the aim of developing a better school organization, the Headmaster
oftens face various problems the which rose from various work methods of
each school personnel. Those methods work Often Inappropriate or even oppose against the organizational goals. The
reality the which is Often Appeared at school is that teachers Often
arrive late to work and leave early, absence with all kind of s good,
indifferent to the work environment, like to detach him / herself from
the association, would like to start arguments with other teachers,
aggressive thinking, strikes, damaging the school equipments and small Also lifting (Owens, 1991).
the phenomenon Mentioned above, there are teachers who works Diligently
Also, discipline, sensitive to environment and others, and Also loyal
to the organization. Picture of Reviews those differences could represent the appearance indicator of conflict situations (Owens, 1991). Conflict means the existence of opposition or different ideas Among people, groups, or organizations (Schermerhorn, 1986). Considering the existence of growth and changing in the management
area, therefore if different opinions, beliefs, and ideas Also arose.
makes sense that if people work along for a very long time in order to
pursue the common targets, the assumption that the different ideas Among
them would arose. (Wexley & Yukl, 1984; Winardi, 1994)
Viewed as a very interesting process in management, Because conflict
itself intrinsically represent the dynamic process that can be seen,
elaborated, and analysed (Wahjosumidjo, 1993). Conflict can occur Among individuals, groups, and Organizations. If two individuals hold on to a vision the which is opposed against
one another, and they never compromised, Also when each of them withdraw
different conclusion and growing niche to be intolerant, hence the
conflict would arose.
When conflict takes place in the management area, it can Affect the individual performance. If that indication does not a accommodate, a serious problem arose and would Affect the work mechanism. The control effectiveness would take an important part on the performance (Brown, 1983; Blake & Mouton, 1984).
order to establish the organization of school principals are often
faced with the problem of organization that comes from diversity and
particular style of each school personnel are often not appropriate or
even against the wishes of the organization. The
fact that is often encountered in school include teachers often come
late and go home prematurely, often do not go to a variety of reasons,
indifferent to the working environment, like seclusion of the
association, likes to make trouble with his fellow teachers, think
aggressive, strike, school equipment damage and theft on a small scale (Owens, 1991).
addition to the above-mentioned phenomena are also teachers who work
with passion, disciplined, sensitive to the environment and others, as
well as loyal to the organization. This description of the shape difference as proposed is an indicator of the appearance of a conflict situation (Owens, 1991).
Conflict means any opposition or disagreement among people, groups or organizations (Schermerhorn, 1986). Given the wide range of developments and changes in management, it is very rational if disagreements arise, beliefs and ideas.
addition, when people cooperate closely with each other and in
particular in the context of the pursuit of objectives general, it is
reasonable to assume that the air-immediate long time, definitely there
will be differences of opinion between them (Wexley & Yukl, 1984; Winardi, 1994).
Conflict is seen as a very interesting process in management, because
the conflict itself is essentially a dynamic process that can be seen,
described and analyzed (Wahjosumidjo, 1993).Conflicts can occur among individuals, groups, and organizations. If two individuals each held the view that totally contradict each
other, and they never compromise, and each draw different conclusions,
and if they tend to be intolerant, then certainly there will be
In terms of attendance management conflicts may affect the individual's performance. If these symptoms are not accommodated, can lead to serious problems and interfere with the mechanism of action. The effectiveness of control may affect the performance (Brown, 1983; Blake & Mouton, 1984).
A. Types of Conflicts
an organization, there are conflicts substantive (substantive
conflicts) and conflicts are emotional (emotional conflicts) (Walton,
1989). Conflicts substantive includes mismatch understand about things like:
goals, allocation of resources, distributions rewards, policies and
procedures as well as the assignment of work.
While the emotional conflicts arising from feelings of anger,
mistrust, resentment, fear and opposition, as well as personality
clashes (Walton, 1989).
Similarly, the conflict has destructive side, as well as the constructive (Robbins, 1974; Yukl, 1994). Destructive conflict cause harm to individuals, organizations, or individuals, and organizations. Detruktif conflict occurs when two employees can not cooperate due to the hostility between individuals among them. These conflicts have a negative impact on the survival of the organization.
There are various losses incurred due to destructive conflict, where the loss of people involved in it include things like:
1. Feelings of anxiety or seized2. The intensity of communications is reduced drastically3. Competition is increasing in intensity4. Attention is increasingly shrinking toward a common goal.
