investment in human resources
quality Indonesia, "he said. Hanif explained in the face of competition
AEC 2015, along with elements of society lainhya government should conduct an
increasing number of Indonesian labor ratio and a competent and professional by
reference to regulatory standardization and certification of competencies.
Related to that, Kemenaker has built a system of human resource development
(HRD) competency based with three main pillars for support that could be the
basis of a reference preparation of human resources in Indonesia. (hasyim).
Welcoming the turn of the year, it is proper we advance are extended thanks to
almighty God, for his permission ICON + can be climbed in 2014 by a wide range
of accomplishments and achievements. Of the Almighty God bestowed precisely we
are in a wide range of capabilities to be able to perform a variety of tasks
and responsibilities during 2014. Not just meaningless as the transitional
period, the new momentum to absorb back the achievements in the previous twelve
months. We not only achievements but also evaluates various errors and
omissions. Introspection and commitment to achieving be one way to improve and
strengthen our steps forward. Throughout 2014, ICON + has achieved many
accomplishments both on the service and performance-based management Malcolm
Baldrige. Do not want to dally with the achievement, ICON + continued to
improve through the development of management information systems, including
SAP HCM implementations that will Go Live in the early 2015's. 2015 will be
filled with challenges, especially because this year, the ASEAN Economic
Community (AEC) is ready to roll. Competence of the company and individual
competition will be intense, with the development of ICTs is very dynamic and
fast, the higher customer demands, as well as management performance targets
challenging enough will make a step ICON + no chance to take a break.
Consistently, ICON + will improve, give birth to innovation, the challenges and
win the competition. Without the participation of ICONers this is surely only
going to be a delusion. Welcoming 2015, the time we hand in hand, walked with
confidence that we can make ICON + as ICT companies that believed in the
Telecommunications Industry and ready to welcome the MEA 2015. Hopefully with
hard work and cooperation of all layers of ICON + and certainly the blessing of
God Almighty, we are able to meet the challenges in 2015. In the face of
program Asean Economic Community (AEC). It's a sign we must be prepared to live
a life that is increasingly global. that we do not need to worry with the MEA
as long as it is able to compete. "We should not have to worry about
facing it as long as we are ready to compete, and compete one main key is the
attitude of professionalism. The attitude we must always put forward as a
reliable workforce and superior, "he said, as quoted from page UNY, Monday
(09/14/2015). Then explain that we need to maintain national identity and not
to be affected by the influence of anything. "In addition, entering an era
of openness, we need to keep and maintain course national identity must not be
eroded by the influence of anything," he said. This development should be
able to refer to human development by preparing qualified human resources and
productive Indonesia. Indonesia hopes education institutions could provide
facilities for recognizing the competence given to a worthwhile experience.
"I expected as well as educational institutions to facilitate the recognition
of competences acquired through experience and long process outside the formal
education," he added. Dala container also added that he tried to encourage
the sector as well as the development in the work competency standards and
curriculum training based KKNI. " We also continue to encourage the
sector, technical ministries / agencies to facilitate development work
competency standards, quality assurance training institution, program
development and curriculum training based KKNI, as well as the implementation
of the certification of competency-based KKNI. The industrial sector and
professional associations also continue to push for the recognition of KKNI
"One Vision, One Identity, One Community into a vision and commitment to
be realized by ASEAN in 2020. But could these ideals can be achieved by the
ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei
Darussalam , Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar) in less than a decade longer.
Based on the records and reports from various sources indicate that our goals
are integrated in a community called Asean Community (Asean Community) this
still has to face many challenges and obstacles contained in each of the member
countries. The existence of the free market opportunities and competition in
the market for goods and services, investment market, capital market and the
labor market. In this regard Indonesia has one of the largest populations in
the ASEAN region, which Heterogeneous people with different types of tribes,
languages and customs and endowed natural resources stretching from Sabang to
Merauke. Indonesia has a pretty good economic strength, economic growth is the
highest in the world after India. This will be the capital necessary to prepare
the people of Indonesia towards the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2015. The
main challenge in business in the era of the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015
is to improve the competitiveness of human resources capability and competitive
advantage in all sectors of industry and services on the level of global
competition , Any organization is required to provide satisfactory service
(customer satisfaction) as well as the value of the service itself (customer
value). The need for a competency-based human resource development is done in
order to deliver results in accordance with the organization's goals and
objectives based on performance standards set.
Like a double-edged knife benefit from the implementation of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) that Indonesia's economic growth would depend on addressing how the free market era. The question is, to what extent the readiness of the business world in Indonesia in the era of AEC 2015?
To the era of free markets in South East Asia, the world of business in the country would have to take strategic steps in order to face competition from other ASEAN countries, not least the sector of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (KUKM).
As known that Cooperatives and SME sector is the most important thing to be developed in the face of AEC 2015 was related to the creative and innovative industries, handicraft, home industry, and information technology. Which is working to improve access to and transfer of technology to develop innovative SMEs that will be able to compete with foreign SMEs.
