Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

considered as a result of learning-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

Understanding LearningAs the cornerstone of the decomposition of what is meant by learning,
it will first put forward some definitions:Educational Psycology Witherington argues in the book, that:"Learning is a change in the personality who claimed to be a new pattern of reaction in the form of skills, attitudes, habits, intelligence or sense something". (In Ngalim Purwanto, 1990: 84)According Wasty Soemanto (1990: 99)"Learning is a process such that the generated or altered behavior through practice, training or experience".Top of definition can be expressed in the presence of some important elements that characterize about learning, namely:a) Learning is a change that occurs through training or experience. In the sense of change - change that is caused by the growth or development is not considered as a result of learning, such as changes - changes that happen to a baby.b) behavior is changing due to learning related to various aspects of personality, both physically and psychologically, such as: changes in understanding, solving a problem or thinking, skills, skills, habits or attitudes.Learning is a basic process of development of human life. By studying human conduct individual quality changes, so that the behavior evolved. All the activities and achievements of human life is nothing but the result of learning. We live and work according to what has been learned. Learning is not just the experience. Learning is a process and not an outcome. Therefore lasted actively and interactively using various forms of change to achieve a goal. Therefore, teachers must be able to provide stimulus in order to guide the students for learning activities.The learning process is different from the process of maturity. Maturity is a process such that the behavior is modified as a result and growth in the development of the structure and function - learning function. Thus not every change in behavior of the individual self is the result of learning.According to the understanding of the psychological, learning is a process of change in behavior as a result of interaction with the environment, to meet the necessities of life.2. Factors - factors that affect learningIn studying many factors - factors that influence it. Of the many factors that affect learning, according Wasty Soemarno (1989) can be classified into three factors:1) Factor - factor learning stimuliThe definition of learning Stimuli here is everything outside individuals that stimulates the individual to conduct a reaction or changes in learning. Stimuli in this case includes the assignment of material, as well as the atmosphere of the external environment that must be received or learned by the students. Here are a few things associated with factors - factor learning stimuli.a. The length of lessonsThe length of the lesson material in contact with many materials. The longer the material, the longer is also the time required by students to learn. Material that is too long or too much can cause difficulty for students to learn. Difficulties students were not alone - the eye because of the length of time to learn, but more related to a weakness factor or factors saturation student in the face or doing a lot of material.b. Difficulty learning materialsEach - each lesson material has different difficulty levels. Level of difficulty learning materials affect the speed of learning. The more difficult the slower the lesson material to learn. Materials that are difficult require more intensive learning activities, whereas the simple ingredients affect the intensity of one's learning.c. Weighing learning materialsLearning requires capital experience gained from previous study. Capital experience it can be mastery of the language, knowledge and principles. Capital experience was decisive significance materials studied at the present time. Which means the material is a material that can be recognized. Material means enabling students to learn, because students can recognize. Substances without meaning difficult recognizable due to no attention to the material that the student.d. Severity of dutyTo Tell the severity of the task, it is closely related to the level of student ability. The same task distress different for each - each student. This is because the intellectual capacity as well as their experiences are not the same. Perhaps too, the severity of duty in connection with the age of the students. This means that the maturity of the individuals involved be an indicator of Upper heavy or light duty for the students concerned. It can be proven that the task - a task too lightly or easily will reduce the learning challenges, while the task - a task that is too heavy or difficult to create a deterrent for students to learn.e. Atmosphere external environmentAtmosphere external environment involves many aspects, among others: the weather, time, conditions, places, lighting and so on. Factors - these factors influence students' attitudes and interactions in learning activities, for students whose learning is interaction with the environment.2) Factor - factor learning methodFactor learning method involves things - the following:a. Training activities and practicePracticing can be given in the marathon (non-stop) or distribution (with an interlude breaks). Marathon training provided can be tiring and tedious, while the distributed practice ensures the maintaining stamina and excitement of learning. Hour lessons are less effective too long, the shorter the time distribution for more effective training exercises. Exercise requires resting time being, the length depending on the task or skill that is learned or the length of time the implementation of all activities.b. Recitation during learningThe combination of the length of the recitation (transfer of learning) is very useful to improve the reading skills and to memorize without notice reading. If after acquiring a part may proceed to the next section. Recitation is very suitable to be applied in learning to read or memorize.