Destructive conflicts that arise as a whole can lead to reduced
effectiveness of individuals and groups, because the symptoms of the
shrinking productivity and satisfaction.
Conflicts constructively cause benefits to the individuals and organizations involved in it. The advantages that can be achieved from the conflict are instructive:1. Creativity and innovation are increased.Due to the conflict of the people working on making them perform work or behave in ways that are good.
2. Efforts to increase.Conflict can lead to overcome apathy and may cause those involved to work harder.
3. The bond between members of the group stronger.Conflicts can lead to the strengthening of group identity, strengthening the commitment to achieve common goals;
4. Tension shrinking.Conflict can help the shrinking tensions between individuals (1999).
Whether a particular conflict will be beneficial or not for an organization will depend on its leaders. Therefore,
the head of the organization should not negate the conflict, but the
conflict minimize the adverse and favorable mengfungsionalkan conflict. How mengfungsionalkan conflict that has positive effect (benefit) is highly dependent on how mengaelola. Here, the principal can be categorized as a manager of an organization (school).As a manager, head sekolahn should be able to arrange for all the potential of the school in order to function optimally. This can be done if the principal is able to perform management functions well, include (1) planning; (2) organization; (3) guidance; and (4) surveillance.In
terms of leadership, a school principal may need to adopt a
transformational leadership style, so that all the potential that exists
in the school can function optimally. Transformational
leadership can be defined as a style of leadership that prioritizes the
provision of an opportunity, or push all the elements that exist in the
school to work on the basis of the value system (values system)
sublime, so that all the elements that exist in schools (teachers,
students, and employees) willing and without coercion, to participate optimally in achieving the ideal school.A
trait that has successfully implemented a transformational leadership
style (Luthans, 1995: 358) is as follows: (1) identify themselves as
agents of change (reform); (2) has a daredevil nature; (3) trust others; (4)
act on the basis of the value system (not on the basis of individual
interests, or on the basis of interests and insistence cronies); (5) improve the ability to continuously; (6) have the ability to deal with the situation is complicated, unclear and uncertain; and (7) have a vision for the future.To improve the performance of teachers, then one of the efforts to be
made by the principal is doing managing conflicts that occur in schools,
meaning that destructive conflict which affect the achievement of the
goals of the school is minimized, and the conflict is directed at the
instructive power of organizational productivity.Each school principal today face various kinds of problems of conflict, within their respective schools. In general, people assume that conflict is always negative impact. In fact, under certain conditions it conflicts need for organizational change and development interests. Therefore, knowledge about techniques and how to manage conflict
effectively is so important organization controlled by the principals.
A discussion on how or organizational conflict management refers to the opinion of Robbins, 1974; Walton, 1989; Hanson, 1991; Owens, 1991; and Goleman, 1999; namely:
(1) techniques to avoid, (2) engineering competition (command
authoritative), (3) techniques accommodation (leveling), (4) technical
compromise, and (5) technical collaboration (cooperation) or problem
solving. Such techniques can be applied in educational organizations (schools),
yet also such techniques can be combined with the idea of emotional
intelligence Goleman.
B. EQ (Emotional Quotation)Emotional
intelligence can be defined as self-control, zeal, and persistence, and
the ability to motivate yourself and endure the frustration, the
ability to control impulses and emotions, not exaggerating pleasure, set
the mood and keep the load stress does not cripple the ability to think
to read and understand the inner feelings of others (empathy) and pray,
to maintain relationships with the best, the ability to resolve
conflicts, and to lead. (L.Verina H. Secapramana, 1999).
Goleman (1995) suggests that emotional intelligence, as a deterrent to conflict. The effectiveness of the use of organizational conflict management
techniques by the principal will have a positive impact for the
achievement of the organization as indicated by Goleman (1999) that one
of the qualities of a leader is the ability to control the conflict, so
as to create a favorable climate in the work environment leads.
that the conflict can not be avoided, then a good approach is applied
by a leader is trying to exploit the conflict approaches such a way that
the conflict be appropriate and effective to achieve organizational
goals desired. "Approach conflict as a normal part of behavior can be used as a tool
to promote and achieve the desired changes (Winardi, 1994: 58).
general, conflicts in schools caused by things that are academic and
non-academic, such as differences of opinion about the concept of
education, things that happen when a meeting and others, which greatly
affect the productivity of the work of the school personnel ,
C.Situasi-Conflict SituationsThe principals and devoted much of their time in dealing with conflict situations that arise in their school. Conflict is a problem that concerns the man in the organization. The whole issue concerning human terms is complicated and if not constructed properly, will damage the organization. Conversely if handled carefully, will be an essential factor in the organization's objectives. Therefore Goleman (1995) suggested that in order to deal with such
situations, the efforts to develop the skills of conflict management is
very important.
