Kamis, 17 September 2015

Workshop Learning Implementation Plan-ADISA SMAN 6 MADIUN

A. BackgroundIn the era of modern, globalized, and change very quickly, the personal preparation (structural strength), teanaga functional and functional staff general) quality is becoming increasingly complicated. But these complexities should we need it as a challenge that must be avoided.Organesasi resources, in this case everyone (both leaders, administrative staff, functional personnel / teachers, clerks not Keep) is incorporated in a organesasi that the role and sumbangnya each affects the achievement of the objectives organesasi. Teachers are the spearhead in prosese learning has a strategic role and functions in an effort to increase the competence and professionalism of teachers constantly need to be done.Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 familiar with the standards of National Education, teachers are educators Education Unit level required for innovative and creative, because pembelaran contains a series of teaching materials that provide a real contribution in everyday life in an effort to improve quality. With the Activity Workshop Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) Environment / Adiwiyata At National High School 6 Madiun Cooperating with PGRI Madiun expected later aakan contribute to the improvement of the competence and professionalism of teachers primary school teachers SMA order memliliki competence and empowerment in implementing the learning process so that it can carry out its duties and functions optimally.In carrying out the tasks of education and teaching, teachers are required to have competencies include personal competence, social competence and professional competence.1. Pedagogic Competence: The ability to manage the learning of students.2. Competence Personality: Ability personality mantab beraklaq noble, wise and authoritative as well as being an example of learners.3. Social Competence: Ability berintraksi teachers to communicate effectively and efficiently with students and the surrounding community.4. Professional Competence: Ability mastery of subject matter is broad and deep.Thus education and training deemed necessary as part of efforts to optimize its role and function in carrying out everyday tasks. Through the development process Workshop we want to build energy-tnaga completely as the subject of quality. Build personnel completely on hakekatya is to develop human potential through the balance of the whole process to think, if the taste, though the liver, and the exercise is done in line with the development of civilization.
B. Legal Basis Workshop• Government Regulation No. 101 of 2000 on Job Workshop for Civil Servants.• Environment Indonesia Decree No. 087/0/2003, about Organesasi Structure and Work Procedure of the Environment;• Decree of the Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia No. 36 098 / A2.3 / KP / 2003, concerning the appointment of the Head of Principal• Decree of the Ministry of Environment No. 044/0/2004, about the details of the task of the Environment;• DIPA Principal and Chairman of PGRI Madiun No. 0795.0 / 023-08.0 / XV / 2007• Decree of the Head of Environment of East Java Number: 1224 / F / F32 / D / 2007 dated July 23, 2007, concerning the appointment of participants, trainers and organizers Workshop Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) Environment / Adiwiyata In Public High School 6 Madiun Cooperating With PGRI Madiun.
C. Source of Funds ActivityThis operating dibiayaioleh Swadana participation of teachers in collaboration with the Principal and Chairman of PGRI Madiun No. 0795.0 / 023-08.0 / XV / 2007 dated October 31, 2014
D ObjectivesGoals to be achieved through a Workshop on Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) Environment / Adiwiyata At National High School 6 Madiun Cooperating With PGRI Madiun, teachers are expected to:• Memeahami philosophy, concepts, principles and procedures Workshop Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) Environment / Adiwiyata At National High School 6 Madiun Cooperating With PGRI Madiun• Develop and implement a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) Environment / Adiwiyata At National High School 6 Madiun Cooperating With PGRI Madiun in class, school and MGMP.E. Results ExpectedMeningkatkanmutu appropriate learning subjects according to subject taught by the teacher at the school level SMA.F. TargetTarget Implementation Workshop on Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) Environment / Adiwiyata At National High School 6 Madiun Cooperating With PGRI Madiun are 60 teachers at the high school level, both public and private se MadiunG. ImplementationThis activity is held since 12th February 2015 sd 14 February 2015 which was held at SMAN 6 Madiun
H. FacilitatorWorkshop facilitator in the activities is derived from elements:• Head of SMAN 6 Madiun.• PGRI Chairman of Madiun• Master Yang has Competency in Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) Environment / Adiwiyata as Speaker
AppraisalAssessment in this workshop include assessment workshop participants, facilitators and organizers assessment, objective assessment is to determine and measure the success of the Workshop in achieving its objectives as well as the subsequent program improvement efforts.Assessment for peserts Workshop include:1. Academic AspectsAssessment of the academic aspects of the assessment process consists of, among others, the completion of tasks and daily activities in the classroom as well as evaluating the results of Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) Environment / Adiwiyata.2. Aspects of Non-AcademicAssessment of the participants based on the information obtained through the observation of attitudes and behavior. Components assessed include attitudes and behavior.3. Aspects of Discipline
Obedience and adherence to all program participants who have been assigned by the organizer. Indicatornya is the presence, accuracy class attendance, task completion accuracy, neatness of dress according to the provisions specified ..
A. Early ActivityWorkshop on Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) Environment / Adiwiyata At National High School 6 Madiun Cooperating With PGRI Madiun was opened by the Head Principal and Chairman of PGRI Madiun ,.The opening was attended by a competent resource persons that participants and organizers. The opening ceremony is as follows:1. Report of the Chairman of the Committee Penyelenggra.2. Briefing by the Principal and Chairman of PGRI Madiun simultaneously open the implementation of the Workshop.3. Reading of Prayer
B. Core ActivitiesIn the process and learning, the facilitator has submitted material in a coherent and gambling, but participants are expected to develop again the material. Therefore the material presented terpokus theories, for solidified the theory obtained in this activity, the participants also practice at SMAN 6 Madiun.C. Final EventThe end of the education and training activities are covered by the closure of PGRI Chairman Madiun on 14th February 2014 at 12.00 pm. Closure of the Committee and attended by all participants of education and training.