c. The introduction of learning outcomesIn the learning process, often ignore about the development of learning outcomes for the learning. Results of research psychologists showed that the introduction of an on the results or progress of learning is important, because by knowing someone who has achieved will be trying to improve learning outcomes later.d. Guidance in learningToo much guidance given by a teacher or other person tends to make students dependent.Guidance can be given within the limits required of students. The most important thing is the necessity of giving orking on individual skills. So that those concerned can carry out the tasks assigned with little help from others.3) Factor - individual factorsUnless factor stimulation and learning methods, individual factors have a great effect on student learning. The factors that involves things - the following:a. MaturityMaturity diapai individual of psychological growth process. Maturity occurs as a result of the quantitative changes in the structure accompanied by quantitative changes in these structures. Maturity gives conditions on physiological functions including nervous system and the brain develops.b. Interest"The interest is a fixed tendency to pay attention and hold some activities that are of interest someone. Note continues - constantly accompanied by a sense of fun "(Slameto, 1988: 57).Interests greatest effect on student achievement, because if the teaching materials are not interested students - students will be lazy in learning. If there are students who are less interested in the study leave or it can be arranged so that he would have a greater interest by explaining things - things interesting.c. TalentTalent is the ability to learn because it is a new capability to be realized into real skills after learning and practicing (Slameto, 1988: 59).The talent also affect student achievement if the lesson material in accordance with the talent of the students, results, lessons will be better because he'd be happy to materials that lesson, then they will be more active, therefore, important to know the talents of the students, and put students at schools in accordance with his talent.d. ReadinessReadiness was raised and the students themselves and also associated with physical and mental readiness and students concerned. With already unprepared to accept the lesson, the lesson results will be better, the same, if not ready to accept the lesson. The resulting achievements will be lower. Thus the readiness factors also affect student achievement.e. Factors chronological ageIncrease in age was always accompanied by a process of growth and development. The older children also increase the maturity of a variety of physiological functions. Older children stronger, more patient, more capable of carrying out a task - a task that is heavier, more capable of directing the energy and attention in a longer time, more have motor coordination work habits and better memory and learning ability levels of students.f. Factors difference between the sexesUntil now there has been no indication of any differences that strengthen skills, attitudes, interests, temperament, talent and patterns - patterns of behavior as a result of the difference between the sexes. For example in academic achievement, we can see a lot of girls who showed a better performance not inferior to the achievements of boys - men. This shows that no significant difference between boys - men and women in terms of intelligence.

g. Previous experienceThe experience gained influence individual learning is concerned, especially in terms of learning transfer.h. Physical health conditionStudents who study requires a healthy condition. Students who are physically ill from the disease - specific diseases and weakness will not be able to learn effectively. Disability - physical disabilities also interfere with learning.i. Spiritual health conditionDisruption to disability - mental disability on a person's very disturbing to learn the person concerned.j. MotivationMotivation-related needs, motives and goals, greatly affect the activities and learning outcomes. Motivation is very important for the learning process as motivation moving organism, directs the action as well as choosing the perceived importance of learning objectives for students.B. Definition of Learning AchievementTo know the results of student achievement, the author provides an understanding of learning. In general dictionary Geography by W.J.S. Poerwodarminto called that: "Achievement is the ability of students as much as possible of the results achieved" (WJS Poerwodarminto, 1982: 108). According Suhartono, "Learning is a value that shows high results in learning, which is achieved through the ability to do something at a certain time anyway."From this it can be concluded that student achievement is realizing the value of learning outcomes that demonstrate the ability to work at a given time in an educational institution. So from an understanding of the learning achievement in Upper and teaching events that lead to the goal, then to determine whether the teaching and learning activities will be successful or has reached the goal, what is needed is the value. Assessment was necessary to know the results of our educational efforts on students, the result is what we call student achievement.C. Definition of STADThe constructivist approach to teaching extensively apply STAD, On the basis of the theory that students will more easily find and understand the concept - a concept that is difficult when they are able to discuss the concept - the concept with his friend (Slavin, 1995).According to Thomson, et al (1995), STAD also adds the element - the element of social interaction in learning geography. In STAD students learn together in groups - small groups help each other. Classes are arranged in groups of 4 or 5 students, with heterogeneous capabilities. Intent is a heterogeneous group composed of students of mixed ability, gender and ethnicity (Thomson, 1995). It is beneficial to train students to accept differences of opinion and work with different friends background. At STAD taught skills - specific skills in order to cooperate in the group, such as being a good listener, briefed a group of friends well, students are given an activity sheet that contains questions or tasks that are planned to be taught. During group work, task group members are reaching completeness (Slavin, 1995).It should be emphasized to students that they have not been allowed to end the discussion before they are