Conflict situations are: (1) conflict within the individual himself; (2) interpersonal conflicts; (3) conflict between groups; (4) inter-organizational conflict (Goleman, 1995; Yukl, 1994).
Conflict within the individual's ownEvery conflict can be devastating for the person or persons connected with them. Among the conflicts that can potentially worrying can be called conflicts involving the individuals themselves. Conflicts can occur when we get excessive load or if we receive too many responsibilities. If we can not deal with conflict within ourselves, there will be stress. Stress is an additional product that often appear to conflict within the individual's own (Coleman, 1987).
Interpersonal conflictsInterpersonal conflicts occur between one or more individuals. Nature sometimes is substantive or emotional. Everyone has had experience with interpersonal conflicts; This type of conflict is the main form of conflict faced by managers. Caused by the confrontation with one person or more, and the things we want to avoid.
Inter-organizational conflictConflicts can also occur between organizations. In general, such a conflict in light of the competition between one
company with another company in achieving their stated objectives.
Understanding the conflict situationHandling conflict situations successfully, requires the ability to understand the processes and the underlying elements. Conflicts that arise may be constructive in terms of taking the best
decision for the benefit of the organization, or otherwise can become
destructive due to the nature of the hostilities.
Factors to be considered in a conflict situation, among other things: (1) the differences of the facts; (2) the difference of methods; (3) differences about the objectives; (4) differences about values (Brown, 1983).
To resolve the differences of the facts, should a manager dispenses information obtained; should be taken to check the validity of the data; the data collected should be from credible sources.
To resolve the differences on the methods, should be the common goals of the organization to keep in mind; to understand the differences in progress should be considered as differences about the tools.
resolve the differences about the objectives of each objective should
be the manager need to be discussed, and if necessary should be revised
and should be compared with the objectives to be achieved by the
organization. In order to resolve differences about values, should be pursued to
determine which area of the overlapping values and containing
certain consistency-consistency.
Similarly, managers who view conflict as a negative opinion that the conflict should be avoided. In such conditions, the conflict would be seen as an aggression (assault), violent and destructive competition. A
negative view of this conflict will color an attitude that always wants
to "win", where one of the parties achieve what they want at the
expense of the other party desires. Thus the negative emotions personnel will inhibit the breakdown of an
issue fairly, because feelings and empathy and harmonious communication
as an important thing (Goleman, 1999) neglected.On
the other hand such as in modern organizations, considers that the
positive potential of conflict to develop the organization's
performance. Therefore,
the conflict should not be avoided, but it needs to be managed and
directed at solving the results that have a positive contribution to the
effectiveness of the organization. There was also a manager who see the conflict in a positive way, ie,
as a moment which can be a source of inspiration need for problem
solving and decision making.
Positive and negative impacts of a conflict the organization is highly dependent on the ability of a manager to handle it. Conflicts that are too high or low in general destructive consequences for the life of the organization. While the advantage of a conflict would be obtained if the manager is
able to motivate subordinates so not much distortion behavior of the
organization's objectives and work standards.
D. Conflict ResolutionA
school principal as the manager of the organization, could be the main
parties in the conflicts that occurred, meaning a person actively
involved in a growing conflict. A school principal often asked for help to act as the mediator in the conflicts that occur in schools. Anyway, in any case, a school principal must be a skilled participant
in the dynamics of conflict, suppose to be implemented is not the result
of constructive and destructive results.
resolution in the organization of the school is largely determined by
the ability of the principal as the manager of the organization. With
its influence and authority of the school principal is obliged to
empower the entire resources of teachers and other personnel in order to
improve organizational effectiveness. One of the capabilities demanded owned by the principal is the ability to resolve the conflict properly.
Goleman (1999) suggested that a person who has the skills to resolve
conflicts must be: (1) diplomacy and tactics to calm people in a state
of tension, (2) identify matters that could potentially be a conflict,
resolve disagreements openly, and help cool the situation, (3) encourages open debate and
discussion, (4) drove to an acceptable solution or a win-win.
strategy and tactics soothe people who are facing tensions can be done
by detecting the source of the problem as early as possible is the
cause. Therefore,
a school principal should be willing to listen to the hearts and
feelings of others in addition to trying to empathize with problems and
thoughts, feelings being experienced by the person. This means that in conflict management organization, and psychological aspects of human relationships is the determinant factor.