A. StructuralAccording to the standard of competence required for teachers as educators, then compiled Activity Workshop Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) Environment / Adiwiyata At National High School 6 Madiun Cooperating With PGRI Madiun by using a pattern that includes 50 hours of lessons (@ 45 minutes ) as follows :Brazing NO ACTIVITY TIME ALLOCATION1 Opening, Insights Environment / Adiwiyata Drs. Hariyadi. M.Pd 2 Hours2 Preparation of Syllabus Environment / Adiwiyata Tony Irawan. M.Pd. 6 Hours3 Preparation of Environmental RPP / Adiwiyata Drs. Adi Suprayitno. M.Pd 6 Hours4 Planning Preparation Learning Media Drs. Adi Suprayitno. M.Pd 8 Hours4 Environmental Policy Sustainable Insights SUSILO. S.Pd 4 Hours5 Preparation of PTK Drs. Adi Suprayitno. M.Pd 4 Hours6 Preparation of Research Instruments Drs. Hariyadi. M.Pd 4 Hours7 Synchronize RPP with SUSILO Environment. S.Pd 4 HoursNumber 38 Hours
A. CONCLUSIONSAs a form of responsibility in following the activities Workshop Learning Implementation Plan

(RPP) Environment / Adiwiyata At National High School 6 Madiun Cooperating With PGRI Madiun held on 12 February 2015 sd 14 February 2015 which was held at SMAN 6 Madiun, the authors prepared a report briefly. Authors hope this short report can be useful for those who need and the authors do not close themselves from criticism and suggestions for the perfection of the report's authors in the future.Expectations with the implementation of this activity is that teachers can improve porfesionalisme teach and implement the results, and can distribute to colleagues in their respective areas so that the learning process in the classroom can be upgraded.
B. SuggestionsThis activity should be carried out on an ongoing basis so that resources organesasi (functional staff / teachers) region increased quality: cognitive, psychomotor and effective. In addition, support and co-operation opportunities related parties is required in order that the results of this activity can be applied and developed in the region. Implementation Activities Workshop Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) Environment / Adiwiyata At National High School 6 Madiun Cooperating With PGRI Madiun, generally runs well and smoothly, according to the program structure that has been set, the authors hope that it can be maintained ,

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