confident that all members of his team completed the entire task. Students are asked to explain the answer in the student worksheet (LKS). If a student has a question, a friend of the group was asked to explain, before asking the answer to the teacher. By the time the students are working in groups, teachers around among the group members, giving praise and observe how the group works. STAD can make students menverbalisasi ideas and can encourage the emergence of a reflection that leads to the concept - the concept of active (Thomson et al. 1995).In time, the student is given an evaluation with sufficient time to complete the test is given. Arranged so that students do not cooperate during the follow evaluation, at the moment they have to show what they learned as individuals.a). Step - Lesson STADThere are 6 major phase or step in STAD (Arends, 1997: 113). Learning begins with teachers deliver the learning objectives and student motivation to learn. This phase is followed by students with the presentation of information, often in the form of text instead of verbal. Furthermore, students are grouped into teams - team learning. This stage followed the guidance of the teacher by the time students complete their task cooperation. The last phase of STAD that the presentation of the final results of the working group, and test what they have learned, and reward for effort - group and individual business. The sixth phase of STAD summarized in Table 1 below.Table 1Step - Lesson STADPhase Steps taken GuruPhase 1:Outlines the objectives and student motivationTeachers deliver lessons all the goals to be achieved in these lessons and motivate students to learn.Phase 2:Presenting informationTeachers present information to students by way of demonstration or through reading materials.Phase 3:Organize students into learning groupsThe teacher explains to students how to form study groups and help each group to make the transition efficiently.Phase 4:Guiding group work and studyTeachers guide study groups when they do their work.Phase 5:EvaluationTeachers evaluate learning outcomes of the material that has been learned or each group presented their work.Phase 6:RewardTeachers looking for ways to appreciate both the effort and the learning outcomes of individuals and groups.(Arends, 1997)b). Skills - Learning skills in STADIn STAD not only learn the material, but students also need to learn specific skills called STAD skills. STAD skill serves to smooth working relationship and duties. The role of the employment relationship can be established by dividing the task group members during activities.Skills - STAD skills include the following (Lundgren, 1994).1. Initial Level Skills(A) Using agreementWhat is meant by using the deal is equating opinion useful to improve the work in the group.(B) Appreciating the contributionAppreciating means paying attention to or know what can be said or done by others. This means that there must always agree with the other members, can be criticized given that demonstrated against the idea and not the individual.
(C) Taking a turn and a variety of tasksThis understanding implies that each member of the group willing to replace and willing to carry out certain tasks within the group.(D) Being in groupThe intent here is that every permanent member of the working group during the activity.(E) Being in the taskIt means that the obligation to continue the task, so that the activities can be completed according to the time required.(F) Encouraging participationEncouraging participation means encouraging all group members to contribute to the task group.(G) Invite others(H) Completing the task on time(I) Respecting individual differences2. Intermediate SkillsIntermediate level skills include showing respect and sympathy, expressing disagreement with the manner acceptable, active listening, asking questions, making summary, interpret, organize and organize, as well as reducing tension.3. Skill Level AdvancedAdvanced level skills include elaborate, inspect it carefully, ask the truth, set goals, and compromise.D. Learning STADSTAD learning environment for learning is characterized by processes and active role in determining what students should learn and how to learn it. Teachers set up a high-level structure in the formation of groups and defines all the procedures, but the students are given the freedom to control from time to time in the group. So that lessons with STAD want to be successful, a complete course materials should be available in the staff room or in the library or in the media center. The success also requires the terms of distancing traditional errors related to group work in the liver - liver manage student behavior.1. Implementation of Openness STAD (Student Teams Achievemnet Divisions) in Geography EducationSTAD system implementation can be presented with one example of the application of the system STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) by Slavin (1994) as follows:a. TeachTime: 2 hours lessonThe basic idea: Provide subject matterMaterial: In accordance with the aim of learning in particular (TPK) Geography Class XII-IS-2 Semester.Each lesson begins with a presentation in STAD classes conducted by teachers, which covers the opening of the components, the development and implementation guidelines of learning materials.b. Discussion GroupTime: 1 hour lessonThe basic idea: Provide subject matterMaterial: As the learning objectives in particular (TPK) Geography Class XII-IS-2 Semester.Group Formation: Before the group work starts, teachers form the group consisting of 4-6 students, with differences based on achievement of high, medium, and the lack of sex differences.During the performance of the study group, the task of each member of the group is to master the material provided in the lessons and helping other members to master the subject matter. The students were given worksheets and answer sheets used for the task group. Only two copies of the worksheets and answer sheets are given to each group, this will encourage these groups to work together, but if there are some students who would like to have a copy of itself, can be made more copies to give to them.On the first day in the STAD group work, teachers should explain to the students about what it means teamwork. More specifically, before the start of the working group needs to be addressed following the rules of this group and can be written on the chalkboard or bulletin board:a. Students have a responsibility to ensure that members of his group have studied the material