Like a double-edged knife benefit from the implementation of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) that Indonesia's economic growth would depend on addressing how the free market era. The question is, to what extent the readiness of the business world in Indonesia in the era of AEC 2015?
To the era of free markets in South East Asia, the world of business in the country would have to take strategic steps in order to face competition from other ASEAN countries, not least the sector of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (KUKM).
As known that Cooperatives and SME sector is the most important thing to be developed in the face of AEC 2015 was related to the creative and innovative industries, handicraft, home industry, and information technology. Which is working to improve access to and transfer of technology to develop innovative SMEs that will be able to compete with foreign SMEs.
Increasing competitiveness by
utilizing information and communication technology (ICT), is required for SMEs
in Indonesia to face increasingly tough competition, especially in the face of
the MEA. There are two major challenges in building the Asean Community 2015. First,
the horizontal chasm between countries with advanced economy class and still
intermediate and advanced. Secondly, there is still a vertical chasm between
Corporate and small and medium businesses that affect the local economy in
general. We formed an organization in order to build a community that values
be different binders and different living standards. Since the date of
September 9, 2014 we took the initiative to form a community institution called
Visasia Entrepreneur Community (VISEC) which aims to empower small businesses
and medium and formed of creative industries within the framework of home
industry in order to lift the economy of the community for the realization of
economic equality democracy through information technology as medium. Visasia
Entrepreneur Community (VISEC) open opportunities for everyone to have an
independent business through a vehicle for the community through activities
VISEC. This community tried Making a habit for everyone to socialize and use
the Internet as a medium to promote to others (Word Of Mouth) as a productive
activity that can generate financial benefits (residual income). Provide
education and best service to every person who has aspirations for success,
with the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation
Undertake other efforts are in line with the intent and purpose associations in the broadest sense of the word that is not in conflict with the law.
VISASIA has teamed up with VISEC as an institution of professional organizations to develop cooperation to elements companies, cooperatives, as well as educational institutions and research that aim to cooperate with each other in a populist economic equality in the concept of economic justice. Revenue sharing system on SMEs is a form of institutionalization of moral responsibility in economics and finance. Simply put, the institutions / organizations / communities often interpreted as an institution and as an institution sosial.Dengan the Visec is expected to boost the creativity of the younger generation to realize a prosperous Indonesian society fair and prosperous.
Undertake other efforts are in line with the intent and purpose associations in the broadest sense of the word that is not in conflict with the law.
VISASIA has teamed up with VISEC as an institution of professional organizations to develop cooperation to elements companies, cooperatives, as well as educational institutions and research that aim to cooperate with each other in a populist economic equality in the concept of economic justice. Revenue sharing system on SMEs is a form of institutionalization of moral responsibility in economics and finance. Simply put, the institutions / organizations / communities often interpreted as an institution and as an institution sosial.Dengan the Visec is expected to boost the creativity of the younger generation to realize a prosperous Indonesian society fair and prosperous.
C. Cover
mplementasi AEC has entered the
final year of a long-planned joint agreement ASEAN countries with the goal of
regional economic integration in 2015. MEA will provide characteristics: (a) a
single market and production base (b) a highly competitive economic region, (c
) region of equitable economic development, and (d) a region fully integrated
into the global economy. MEA will cooperate in the development and capacity
building of human resources; recognition of professional qualifications; closer
consultation on macroeconomic and financial policies; trade financing measures;
improvement of infrastructure and communications connectivity; development of
electronic transactions through e-ASEAN; integrating the industry throughout
the region to promote regional sources; and increase the involvement of the
private sector to build AEC. In the case of MEA develop a single market and
production base, there are five core elements: (i) the free flow of goods; (ii)
the free flow of services; (iii) the free flow of investment; (iv) freer flow
of capital; and (v) the free flow of skilled labor flows How do we respond to
this change? Of course we have to deal with happy, excited and bekrja hard for
shared prosperity, notably to face the free flow of skilled labor. Why should
we be excited? Because we've had enough prepared from the beginning, especially
some of the Competence-based human resource development policies,
competency-based education system (Law 20/2004 on the National Education
System), a system of competency-based training and competency-based
certification (Law 13/2003 on manpower, and PP 31 / 2006 on the National
Vocational Training System), as well as competency-based human resource development
policies by sector. In certification through Law 13/2003 on manpower and PP
23/2004 about National Professional Certification Board, has set up in the
system, structure, institutional and competency certification guidelines. There
are still some things that have not been fully in building a competency-based
human resources for facing MEA implementation, namely: National Competence
Indonesia (SKKNI) is still limited; package and certification schemes
Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) and the National
Occupational Qualification (KON) is very limited, the implementation of job
training and competency-based education and limited qualifications framework.
So we are still very limited generating qualified skilled workforce that
national traceability with ASEAN and other international expectations. With
such a situation, where we are already finding their way and have started a new
albeit slightly, then we will be able to prepare the rest of the time living
this year. The requirement as our new president's message: "Work, work,
work", then we are optimistic to achieve it.
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