Goleman (1999) suggested that the ability to "influence" of leaders was
instrumental in solving organizational problems. Ability to influence must be understood that not only affects the work
but also affects to understand the psychological aspects of others.
Besides negotiating skills in resolving conflicts is also important. A
manager is required to be menegosiasilan people or groups involved in
the conflict, and it should be understood that these negotiations
psychologically charged. By negotiation, then those involved in the conflict can communicate and discuss best look for alternative solutions.
(1999) presents three styles of negotiation, namely: (1) solving the
problem, where each trying to find the best solutions by working through
the differences that exist, locate and solve the problem, so everyone
achieve profitability as a result. (2) compromise, in which both parties to be cooperative and assertive; implementing bargaining efforts to reach solutions acceptable, that no one feels that he won or lost absolutely. (3) aggression, where one of the parties to impose the will to others.
the three forces, it seems that kompromilah style is a style that might
be acceptable to both sides because it is a win-win style. Style compromise is that it can benefit all parties involved in the conflict. Win-win
conditions negate the reasons for continuing or renewing the existing
conflicts, because there is nothing inevitable or stressed. All relevant issues debated and discussed openly.
main prerequisites that must be held to resolve the conflict as
described above is in need of emotional skills such as self-awareness,
self-confidence, empathy and self-control. It
should be emphasized that empathy does not mean to give in to the
demands of other parties, as well as understanding other people's
feelings does not necessarily agree with that, but it must have strong
standards and principles. Adhering to the principle of non-lethal means of empathy but both need to be integrated and aligned in organizational life.
E. Principal as Mediator (Mediator)A manager is someone who in a particular organization has one or several subordinates. Similarly, a school principal, has subordinate namely teachers and administrative employees.
means that every school principal, always face the possibility to be
involved in the conflicts that occur as a mediator (intermediary) or
third parties. As a third party, the principal's example can help the subordinates in
this case the teachers and administrative employees resolve
interpersonal conflicts, or it can help resolve conflicts between groups
that are under his domain.
A very important role as a mediator. The role can be implemented through two kinds of different approaches,
namely: (1) active intervention, and (2) the facilitation of (Robbins,
1974; Winardi, 1994).
Active interventionA school principal can perform various kinds of action to bsecara active in efforts to resolve conflict situations. Such efforts may include appeals kerpada conflicting parties to
remember the lofty goals of the organization, so as to cause them to
subside in terms of conflict.
FacilitationThe second approach towards mediation, is through the role of facilitator. This approach is very personal, and it is necessary for communication skills.
listening, very useful for a principal as a mediator, as well as the
free flow of communication should be developed, in order to reach the
core of the problems that exist. Interpersonal
conflicts, often complicated by high emotions, causing behavior that
does not seem entirely unreasonable, irrational, and not logical for
people watching as outsiders. Effort from outside parties to carry out the intervention, it will
probably cause a reaction of hostility, aggression and feelings of
anxiety and fear arise.
such situations, the role of a school principal as a mediator is to
apply communication skills and interpersonal skills among the parties
involved in the conflict in question (Goleman, 1999; Cox & Cooper,
1998; Bennis and Nanus, 1985). Communication skills is to talk about feelings effectively; be a good listener and questioner; distinguish between what is done or said to someone with his own reactions or judgments. While interpersonal skills are upon ability to deal with the crowds, and diplomatic and calculating.Principals
should avoid the creation of a pattern of relationships with teachers
who rely on power, and instead need to promote functional cooperation. He also had to refrain from one-man show, on the contrary should emphasize cooperation kesejawatan; avoiding the creation of a working atmosphere which is too scary, and
instead need to create the conditions that make all the teachers
confidence.The school principal also must refrain from rhetoric discourse, on the contrary need to prove the ability of professional work; and avoid in order not to cause a teacher's job becomes boring.COVERDiscussion about managing conflict studies teachers become interesting until now. A conflict occurs when one or both sides showed hostility and hindering efforts to achieve each goal. Conflict is a natural part of social processes, and occurs in all organizations.
are various kinds of leader behavior concerning conflict management
approaches such as: mediating conflicts, explains the importance of
cooperation, stressing common interests, conduct team building sessions,
and others. But all of them are unable to resolve the conflict. One approach that can be used to manage the conflict is emotional intelligence approach
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