provided.b. None were allowed to stop until all group members have mastered the material.c. Tanyakanatau ask for help on all members of the group before asking the teacherd. The group members can talk to each other in low voices.c. TestTime: 2 hours lessonThe basic idea: Individual TestsMaterials: Tests relating to material that has been discussed within the group, namely materials Geography Class XII-IS-2 Semester.The teacher divides the tests and give enough time for students to complete. Do not allow the students to work together in taking the test; at this stage the student must demonstrate what they have learned individually. If possible send some students to separate their tables. Be sure to put a value on the test at the next meeting.d. Group awardsThe basic idea: Determining the value of the increase in individual and group value and reward groupse. Individuals and groups determine nialiHaving carried out the test, determined the value of the increase of individuals and groups as well as giving an award to the group that has a high value. If possible generally value group obtained in the period after the implementation of the test. This makes the relationship between the results of the implementation of a good job with the receipt of an award from the students, thereby increasing their motivation to do their best.1). Value enhancement. Shiva obtaining increased value for their group based on the rate at which their test scores (the percentage of correct answers) exceeds the value of their base:No aspect of Skoor Value1 More than 10 below the baseline 102 10 values ​​to one value below the baseline 203 10 above the baseline 304 more 10 above the baseline 375 perfect (without counting the base value) 50Description :Students answered correctly X 100 = Value obtained
50Example: Student A Correct answer as many as 37. Then the value obtained by Student A was 37/50 X 100 = 80. So the value obtained by Student A 80
Before you begin to determine the value of the improvement, needed a copy of the test scores. The purpose of the provision of basic values ​​and points of this increase is to enable all students to provide maximum value in each group, whatever the result of achievements in which they obtained earlier. Students understand that it is quite unfair to compare each student with their achievement levels for all students prior to class with the level of ability and experience different.2). The value of the group. To determine the value of the group, noting the increase in the value of each member of the group on the summary sheet group and dividing the total group increase the number of group members in attendance.Giving awards for group achievement. Three levels are given. All three are based on the average value of the group as follows:No Choice Award Criteria ValueBy Letter1 Students acquire Value 1-20 Ugly K2 Students acquire Value 21-37 Less well D3 Students acquire Value 41-60 Pretty Good C4 Students acquire Value 61-80 Good B5 Students acquire Value 81-100 A Very GoodE. Relations STAD method on learning achievement StudentsGeography lesson at school serves as one of the subjects to understand the social life in order to develop students' abilities and rational attitude in mengahdapi real life in society.Determination of social science disciplines which covers material geography, economics, geography, sociology and science of government is expected to equip the student's readiness to play a role in society. The role realized mutually harmonious relationship between himself and other people, the environment and a variety of institutions that regulate social lifeIn fact, the lives of people experiencing rapid development in accordance with the development of science and technology and industry. Currently Indonesian society face and role in the governance of international life hereinafter known era of globalization. This era requires keterbuakaan in improving the quality of human life that is prosperous, the growing interdependence among nations and the smelting of information.globalization for teaching geography at implies that contain demands on teachers to plan and organize teaching Geography future-oriented. this means that the teaching of Geography compiled and presented to the students, with varied improvisation, in order to have relevance in the future life equips students as members of the community who have the personality and independent.one of which is assumed Geography learning strategies relevant to the demands of the development of society one is cooperative learning STAD method. In STAD system, students work together to learn and take responsibility for their lessons. Learning process oriented towards the goals and success of the group. All students have an equal opportunity to be successful, the group can be rewarded and individuals should be consistent with its responsibilities.On the other hand, the learning system with STAD this method requires readiness and creativity of the teachers to always perform developments Geography matter that touches on the phenomenon of today's society. Evolving issues in society, norms, customs, religious system, system of values, ideology countries and all other aspects of social life, inserted and processed to be a matter of discussion that interest students. In this case the teachers are required to have a solid scholarly integrity and the spirit of hard work to access information and knowledge that is dynamic.Learning system with STAD method designed and readiness of students and teachers with adequate, will be able to improve the quality of teaching and learning process. Further assume that the quality of teaching and learning process will affect student achievement. This helped reinforce the research hypothesis which states that the cooperative learning system with STAD method can improve student achievement in subjects GeographySo the relationship between STAD learning method on the learning achievement of Geography, that with the provision of learning with regular STAD method and keep the students' learning activity arising within the Geography and developed the knowledge he received. Thus, the accuracy or effectiveness of the learning method STAD method can ultimately improve learning achievement achieved by students. This is what can be used as evidence that the presence of the students' learning effectiveness will obtain achievement or good value. So thus giving the method of learning with the STAD method is more appropriate in all subjects.

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